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Aranthi finally gets off her arse - though technically she just sat down O.o Yes well I've been extremely busy 'doing things' (aka mucking around) buying shares (pretend - being greedy and wanting a trip to newyork) having interlectual chats with people (aka begging for ski trips) and thinking... and stuff *blink* (this infact, though you might not believe the thinking, is true).
Anywho recently just found out I could not be bothered with the form for elfwood.... goddddddddd boringgg - I gave up halfway through and decided making a whole new site would be easier.......... But of course I haven't made my own layout yet and for that I apolergise, lol, although some of you may like this better (when I say some I mean all) - maybe I'll put one of my own drawings on to (sorry if this scares you) anyway planning on putting some cheat on here, layouts, pics, char descs - that type of thing
ooOOOOOooooooOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOoooooo I like this I do ^^;; Tired now........... think I'll go beddy byes lol