Session 29:
Changing Alliance

[JadedDM]: Chrysote 18th, Rockday; 15 bells.  It is a calm, clear afternoon when the party arrives at the Viscount's mansion for his twenty-fifth birthday celebration.  They are escorted into the main hall and asked to wait a few moments while one of the guards reports to the Viscount that they have arrived.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris is wearing his best clothes, having had them all cleaned and stitched since their last battle.  He is clean shaven and groomed himself to the point of almost resembling a nobleman himself.  He appears nervous, but tries not to show it.

[Aidan]: Aidan looks around awkwardly, clutching the silk jacket that still retains a few scorch marks closer to his body.  He looks especially uncomfortable in being relieved of his bandolier of throwing knives, without a quarterstaff in sight, and no bat flitting about his head.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin has her hair pulled up into a rather curly looking pony tail. Ringlets fall down around her face, and she has removed the circlet she normally wears around her forehead. The dress she wears is an icy blue. It falls off her shoulders, and the sleeves flare out at the wrists. The dress hugs her body and flows down to the floor. For decoration, she has a silver chain belt resting around her waist, and a ruby necklace around her neck. She looks rather comfortable unlike everyone else.

[Daufer]: Daufer wears a plain, dark grey habit and his long, dark hair is smoothed back. His ever-present armor and maul are missing. Though his clothes are different, his dour expression remains the same.

[Aidan]: Siara, clad in a shimmering, golden silk gown, seemingly pristine, stands comfortably with the group, drifting nearer to Jasmin.  She passes a hand across her face, pulling back a loose strand of her freshly washed and straightened hair out of her face, and gives Jasmin a pleasant smile.

[Jasmin]: "I do believe you are trying to outshine me," Jasmin says teasingly to Siara.

[Aidan]: "I'm always up for some healthy competition, Jasmin dear," Siara says with a warm laugh.

[JadedDM]: The guard returns and nods to them politely.  "The Viscount is ready for you.  This way."  He leads them to a door to the west, bringing them again into the dining hall.  This time, however, it is occupied.  The Viscount, an average looking man with green eyes and long black hair that often covers his eyes, sits at the head of the table, an amused expression on his face.  To his right sits Dejo, in full armor despite the setting.  To his left, sits Kricket and his two sons, Cardel and Liam.  All are well-dressed, even Cardel, although he appears rather uncomfortable with his new garbs.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes a few moments to look around the dinning hall before turning her eyes to the Tainted Hands. She almost laughs at Cardel, but she manages to stop herself. Instead, she simply puts on an amused smile.

[Aidan]: Aidan takes one look into the dining hall and just barely stops himself from a relatively obvious rolling of his eyes.  Instead, he offers a quick bow as he steps into the dining hall.

[Daufer]: Daufer nods in acknowledgement at Dejo and gives the Viscount a polite greeting.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris frowns and mutters under his breath, "What are they doing here?"  He bows to the Viscount, as well.

[JadedDM]: The Viscount stands lazily.  "Ah, so the Shadow Bats have arrived.  Yes, I remember you from before, when the Drow came.  I see you have added some new members to your group."

[Aidan]: After a glance at those within the room, Siara offers a sweet smile to the Viscount and the Mezos men, and gives the outline of a small curtsey.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin gives the Viscount a polite curtsy. "Aidan and Siara are their names, my Lord," she says politely as she stands to motion to Aidan and Siara in turn.

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "Please, have a seat.  And enjoy some food.  Kricket was just telling me a most fascinating tale of the time he and his boys fought a group of Grimlocks."  He motions to the table, which contains a number of fresh delicacies, including boiled cavefisher, fried fish, sporg steak, and several other dishes one would not expect to find in this region, or even this continent.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes a seat next to the uncomfortable looking Cardel. "I'm sure Kricket has many fascinating tales to tell everyone."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris takes a seat next to Jasmin.  "Although we have quite a few good tales ourselves," he mentions.

[Aidan]: Siara moves to sit on the left, with the Mezos', Jasmin, and Gaheris, gathering a small pile of delicacies on her dish.  "Perhaps Kricket could finish his tale for us?  And then Gaheris can offer one of his own."

[Aidan]: Aidan sits to the Viscount's right, with Dejo, scrutinizing the food on the table as though wondering what to try first, or what could be poisoned.  "This is quite a feast, my Lord.  Thank you for inviting us."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin glances to Gaheris curiously as she fixes herself a plate.

[Daufer]: Daufer takes the last remaining seat and looks at his food with some hesitance.

[JadedDM]: Kricket:  "As I was saying, the creatures were practically blind, yet they still always knew where we were, no matter where we went.  It seemed all hope was to be lost, until one of Liam's arrows went afoul and scared a nearby nest of bats.  Bats can see things with sound, not vision, and then I realized these creatures were no different.  So I used a spell to create a loud noise, and sure enough, they were paralyzed with pain.  It was an easy matter to finish them off then."

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "Ah, very clever, Kricket," he says, clapping softly.  "I never tire of hearing how you defeat foes that would fell others easily."

[Jasmin]: "You like stories of...excitement, my Lord?" Jasmin asks curiously.

[JadedDM]: The Viscount nods.  "Oh, yes."

[Daufer]: "Were you not in the war, Viscount?" Daufer says. "Surely you have a few tales to tell."

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "Aside from a few zombies and ghouls, I never faced anything particularly fantastic.  Merely other men, like myself."

[Daufer]: Daufer shrugs to himself and begins sipping some wine.

[Aidan]: "Other men can always make for quite the conquest, though, my Lord," Siara says with a grin and a wink.  "Sometimes their defeat could need brilliant strategies."

[Jasmin]: "This might seem like an odd question, but did you ever serve with a man named Videl Labree?"

[JadedDM]: The Viscount shrugged.  "I served with many men, and most of them are now dead."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin nods slightly, not really looking too put out by the answer given to her. "He is my brother, so I was simply curious, my Lord."

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "So what was the greatest beast your group ever slew?" he asks the Shadow Bats, changing the subject.

