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Andrew's sight

Simple info

My Drawings

Milly Tohmpson
Some weird guy I drew
The Lucky Charms guy
My good friend Zachs sight... hes advanced so go hard on him
Another good friends sight (Josh) that I recomend seeing

Thanks for visiting my sight. I pretty much suck at drawing, but I love to do it. Most of my pictures are pretty much random and usually wolnt have anything in common. I will admit that the picture of Milly I copied from a good friend Zachs sight. You ought to check it out sometime if you have a chance, the sight is linked above. Another good sight I recomend is by another good friend, Josh. His link is above also. Thanks again for visiting my sight and if you have any questions e-mail me at And try not to tell me how much I suck, I already know, but im getting better. Andrew