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DGMokita, the host currently running Assassination, can be contacted via email at

General Concept

  1. Assassination is a game just like its name indicates. The entire point of the game, is to assassinate the other players.
  2. The game is played with between ten and thirty assassins.
  3. Any character of any profession is allowed to participate in the game.
  4. Each assassin is randomly assigned another player of the game as their target.
  5. Each assassin is randomly assigned a weapon for use in the game. These weapons *cannot* be used for any other purpose than the game, nor can they be used in future games.
  6. Once an assassin has eliminated their target, they are assigned another from the remaining assassins. In the event there are no available targets, the assassin must wait for one to come available before continuing the game.
  7. The game will continue in the process of elimination, until there is only one assassin remaining. This means that the game could, in theory, last indefinitely.


  1. *No* death in the game shall be permanent. If a player is assassinated, then they are removed from the list of players.
  2. The game will continue until there is only one assassin remaining.
  3. There will be no fights, duels, etc. An assassination attempt is either hit or miss.
  4. If an assassin fails their attempt (to hit roll) by more than 20%, then the target will be given a chance to retaliate in an attempt of their own. The original assassin does have a chance to evade if they are hit, although they do not have the opportunity to turn the attack back on their target. If the target fails to assassinate the other player, then the original assassin must wait for another opportunity (no less than 1/2 hour from the failed attempt).
  5. No two assassins will be given one another as targets (i.e. Assassin "A" might have Assassin "B" as a target, but Assassin "B" would not have Assassin "A" as a target). There are two exceptions to this rule: The last two assassins remaining in the game, and in the event that assassinations happen in such a manner as to where two assassins are assigned one another (i.e. "A" had "B" as a target, who had "C" as a target, while "C" had "A" as a target. If "A" kills "B", then they by default must kill "C").
  6. There will be two categories for winners of the game. The first shall be for the top three assassins to live the longest. The second shall be for the top three assassins to kill the most targets. A player can win in both categories, although they might not always.
  7. Assassinations can happen in any room of the game, at any time. However, if a player is assassinated, it *must* be logged and / or noted by a host. (This may seem tedious, but it is the only way to ensure there is no cheating.)
  8. If an assassin does hit their target, then the target shall be given one chance to evade. If the evade is failed, the target is assassinated. If the evade is passed, the assassin must wait for another opportunity (no less than 1/2 hour from the failed attempt).
  9. Targets will not be made aware of their intended assassins at the start of the game. The only way to learn this information is to successfully avoid being assassinated (see rules 4 and 8 above).
  10. No assassin will be given knowledge as to the other players of the game, except for their targets.
  11. Once an assassin kills their target, they will be assigned a new one. This is done by contacting the host running the game with proof that their target has been assassinated. In the event that the assassination was noted by another host, rather than logged, it will be the obligation of the host running the game to obtain confirmation from the host that noted the assassination.
  12. Assassination attempts *must* be made with the weapons given out for the purpose of the game. If an assassin is found to have used any other weapon, the assassination shall be nulled, and the offending assassin shall be removed from the game. Any experience or gold accumulated to the point of the false assassination will be revoked from the assassin.
  13. In the event that one of the assassins in the game is killed in Destiny, their target will be reassigned to the player who originally was given the deceased character as a target.
  14. Critical rolls (1-5 and 95-100) are *not* taken into consideration in this game. This means that a roll of 1-5 can still be evaded, and a roll of 95-100 is just a miss.
  15. Assassinations must be done within one week's time of assignment. This is to assure that the players of the game are actually playing, and not just sitting back and waiting to win the game by lasting the longest, because they weren't around to be killed.
  16. Renegades and Paladins participating in the game, are not required to use their armor in their evade. The exception to this, of course, would be if the player were already wearing the armor (i.e. during a quest, melee, etc).


  1. As stated above, prizes will be awarded based on two different categories. The first shall be for the top three assassins to live the longest. The second shall be for the top three assassins to kill the most targets. A player can win in both categories, although they might not always.
  2. To the three assassins who lived the longest will be rewarded a sum of gold not to exceed the amount of 500. For each day that they survived from the beginning of the game, the assassins will be rewarded 10 gold.
  3. To the three assassins to kill the most targest will be rewarded a sum of gold not to exceed the amount of 1,000. For each target killed from the beginning of the game, the assassins will be rewarded 100 gold.
  4. To all the winners of both categories will be rewarded one weapon of their choice, that fits their profession(s), and can be found on the main list of weaponry for the game. The weapons will have a gold plating and the winner's name enscribed within. These weapons will deal their normal damage, along with a modification of +3 to the first place winner(s), +2 to the second place winner(s), and +1 to the third place winner(s). These pluses can be to either damage, evade or to hit. In the event that a player should win in both categories, they will be rewarded only one weapon, and the pluses are *not* cumulative. They must choose one of the two. A player may choose to have the gold plating and plus added to an existing item in their inventory. However, they must keep in mind that it will negate any already existing enchantments on the item.
  5. To the assassins who do not place in one of the categories listed above will be rewarded 5 gold for each day from the beginning of the game that they survived, and 50 gold for each target killed from the beginning of the game.
  6. Experience shall be rewarded to the assassins as follows: For each target killed from the beginning of the game, the assassins will receive 5 experience.
  7. Each assassin, if they so choose, will be allowed to keep the weapon they were given to play the game. These weapons are utterly useless outside of the game, and they cannot be reused in future games.


  1. Weapons will be assigned randomly to each assassin. The weapons will always be ones that can be used by the player's profession. These weapons will deal no damage, as they are made out of a material that prevents such from occurring.
  2. Each profession shall have a list of available weapons to use in the game. When a player joins the game, they must inform the host running it of their profession. The host will then choose one of the available weapons on that profession's list by a roll of the dice. In the case of dual-classed characters, the same rule applies here as for the use of regular weapons.

Weapons Lists
Animal Master Weapons Assassin Weapons Avatar Weapons Bard Weapons Druid Weapons Fighter Weapons
Gladiator Weapons Illusionist Weapons Mage Weapons Mercenary Weapons Ninja Weapons Paladin Weapons
Priest Weapons Ranger Weapons Renegade Weapons Samurai Weapons Shadow Witch Weapons Thief Weapons
Obscure Weapons