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Anarchy Incorporated Leaders: Tok and Ready2Rumble
As a new era of RuneScape begins, few clans stand strong. Of the few left, anarchy is arising, and chaos is breaking loose in Runescape. Behold the dynasty of Anarchy Inc, a clan that represents pure honesty, trust, dedication, and chaos. Featuring outstanding pkers and unbelievably skilled clansmen, Anarchy has taken over Runescape. Runescape is your game, Anarchy is ours!

Daily News

1.25.2003 By Tok - Now with exams over we are getting back to the clan and this website. over the next week things should start to develop.

1.20.2003 by Ready2Rumble - Sorry again, just got back from snowboarding all weekend, I received a few applications and will be processing them later tomorrow and will send out acception e-mails. This clan will begin (totally) on 3.1.2003. That is what I am shooting for. So for all the applicants, keep checking your boxes. If you cannot apply since it goes thru Outlook, you can send me an e-mail with your stats to :) Thanks and talk to you tomorrow

1.16.2003 by Ready2Rumble - Sorry guys I had to work all of yesterday. If you any of your are having a problem with the application you can send me an e-mail with all the fields and your answers. Thanks and I'm still working on the private page!

1.14.2003 by Ready2Rumble - Working on the Private site - We can start taking a few applications. Don't expect a reply right away but we will do our best!

1.13.2003 by Tok - The website has been added to, we're still not accepting members so please wait until we are. Thanks.

1.12.2003 by Ready2Rumble - First day of Anarchy, Inc website. Lookin' good heh? Can't wait to get this clan rollin'!