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She stood at the window, looking out into the opaque night. Foreboding clouds concealed the moon and left her wondering if, somewhere, there were stars struggling to be seen. He had been gone for so long, and months had passed... and she waited. Her eyes closed with thoughts of him and as her hand dropped the sheer curtain, she turned into the room and remembered the last time they were there together. Thunder began to rumble softly in the distance and filled her with the passion of that long ago nite as lightening engulfed the room splashing shadows about her. His warm breath caressed her neck and her skin prickled at the touch of his hand upon her shoulder. Their lips met -lightly at first - like a silk scarf on porcelaneous skin. His arms enfolded her and she melted to his form. Outside,the heavens opened and torrential rains pelted the leaded windows around them, white brilliance intermittently illuminated the darkness and loud cracks of thunder reverberated through their souls. Together,they lay on the dense carpeting and partook of each other. Her cries emulated the fury of the storm outside and he strove to pleasure her,not knowing it would be their last act of intimacy . They awakened to the sound of the thunder rumbling away in the distance and the fading of the lightening as silver droplets of rain silently cascaded down the pane. They hovered together,satiated by their passion and they knew, as colors of rainbows and warmth of the sun crept over them ... they were the storm.

A tear that flows...
An empty heart..
I'm left to think why we're apart
I'm lost for words...
Time stands still...
Does a dream, a wish, a prayer ever become real