[Aidan]: "I didn't know you had a brother," Siara whispers to Jasmin.

[Jasmin]: "Older brother. I haven't seen him in quite sometime," Jasmin whispers back to Siara in return before turning her attention back to the Viscount. "I'm not sure what the greatest beast was, but I would say it would have been the banshee we defeated."

[Daufer]: "I once slew a displacer beast, beneath the mines, Viscount," Daufer says, taking another sip of wine.

[Aidan]: "There was also the fire lizard," Aidan says.  "That was quite a fight."

[JadedDM]: Kricket:  "How charming," he says.  "Those are most impressive feats for slayers of your caliber."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Like you could do better?" he challenges.

[JadedDM]: Kricket:  "We have done better, son."

[Jasmin]: "Oh, here we go," she says softly to Siara.

[Aidan]: Siara nods at Jasmin and rolls her eyes.  "This steak is wonderful, my Lord."

[Daufer]: "Peace, Gaheris," Daufer says. "You have lived a long life, sir, and have done much in that life, I imagine."

[JadedDM]: The Viscount ignores Siara's comment, instead fascinated by the argument between Gaheris and Kricket.

[JadedDM]: Kricket:  "Of course.  We have, after all, even slain a dragon.  Few slayers can say that."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin eyes widen a bit at the sound of that. "What type of dragon?"

[Aidan]: "I think I'd like to hear that story," Siara says.

[JadedDM]: Cardel smirks.  "Ah ugly one."

[JadedDM]: Kricket:  "It was a brown dragon, out in the desert," he says as Gaheris quietly simmers.

[Aidan]: "In either case, we defeated the Nightmaster, and the rest of his temple."  Aidan chews on a bit of boiled cavefisher.  "I don't recall any mighty dragon-slayers assisting us for that."

[Jasmin]: "I've never heard that story before," Jasmin admits.

[JadedDM]: Kricket:  "Well, ‘defeat’ is a strong word there, as he managed to escape, correct?"

[Jasmin]: "If he hadn't run, we probably would have defeated him. I just managed to cut down the Rat King before the Nightmaster escaped."

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "Didn't one of your people help him escape?"

[Jasmin]: "I wouldn't say he helped. He was simply dragged along with the Nightmaster."

[Daufer]: "These are semantics," Daufer says. "We discovered the threat and warned the Viscount of the threat. If you had felt the need to take care of him yourself, the opportunity was yours."

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "Really?  The rumors on the street are that he was working with the Nightmaster the whole time, in payment for having his life saved."

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "I insisted the Tainted Hands stay with me during the crisis," he points out.  "They were unavailable for anything else."

[Jasmin]: "You shouldn't believe everything you hear."

[Aidan]: Siara continues her meal, watching the debate go back and forth, and offers some of her fish to Jasmin.

[JadedDM]: Kricket:  "So the rumor you attempted to go to Vassus, but never even made it up into the mountains, is also untrue?" he asks innocently.

[Daufer]: Daufer shrugs. "I don't ever recall going to Vassus."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin smiles brightly to Siara, but she declines the fish. "We didn't make it to Vassus, that is true."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "How the hell do you even know about that?" he demands, losing his temper.

[Aidan]: "Isn't Vassus that abandoned temple on a volcano?" Siara asks innocently after a bite of steak.  "That sounds intimidating.  Have you traveled there, Kricket?"

[JadedDM]: Kricket's eyes dart to Jasmin, and then back to Gaheris.  "I hear things, from time to time."

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "Nobody has gone to Vassus and returned to tell the tale."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks down at her plate upon catching Kricket's eyes.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "We could out-slay you guys anywhere, anytime," he grumbles.

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "Ah, a contest then?  That might be interesting..."

[Jasmin]: "Not without me, you couldn't," Jasmin says to Gaheris.

[JadedDM]: Kricket:  "Very well then, Gaheris.  We accept.  The Viscount may choose the beast, and whoever slays it first, wins."

[JadedDM]: Cardel barks with laughter, highly amused.

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "Oh, yes.  I like this idea very much."  He pauses to think.

[Daufer]: "Gaheris," Daufer says. The priest looks over to the Tainted Hands. "What do you hope to gain by this?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to Siara as if she is at a loss on what to do at this point. "They aren't going to listen to me at this point," she says softly.

[Aidan]: Siara finishes her meal and looks between Gaheris and Kricket, then wonders aloud, "What do you mean 'not without you', Jasmin?"

[Daufer]: "You were very quick to accept a hastily-made challenge," Daufer says. "Especially, when you consider yourself above us. So, I ask again. What do you hope to prove? Or gain?

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "I will not be mocked by them anymore.  We are the better slayers, Daufer.  You know that as well as I.  I'm tired of being left to pick up whatever junk jobs they didn't want.  We deserve better, and we're going to prove it!"

[Jasmin]: "I mean that I am joining the Tainted Hands," she says, trying to talk over the little debate they are having, though she now looks a little uncomfortable.

[JadedDM]: Kricket:  "We are men of honor.  We will not walk away from a challenge."

[Aidan]: "...What?"  Aidan asks, his jaw dropping slightly.

[JadedDM]: The room goes deathly silent, save for the cracking of the fireplace as all eyes turn to Jasmin.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to everyone. "I said that I'm joining the Tainted Hands," she says again in answer to Aidan. "If the invite is still open.”

[Daufer]: "Then go," Daufer says, raising a hand.

[Aidan]: Siara looks past Jasmin, making eye contact with Liam.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Jasmin...what the @#$% are you talking about?!"

[JadedDM]: Kricket smiles most smugly.  "Of course, my dear."

[JadedDM]: Liam makes eye contact with Siara and nods slightly.

[Daufer]: "Gaheris, peace," Daufer says. "I warned you about her from the beginning. She has no concept of loyalty."

[Jasmin]: "You never thought I would, Gaheris. I've been loyal to you and the Shadow Bats, and I'm not sure that is where my loyalty should be."

