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Tuesday, March 4, 2003

Nothing much today! FINALLY AN UPDATE! I added a new feature called Ask Ansem..If you'd like to see it, click here or you can find it to the right in the links. Also! There is a new mystery pic today. Try your luck! Neomail all guesses to Akai (ansems_report) Winner receives a .....brand new car (Nah, just joking with ya XD) A codestone goes out to the winner. Good luck! Heres the pic:

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Congrads Kurohime or shall I say, Riku for getting council. I think you've fully earned it. ^_^ Not much today. Kairi has started the mall. So be sure to check that out. I'll have a link to it up here shortly. I've been working on the worlds some more. So far, everyone whose applied to a position on one of the worlds, has been put up as a resident. If you'd like to live in one of these worlds, the link is to the right. Oh, and theres a new MYSTERY PIC HAS BEEN WON! Answer- Aerith

Winner- kurohime

Saturday, February 15, 2003

We've almost hit our member goal! ^^ I'm really proud of everyone. Everyones done a great job helping out, and I appreciate everything! ^_^ The layout will probably change soon, Kairi has one she made. ^^ And I'm rounding up contest ideas. So if you have any, neomail me ^_^ Also, I'm basically done setting up the worlds, make sure you pay them a visit. If you'd like to join one, they have a link on them to apply.

MYSTERY PIC WON by mini_muu


Friday, February 14, 2003

I've begun working on the site! It'll probably be temporary until the original one is finished. But who knows, maybe I'll turn it into a member blog. Does that sound cool? ^^ Welcome all new members! I'm thinking of new contests, maybe a fanart one? I think that'd be pretty neat. Drawing your favorite Kingdom Hearts characters that is. Well tell me what you think. I'm always open for ideas!


Layout : Layout features Cloud Strif from Kingdom Hearts.

Ansem's Report : Read it
Ask Ansem : Ask away!
Calandar : click
Banners :
Trivia : click
Newbie Packs :
Advertise :
Pictures :
Shop :
Helpful tips : click
Tips cont. : click
Past layouts : click


Which world do you want to live in? : Decide!