[Daufer]: Daufer laughs. "Loyalty. What would you know of it, Labree?"

[JadedDM]: Gaheris just stares at Jasmin, a mix of shock and outrage sketched upon his face.

[Aidan]: Siara places her hand on Jasmin's forearm comfortingly.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to Daufer. "I might not be all honorable like you Daufer, but I do know a few things about loyalty," she says, narrowing her eyes at the priest. Absently, she places her hand over Siara's.

[Daufer]: Daufer raises a brow. "Your actions speak otherwise." Daufer lays a hand on Gaheris to restrain him.

[JadedDM]: The Viscount chuckles with mirth.  "Good show, good show.  This will make things all the more interesting."

[Aidan]: Aidan simply remains silent, running a hand through his hair and staring into the space over Jasmin's head as he thinks.

[Jasmin]: "You don't know me, Daufer," Jasmin points out before she turns to look at the Viscount.

[Daufer]: "I believe I had the measure of you from the very beginning," Daufer says. "Gaheris tried to convince me otherwise, but here we are.  It doesn't matter," Daufer says. "Leave, if that is your wish."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  " traitor!  I taught you everything!  Without me, you'd still be dancing at the Miner for drunken goblins!"

[Daufer]: Daufer encircles an arm around his friend, restraining him further.

[Aidan]: "This is ridiculous," Aidan says quietly.  "If she wishes to leave us, then she can leave us.  Spitting on her name to her face simply says more of your own character."  Aidan turns to the Viscount.  "What about this contest, my Lord?"

[JadedDM]: Kricket:  "Tut, tut, Gaheris.  Do not be such a sore loser.  Jasmin is an excellent warrior, and we are the best.  It is only natural she would find you lacking."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris looks like he is about to leap across the table to throttle Kricket.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin closes her eyes for a few moments. "It...It has nothing to do with who is the best."

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "Ah, I have just the task."

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "Do tell, my lord."

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "I once heard a story about some ruins in the Dayru Desert .  I believe they were called Abelard.  Supposedly, they date back to pre-Eonian times."

[JadedDM]: Liam nods.  "I have heard of these ruins.  They were some ancient military outpost, yes?"

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "Yes, I believe so.  Anyway, the story was that these ruins are now infested with a number of dangerous creatures, including pyrolisks."

[Jasmin]: "...Pyrolisks?"

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Ha!  Pyrolisks!  Child's play!" he says.

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "I'm glad to hear you say that.  Whichever group retrieves the most pyrolisk skulls for me, will be declared the winner of the contest."

[Aidan]: Aidan's eyes widen, and he stares at Gaheris' outburst, and then turns his head to stare at the Viscount as he makes his request.

[Daufer]: "For what prize?"

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "What prize, indeed? should be something very rewarding.  Ah, I know.  With the unfortunate deaths of the Monet family, there is now room available for a new noble family..."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin's mouth almost falls open upon hearing the prize.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "We'll do it!"

[Daufer]: Daufer shrugs. "I have no interest in that sort of power."

[Aidan]: "That sounds kind of weighted to a particular side, considering Daufer, Gaheris, Siara, and I are not even a family...."  Aidan mutters.

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "Very true.  So I will simply bestow titles to all surviving members of...whichever group wins."

[Jasmin]: "Well, that is Gaheris' dream come true right there."

[Aidan]: Siara looks towards Liam again, and then towards Kricket.  "This certainly sounds like an interesting challenge."  Siara gently pats Jasmin's hand.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris stands up passionately.  "Jasmin may have betrayed us," he says, glaring at her, "but Aidan, Daufer, Siara and I will still triumph!"

[Daufer]: "There is another vacancy, my Lord," Daufer says. "While temporal power has no interest for me..."

[Aidan]: Siara raises an eyebrow as she looks at Daufer.

[JadedDM]: The Viscount's gaze moves over to the hobgoblin.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin seems to shake a little, something that is pretty much unnoticeable except to Siara. Throughout all of this she remains quiet.

[Aidan]: "Daufer," Aidan says slowly, "I believe you were just ranting about loyalty.  Are you suggesting you will not assist us because you do not enjoy the prize?"

[Daufer]: "I will assist, but as always, I will seek to further my own aims, as well," Daufer says. "I seek, above all, honorable death in glorious battle. If I am to risk my life for some silly contest, then I wish to make it worth my while."

[Aidan]: Siara begins to massage Jasmin's hand.  "You did the right thing, honey," she whispers in Jasmin's ear.  "Don't worry about him."

[Daufer]: "As I was saying," Daufer continues, "There is another vacancy in the city, my Lord. A spiritual vacancy."

[Jasmin]: "I'm trying not to," Jasmin says softly to Siara as she listens to Daufer.

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "Go on," he says.

[Daufer]: "With the Temple of Oblivion closed, and worship of the Trickster banned," Daufer says, "there is a spiritual vacancy within the city. The people cry out for guidance against the unrest and turmoil this city has recently experienced."

[Aidan]: Aidan looks surprised as he realizes what Daufer is suggesting, but he remains silent.

[JadedDM]: The Viscount rolls his eyes.  "You are beginning to bore me, hobgoblin.  Out with it all ready, and spare me your pretty words."

[Daufer]: "I do not wish titles of nobility, my Lord," Daufer says, glancing at Dejo before continuing. "I wish for the worship of the Dark Lady to be raised to its rightful place."

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "I see.  You are the same hobgoblin attempting to rebuild that old temple of D'lokka in the slums, aren't you?"  He glances to the silent Dejo.

[Daufer]: Daufer bows, acknowledging the comment.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin pulls her hand away from Siara simply to cross her arms.

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "So you wish me to ban worship of Renos, as well, so your goddess has the monopoly?"

[Daufer]: Daufer shakes his head. "No. Simply support from you, my Lord."

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "Very well, hobgoblin.  If you survive, and your group is the victor, I shall give you this support."

[Daufer]: Daufer bows. "Thank you, my Lord."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Then it's agreed," he says, still standing.

[Aidan]: Aidan nods to himself at this development, and looks approvingly at Daufer.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin pushes herself out of her chair, but she still remains quiet.

[Daufer]: Daufer gives a meaningful glance at Dejo and then returns upright.

[JadedDM]: Viscount:  "How amusing.  I suppose this brings my party to a close.  I look forward, however, to see which of you return alive, if any at all."  He also stands up, and Dejo immediately follows suit.

[Aidan]: Aidan stands, bowing to the Viscount, and moves to stand near Daufer and Gaheris.

[JadedDM]: Cardel:  "Try not to get burned too badly," he says to them, grinning.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris bows to the Viscount, wishes him a happy birthday, and then spins on his heel and walks to the exit.

[Aidan]: Siara surveys the rest of the food at the table, as if she were going to eat more, but then apparently decides against it and stands, slowly.

[Daufer]: Daufer follows the thief.

[Aidan]: Aidan follows after Daufer and Gaheris.

[Daufer]: "Gaheris, my friend," Daufer says when they are outside, "you may have thrown too wide a loop with this one."

[JadedDM]: Kricket:  "Come, we should also make preparations for our little trip."  He stands up, as do his sons.

[Aidan]: Siara steps closer to Liam and stands on her toes to whisper into his ear.  "I believe we had a certain agreement."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris keeps his back to Daufer.  "I don't care...we have to win this.  We have to prove ourselves!"

[JadedDM]: Liam looks to Kricket.  "Father?" he asks, gesturing to Siara.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin stands there as if she isn't exactly sure on what to do.

[Daufer]: "He was goading you," Daufer says, chidingly, "and you let him."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris starts making his way back to his home, drawing his cloak around him tightly.  "I can't believe this is happening..."

[JadedDM]: Kricket:  "Ah, yes.  Siara.  I understand you, too, wish to join our illustrious group."

[Daufer]: Daufer sighs, and leaves the thief to his thoughts. He turns back to the wizard. "Do you know what these…these pyrolisks? Do you know what they are?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin seems to snap out of it, and she looks to Kricket and Liam. "What?"

[Aidan]: Siara smiles at Kricket.  "I did."  She turns towards Jasmin and smiles.  "You were right, Jasmin, honey.  Gaheris doesn't deserve your loyalty, and I really don't feel like he deserves mine, either."

[Aidan]: Aidan swallows as he thinks over Daufer's question.  "I've read some vague things about them.  I know they can cause a person to burst into flames with a glance."

[Daufer]: "Flame? Would our friend, Priest Chaleur, know more about them?"

[JadedDM]: Kricket:  "You are obviously a very persuasive woman, Siara.  I'm sure you'll be a good addition to the team."

[Jasmin]: "Why didn't you tell me?" Jasmin asks Siara, still looking a little surprised.

[Aidan]: "I didn't want to influence your decision, Jasmin," Siara says.  "I wanted you to do it for the right reasons."

[Aidan]: "He might," Aidan says.  "At the least, I'm sure there might be more information at the library that I haven't found yet."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris sighs.  "Aidan's right.  They are like cockatrices, but instead of turning you to stone with a look, you basically burn to death."

[Jasmin]: "But if I knew that you had plans to join them..." Jasmin sighs softly deciding not to finish the sentence.

[JadedDM]: Kricket:  "You made the right choice, Jasmin."

[Daufer]: "Let us go there then," Daufer says. "We can find more information on these ruins in the Dayru Desert as well."

[JadedDM]:  Eskar finds himself floating in pure, cold darkness.  He can see nothing, hear nothing.  He is unsure of where he is, or if he's even standing on solid ground.  The last thing he remembered was the Nightmaster's amused expression.

[Aidan]: "I thought you'd be happy about this, Jasmin," Siara says, looking confused.

[Eskar]: Eskar feels strange; touching himself to make sure that he is still real, that anything is still real.

[Jasmin]: "You didn't know all of my reasoning for leaving though, Siara. Part of the reason," she says honestly.

[Aidan]: Aidan sighs.  "To the library, then."

[Daufer]: "Come Gaheris."

[JadedDM]:  Suddenly, Eskar hears a sound.  It is the Nightmaster, laughing.  "So, you have followed me here, dwarf?  You are quite brave...or foolish.  I wonder which it is?"

[JadedDM]:  Gaheris sighs.  "Fine."  He turns and walks with them, his hands in his pockets as he stares at the ground.

[Aidan]: Siara's eyes widen, looking hurt.  "Oh. But I thought we were friends?"

[Eskar]: Eskar tries his vocal chords, and after a false start manages words which are meek and surprised at their own volume. "What is this? Is this being some trick?"

[Daufer]: "You shouldn't take this so hard, my friend," Daufer says. "I did warn you about her."

[Jasmin]: "We are. It is just..." Jasmin shakes her head. "Nevermind. I guess it doesn't matter."

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "No trick, Eskar Armbreaker.  You are in the Realm of Shadows.  This is from where I draw upon my divine power."

[JadedDM]:  Gaheris says nothing, but shakes his head.

[Eskar]: Eskar remains silent for a while, before speaking. "So then, you are not going to be sending me home yes?"

[JadedDM]:  The Nightmaster chuckles.  "Heh-heh-heh, but it was you who chose to follow me here.  Tell me, dwarf...why did you do this?"

[Aidan]: Siara puts her hand on Jasmin's shoulder.  "I think this is for the best, Jasmin."

[Aidan]: "I think she might've thought otherwise if you hadn't been so hard on her lately, Gaheris."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin shrugs Siara's hand off her shoulder. "We have planning to do," she says, obviously not wanting to talk about it right this moment. "And...I need to get my stuff from Gaheris'."

[Eskar]: Eskar coughs. "I was not able to be leaving things like that. I did not wanting to attack you, but I am going with my friends you are seeing."

[JadedDM]:  Gaheris scowls as they reach the library's front steps.  "She's dead to me now."

[Daufer]: Daufer lets the matter rest as they approach the library. He gives a knock on the door and tries the door.

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "How impulsive.  You are quite the chaotic individual.  You act without thought, without plan.  This makes you a danger to yourself and your so-called friends."

[JadedDM]:  Stepping into the library, they find it devoid of life as usual.  Only Loreleii is present this evening, as she dusts off a few shelves.

[Daufer]: "Miss Rouge," Daufer says, greeting the librarian.

[Eskar]: Eskar shakes his head in the darkness. "I am getting gut feelings always that are what must be done for the good of group. This is being one."

[Aidan]: Aidan quickly moves through the shelves, sifting through a few books on the Dayru Desert and its creatures.  He flips through the pages, looking specifically for any sketches of a pyrolisk.

[JadedDM]:  The Nightmaster laughs.  "And how does this benefit your group, exactly?"

[JadedDM]:  Loreleii:  "Oh, Daufer," she says.  She sees Aidan, but says nothing, only looks at him coolly.  "What brings you here?"

[Eskar]: "..." Eskar doesn't respond.

[JadedDM]:  Aidan finds a book on various beasts and their lore, including the pyrolisk.  It is an ugly creature, reminding him of a cross between a lizard, rooster, and bat.

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "Exactly.  One would think a person of your age would have a bit more sense.  But then again, you are dwarven.  Still, perhaps you have some use."

[Daufer]: "We are to have a contest, at the Viscount's pleasure, against the Tainted Hands." Daufer looks like he has a bad taste in his mouth. "At the Dayru Desert , whoever collects the most pyrolisk skulls wins."

[JadedDM]:  Loreleii's green eyes widen.  "The Dayru Desert ?  I've heard of how dangerous a place it is, and pyrolisks can kill a man with but a glance!"

[Aidan]: Siara looks hurt at Jasmin's rejection, but steps away, offering her space.  "The Mezos' and I will try and come up with something while you get your things."

[Jasmin]: "I'm not exactly sure how this is supposed to work," Jasmin admits as she starts to make her way out. "I I just get a room at the Wolfblaze Inn now?"

[Eskar]: Eskar chooses his words carefully. "I am thinking you are no longer having any connection to Voxis."

[Daufer]: "The Viscount mentioned some ruins there," Daufer said. "Abelard?"

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "This is true.  I have been driven from my temple, and all of my followers are now dead."

[Eskar]: "I am thinking that coming here is good business after all, maybe." Eskar nods to himself.

[JadedDM]:  Loreleii:  "Abelard...yes, I know of it.  It was a military outpost back in the days of the Malice Dynasty.  But it was later conquered by Eonia.  After the Carnage War, it was abandoned after some kind of earthquake destroyed it."

[Daufer]: "Malice Dynasty?" Daufer says. "I know something of that era."

[JadedDM]:  Kricket:  "I'm sure we can make arrangements to get you a room.  Although once we are nobles, that won't be necessary anymore."

[JadedDM]:  Loreleii:  "It wasn't a very important fort in history.  I admit, I only know of it off-hand because of the more recent legends about the horrible monsters that now dwell there."

[Jasmin]: "I never had much desire to be a noble," Jasmin says with a small smirk. "I'll meet the thre...or the four of you at the Inn ."

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "What are you proposing then?" he asks.

[Daufer]: "I see," Daufer says. "If they can burn with a gaze, perhaps a shield against flame would be effective."

[Eskar]: "Fixing my scar and to be sending me home." Eskar scratches at his beard, peering into the darkness, into nothing. "And if you can be making me more power..."

[Aidan]: Siara waves to Jasmin.  "See you there."  Once Jasmin is gone, Siara turns to Kricket and says, "I guess we both got what we wanted."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin glances at the Tainted Hands and Siara for a seconds before she takes her leave of their company to grab her stuff from Gaheris'.

[JadedDM]:  Loreleii:  "It's possible.  Are you really going to Abelard?  It will probably be filled with historic information."

[JadedDM]:  Gaheris takes a seat at the same table Aidan sits at, but does nothing.

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "And why would I do any of these things?"

[Eskar]: "What is it you are wanting in return?"

[JadedDM]:  Kricket:  "So it would seem.  A most excellent job.  You succeeded where all three of us have failed."

[JadedDM]:  Jasmin heads back home, or what was once her home, to be greeted by their manservant, Stanley.  "Oh, Mistress," he says.  "Back from the party so soon?"

[Daufer]: "Yes, we will go there," Daufer says. "It is probably a scholar's delight, and ruins from the Malice Dynasty are... treasure in themselves."

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "I need a warrior, a champion of darkness...a paladin of the night.  Someone to fight in my name, in Shadowbite's name, in this war against the Vile One."

[Aidan]: "So it would seem," Siara grins.  "I guess I just have a certain charm for these things."

[Jasmin]: "It is over," Jasmin says. "I need you to pack up all of my stuff in my room as quickly as possible, Stanley ."

[Eskar]: "My life is being lit by Renos... But I can be fighting in your name if it is not being against Him." Eskar's brows furrow at the deep thought necessary for the situation.

[JadedDM]:  Cardel:  "Now that this is settled, we should figure out how we're going to get rid of the Shadow Bats."

[Aidan]: Aidan looks up from his book.  "Where's Siara?"

[JadedDM]:  Puzzled, Stanley hurries up to her room to comply.

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "And what assurances would I have you would not betray me once again?"

[Daufer]: "I don't know," Daufer says, looking around. "I thought she had left with us."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin rubs her forehead, looking around the room she stands in. With a deep breath, she moves up the stairs to her room to grab her normal clothing, yet she goes to change in Gaheris' room so not to get in Stanley 's way.

[Aidan]: "Please," Siara says. "It's the five of us against the three of them.  Gaheris isn't that great, and Daufer's a fool.  And I don't think the mage has done all that much, anyway."

[Eskar]: Eskar feels for the scar at his chest. "I am thinking the God of Schemes has ways."

[JadedDM]:  Kricket:  "I agree, they are significantly weakened without Jasmin.  And the dwarf vanished, too.  Nevertheless, it may be prudent to make a few precautions...just to be safe.  I will not underestimate them again."

[JadedDM]:  Jasmin finishes changing without interruption.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin steps out of Gaheris' room, carrying the ice blue dress within her arms, and steps into her room. "How is it coming along?" she asks, glancing over her shoulder simply to make sure no one else is in the house.

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "Indeed.  I can read you like an open book.  I can see all from here, Eskar Armbreaker.  I see your past, your present...I see your family.  Ah, a tragedy regarding your son, isn't it?"

[JadedDM]:  Gaheris looks up, breaking from his reverie.  "Maybe she stayed behind to tell off the Tainted Hands."

[JadedDM]:  Stanley :  "I am nearly finished, mistress.  Shall I pack Master Argent's things, as well?"

[Aidan]: Aidan seems to accept that, and returns to his book.

[Eskar]: Eskar scowls, trying to keep the memories from invariably surfacing as they are bound to do. "...How...?"

[Jasmin]: "Gaheris isn't coming. I'm...leaving the Shadow Bats."

[JadedDM]:  The Nightmaster merely cackles again.  "It would be a terrible shame if such tragedy visited the rest of your family, would it not?"

[JadedDM]:  Stanley :  "Oh."  He looks at a loss for anything further to say.  Confused, he resumes packing.

[Aidan]: "Well, we can't just attack them outright," Siara says.  "Jasmin would never go for that."

[JadedDM]:  Kricket:  "Jasmin needn't even know about it, if she will prove to be a hindrance."

[Jasmin]: "You can be sure he won't be in the best of moods when he returns, so try to stay out of his way."

[JadedDM]:  Stanley :  "I understand, Mistress."

[Aidan]: Siara shrugs.  "Do you have anything in mind?"

[Eskar]: Eskar's mind freezes, vision going out of focus. The duergar claws at his chest, gasping at the void. "That's right... The Church in Prime Meridian..."

[JadedDM]:  Loreleii:  "Were it not for all of the life-threatening danger, I would almost envy you, Daufer.  To visit ancient ruins and studying them after thousands of years without being touched by man."

[JadedDM]:  Kricket pauses and scratches at his goatee.  "We'll see how things play out.  With any luck, they'll die before we even get to the ruins.  Isn't one of them a scholar of some sort?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin shifts a bit on her feet before moving to grab her swords, armor, and backpack. "I guess when he returns tell him that I was here to pick up my stuff."

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "Yes.  You understand then what failure will mean?  And unlike last time, you will not be able to attack me.  I am safe here, and you cannot return to this plane without my assistance."

[JadedDM]:  Stanley :  "Yes, Mistress. has been a pleasure working for you.  I never dreamed I would have a life as good as I do now."

[Daufer]: "Yes, it is a pity that these are not better circumstances. I know that you have a great love for ancient texts and mysteries."

[Aidan]: "The pretty human?  Oh, I'm sure he'll die," Siara says. 

[Jasmin]: Jasmin smiles faintly to Stanley . "I get the faint impression you'll miss me," she says, almost teasing him. "If we become nobles, I'll put in a good word for you."

[Eskar]: Eskar's arms fall to his sides in resignation, and his breathing slowly returns to normal. "I am seeing."

[JadedDM]:  Loreleii:  "Yes, but I would probably die in minutes."

[Daufer]: "I must admit, I am only a simple student of history, an amateur. I do not have an entire library's knowledge at my command."

[JadedDM]:  Kricket:  "Pretty?"  He raises an eyebrow.  "Err, whatever the case.  Perhaps he can help us, too.  We may let them lead us to the prize, and then finish them off."

[JadedDM]:  Stanley :  "I will miss you.  Nobles?!" he asks, surprised.

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "Excellent.  Then we will have a deal.  But first, there is information you will need."

[Aidan]: Aidan rolls his eyes at Daufer and Loreleii's conversation, closing his book.  "Should we retrieve our weapons and find some horses, perhaps?"

[Jasmin]: "The Viscount has given both the Tainted Hands and the Shadow Bats a job. The winner of this little...contest will become nobles."

[Eskar]: Eskar silently nods.

[JadedDM]:  Loreleii:  "I may know history, but what would I know of slaying beasts?"

[JadedDM]:  Stanley :  "Oh.  Wow, that's amazing."

[Aidan]: "Well, what do we do when Jasmin finds out?" Siara asks.

[Jasmin]: "I've never had a dream to become a noble, but Gaheris has. The Tainted Hands and I won't make it easy on him though."

[JadedDM]:  Kricket:  "She will just have to learn to deal with it.  If she is no longer any use to us, we can dispose of her, as well."

[JadedDM]:  Stanley :  "The Tainted Hands have never lost.  That's what I heard."

[Daufer]: Daufer looks at Aidan. "We have lost a potent member. Perhaps Priest Chaleur might be willing to come along. His knowledge of flame may prove useful."

[Aidan]: Siara shrugs and grins.  "I have no problem with that.  I had better go and get my weapons, and we should head towards the Desert as soon as Jasmin returns."

[Jasmin]: "Well, with me by their side they can't lose," Jasmin sighs softly.

[JadedDM]:  Loreleii:  "He may.  But he's been so busy with the temple lately.  He's behind on his ore quota, so he's been working overtime to keep production up."

[JadedDM]:  Kricket:  "Agreed.  The Shadow Bats will probably take the next two days discussing their options before leaving.  We can get a good head start on them."

[JadedDM]:  Stanley :  "They will truly be invincible then."

[Jasmin]: "Maybe," Jasmin says with a small shrug. "I probably should leave before Gaheris gets back."

[JadedDM]:  Stanley nods.  "I have finished now, Mistress."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin moves to pick up the rest of her stuff, and then makes her way out of her room and down the stairs. "Thank you, Stanley . Take care of yourself."

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "The Vile One has planned this from the beginning.  He has turned the other three gods and their followers against each other, so he could make his move."

[JadedDM]:  Stanley :  "Farewell, Mistress."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin steps out of the house, and moves for the Wolfblaze Inn.

[Eskar]: Eskar nods. "Our priest is having dream that makes sense with that."

[JadedDM]:  Jasmin arrives at the inn without incident.

[Jasmin]: With a bit of a grunt, Jasmin walks up to the barkeep. "I don't know if arrangements have been made, but I'm supposed to get a room here as I'm a member of the Tainted Hands."

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "Clearly, he misinterpreted it.  But this doesn't surprise me. Hobgoblins are a narrow-minded lot.  In any case, now that the Three Pillars of Faith have crumbled, the gate to the Abyss can be opened by spilling the blood of the Faithless."

[Aidan]: Siara laughs.  "Maybe four days."  Siara leaves to retrieve her sabre. 

[JadedDM]:  The bartender nods, having apparently expected this.  "I'll make arrangements."

[Daufer]: "If you reconsider your wish to explore the ruins, I will do my utmost to see that no harm comes to you." Daufer continues musing to himself, "Then perhaps Priest Chaleur could be persuaded to go."

[Jasmin]: "Will you have my things taken up for me, or is there a place I can at least put them until the arrangements have been made?"

[JadedDM]:  Loreleii glances to Aidan and then looks back to Daufer.  "You really think that...I could be of help?  Wouldn't I just get in the way?"

[JadedDM]:  The barkeeper nods.  He summons a few bellhops to help her.

[Eskar]: Eskar blinks repeatedly. "Faithless?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin hands her stuff over to the bellhops." Thank you," she says before she moves up the stairs to Kricket's room.

[Daufer]: "Strength of arms will not win this contest for us," Daufer says. "We have to be smarter than them. And I'm sure you have brainpower to spare."

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "Yes, this is what the ritual calls for.  That is why the Bloody Maw has been working to undermine all three faiths in Voxis.  With the fall of each one, people have begun to lose their faith.  Thus, soon the entire city will be Faithless.  Then, it is only a matter of slaughtering them all."

[Eskar]: Eskar nods. "I am seeing now. Must bring faith to the people."

[JadedDM]:  Loreleii:  "You're probably right.  The outpost was heavily defended with a number of traps and puzzles."

[Jasmin]: In which she knocks upon arriving at his room.

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "Yes.  Without faith, the people of this city are doomed."

[JadedDM]:  There is no answer, as apparently Kricket has not returned yet.

[Eskar]: The duergar closes his eyes. "Well, why wait?"

[Jasmin]: Looking a bit confused, Jasmin moves back down the stairs. "Have the Tainted Hands even returned here yet?" Jasmin asks curiously.

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "Good, there is little time to waste.  Now, open your heart to the darkness, and accept the power it gives you."

[JadedDM]:  The bellhops return for Jasmin, her room now ready for her.  They escort her there.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin moves into her room, surprised at the speedy service.

[Daufer]: "It's your decision, Miss Rouge. But I believe you would be more than useful and not at all a hindrance."

[JadedDM]:  Loreleii looks at Aidan, as if trying to read his expression.

[Eskar]: Eskar grabs his belt buckle, taking in a deep breath before lowering his defenses and accepting his fate.

[Aidan]: Aidan looks up from his book again, noticing the silence.  Noticing Loreleii looking at him, he shrugs, and then looks away.

[JadedDM]:  The darkness, which swam all around Eskar, suddenly seems to come to life.  It washes over him, mind and body, seeping into him.  His sword's blade turns pitch black, as does his armor.  He feels deathly cold inside, as if all of the heat from his body was being drained from him.

[JadedDM]:  Loreleii's eyes harden, and she turns back to Daufer.  "Okay!  I will come then!"

[Daufer]: Daufer raises a brow at this exchange, but does not comment on it. "Great news! And thank you, Miss Rouge."

[Eskar]: Eskar groans, cutting his hand on his belt buckle from gripping it so rightly. "Terrible..."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin glances around her new room, as if she was judging it before she begins to unpack. "I wonder where they are," she says absently.

[JadedDM]:  Soon, the force of the power wanes...or perhaps he merely becomes adjusted to it.  His scar is again back to normal.

[JadedDM]:  Loreleii:  "I'll go and get some things," she says, hurrying up into the stacks, excited.

[JadedDM]:  Jasmin hears voices outside of her room as the Tainted Hands return.

[Daufer]: "I will go see about Priest Chaleur," Daufer says.

[Eskar]: Eskar grips his own shoulders as if to remind himself he still exists, as in the beginning of the experience. "Done?"

[Daufer]:  Daufer walks out of the library and towards the Temple of Renos .

[Jasmin]: Jasmin moves to her door and peeks her head out upon hearing the Tainted Hands.

[JadedDM]:  Liam:  "...won't know what hit them," he says.

[JadedDM]:  Kricket:  "Yes, it will be no challenge at all," he agrees.

[JadedDM]:  Nightmaster:  "Yes.  Now I shall send you back to the material world.  Do not forget your quest, Armbreaker."

[Eskar]: "Another burden."

[JadedDM]:  Daufer arrives at the smelter, greeted by the usual loud noises.

[Daufer]: Daufer walks into the temple and looks around for the fire priest, shouting out his name above the din of the smelter.

[JadedDM]:  A doorway of light appears under the dwarf, pulling him in before he can even react.  He finds himself tumbling, spinning, through a strange void of grayness.

[Jasmin]: "Don't underestimate them," Jasmin chimes in.

[JadedDM]:  Meschior comes out of his room and sees Daufer.  "Ah, welcome," he shouts over the noise.  "Good to see you again."

[JadedDM]:  The three men all whirl around to face her.  "Ah, that is a mistake I will not make this time," Kricket assures her.

[Daufer]: Daufer raises a hand in greeting to the priest. "Hello, Priest Chaleur. I come to you again for a favor."

[Jasmin]: "Where is Siara?"

[JadedDM]:  Meschior:  "And what favor do you ask this time?"

[Eskar]: Eskar holds tightly onto his belt buckle, closing his eyes.

[JadedDM]:  Liam:  "She went to retrieve her saber.  Are you ready?  We are leaving immediately."

[Daufer]: Daufer tells the priest of the contest between the Shadow Bats and the Tainted Hands. "Labree has also deserted us and joined the Tainted Hands. I would ask that you take up your former place in the Shadow Bats, and aid us in this task."

[Jasmin]: "I'm always ready," she says.

[JadedDM]:  Before Meschior can respond, a sudden vortex of darkness erupts right in the center of the smelter!  Spat forth from within is none other than Eskar himself, now wearing night black armor.  His eyes have no whites to them, but are just pitch black.

[JadedDM]:  Kricket:  "Excellent.  We will meet with Siara by the east gates."

[JadedDM]:  The vortex closes immediately and the lighting in the room returns to normal.  Stunned, Meschior stares at the dwarf.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin disappears into her room for a few minutes, before she exits her room wearing her armor. She also has all over her other equipment with her as well.

[Daufer]: Daufer's hands move toward his maul... which is not there. Instead his hands close around his dagger as he faces this strange apparition.

[Eskar]: Eskar climbs to his feet with all of the aches of the world in his joints. He faces his friends, after giving himself an appraising look. "Well, I am living."

[Daufer]: "Ho-- How did you survive, dwarf? What of the Nightmaster?"

[Eskar]: "I am thinking that there are better questions. The Vile One's doings, yes, those need questions." Eskar closes his eyes for a few moments.

[Daufer]: "A better question is where you've been," Daufer says. "What happened?"

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "Eskar...what has become of you?  You are changed."

[Eskar]: "I am to being working for the God of Schemes against the Vile One." Eskar's face becomes flushed.

[Daufer]: "Another deal with the Trickster?" Daufer says in disdain and fury.

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "You have changed allegiances?"

[Eskar]: Eskar shakes his head. "Renos is being my faith, but I work for Shadowbite for now."

[Daufer]: "He's certainly left his mark on you," Daufer says. "Again, I ask you. What happened?"

[Eskar]: Eskar sighs at his black appearance. "I am not having a choice; I am going to Shadow place and in mercy of Nightmaster."

[Daufer]: "Yes? Then?" Daufer says.

[Eskar]: "He makes me deal to work against Vile One for him." The duergar shrugs. "Was going to fight against Him anyway."

[Daufer]: "So, we made a mistake," Daufer says. "But... the Trickster has many tools at his disposal to deceive and exploit."

[Eskar]: "He was having no more servants in Voxis. Is good business." The duergar shifts uncomfortably, beginning to take in his change and being in the temple.

[Daufer]: "How are you supposed to fight the Vile One? Did he tell you that, at least?" Daufer says.

[Eskar]: "He is saying that Vile One is needing people who have no faith to kill to make portal to Abyss. It is being why he plot against temples."

[Daufer]: Daufer absorbs this information. "So we were the Vile One's pawns after all. When is this supposed to happen? The Viscount has us in a contest against the Tainted Hands at Dayru Desert .  Worse yet, Jasmin has deserted us and gone to join the Tainted Hands."

[Eskar]: Eskar sputters. "WHAT!?" He recoils as if struck.

[Daufer]: "Yes. She left. This evening, in fact."

[Eskar]: "Disaster. How are we to win?" Eskar rubs his bald head, exasperatedly.

[Daufer]: "With her leaving, I was over here to ask Priest Chaleur to join us once again," Daufer says, nodding at the fire priest. "The offer still stands, Priest Chaleur."

[Eskar]: Eskar turns to Meschior.

[Daufer]: "The contest is to be held at Abelard, ruins in the Dayru Desert . Whichever group can kill the most pyrolisks and survive, wins."

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "I am sorry, but we are dangerously close to missing our quota this month.  If I were to leave now, it may cause the Drow to send another representative to find out why."

[Daufer]: "Miss Rouge feels that such ancient ruins may have threats of their own," Daufer tells Eskar. "Traps and hidden puzzles and the like. She has agreed to accompany us."

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "WHAT?!" he says, echoing Eskar's shout.

[Daufer]: Daufer looks at the fire priest unperturbed. "Yes, she was very excited to be going."

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "Sir Daufer, I...if anything were to happen to her..."

[Daufer]: "You do not trust my ability to protect her?  She has been a great ally to me, and if any harm were to come to her, I assure you, I would grieve just as much as you."

[Eskar]: The duergar scratches at his beard furiously. "This is being prime." Eskar shakes his head and moves to pat Meschior on the arm. "Are we knowing what pyrolisks are?"

[JadedDM]: Meschior sighs.  "No, of course not.  You protected me...I just..."

[Daufer]: "Our friend, Gaheris, says they are similar to cockatrices, but instead burn you with their gaze."

[Eskar]: Eskar shakes his head. "So many things..."

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "I have heard tales of them reducing men to piles of ash with but a glance."

[Daufer]: Daufer leans in closer to the fire priest. "Are you sure you do not wish to join us, Priest Chaleur? Your knowledge of flame might prove invaluable."

[JadedDM]: Meschior lets out a nearly inaudible whimper.  "But...the ore..."

[Eskar]: "I will be helping you here, yes, one extra hand to make up for it." Eskar pats Meschior's back.

[Daufer]: "I understand. You have your responsibilities." Daufer says. "Well, if that is all, I should be getting ready."

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "W-wait!"

[Daufer]: "Yes?" Daufer turns.

[JadedDM]: Meschior hangs his head.  "Very well, I shall accompany you."

[Daufer]: Daufer bows magnanimously. "I thank you, Priest Chaleur. And you will have an equal share in the Prize for your services.  Welcome back to the Shadow Bats."

[Daufer]: ((DUN DUN DUNN))

[Eskar]: Eskar nods. "I am glad to be hearing that. We should be getting ready then."

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "Very well.  I shall make arrangements with my employers to continue smelting while I'm gone."

[JadedDM]: (All right, we'll end it here.)

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