Session 26:
Dead Canary

[JadedDM]: Chrysote 1st, Frostday; 11 bells.  It is a cool and overcast day as the Shadow Bats meet at Gaheris' house for a secret meeting one hour before Daufer and Aidan are to meet with Dejo.  Gaheris paces his own living room rug, looking rather nervous.  Eskar sits on a chair with an old rag tossed on it, to prevent his various charcoal caked appendages from smudging the furniture.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin sits within one of the chairs, her legs hanging over the armrest, and her head is tilted back to look up at the ceiling.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris ceases pacing a moment and sighs.  Turning to Daufer, he says, "Okay...maybe you should run us through this plan one more time, just to make sure we all know what we're doing."

[Siara]: Siara lounges on the floor a few feet away from Jasmin.  She has been watching Gaheris pace, but has kept silent as she has no comfort to offer at the moment.

[Aidan]: Aidan stands against a wall looking at Amaris in his left palm, biting at his fingers.

[Daufer]: Daufer sits, watching everything like a predator. He wears dark grey vestments over his armor, the chainmail beneath the metal plates clinking together. Upon being addressed, Daufer stands up and begins talking. "We have a meeting with the Viscount's captain of the guard in one hour. Aidan and I will talk to her and convince her to help us."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris nods and resumes his pacing.  "And then?"

[Daufer]: "You, Eskar, and the Vermin Plague will be under the sewers, ready to infiltrate the Viscount's mansion."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Right...and if the canary dies there, the dwarf can go invisible and I still have that potion of gaseous form."

[Jasmin]: "What about Siara and I?" Jasmin asks, lifting her head to look over to Daufer.

[Aidan]: "I think you two should go ahead and try to perform for the Viscount.  It will at least seem like we're going forward with the plan with the Vermin Plague, and it won't be as obvious that we intend to turn on them."  Aidan adjusts his cloak, still not looking up from Amaris.

[Daufer]: "Yes. Plus, there will be other eyes watching. The shadows are everywhere."

[Jasmin]: "Are we to go after you are done talking to the captain? What about our weapons?"

[Daufer]: "If all goes according to plan, you'll have them with you. With all the forces arrayed against them, the Vermin Plague will be surrounded and outnumbered."

[Siara]: Siara peers curiously at Daufer.  "I've never been allowed to perform in front of nobility with my weapons.  What makes this time different?"

[Aidan]: "We'll try and inform Dejo of what all of our plans are, and if she agrees with us, then hopefully she will allow you both to have your weapons so you can assist us."

[Jasmin]: "We could always...pretend we are fighting each other. Say it is apart of our act."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "And once the Vermin Plague are safely in custody, or dead," he continues.

[Aidan]: Aidan sighs and lowers his hand, Amaris flapping up to his shoulder, and looks around the room at everyone.  "I think that depends on everyone else.  Are we all in agreement that we shouldn't trust the Nightmaster?"

[Daufer]: "I never trusted him to begin with," Daufer says.

[Jasmin]: "I don't think we should trust him."

[Siara]: Siara nods.  "I doubt he made his true intentions known to us."  She shifts to a more comfortable posture.  "I definitely don't trust him."

[Aidan]: "I am inclined to trust him, but the plan he suggested for us is madness, and Daufer's dream certainly points to him having ulterior motives." 

[JadedDM]: Eskar says nothing, as he absently munches on a piece of charcoal while staring at a wall.

[Daufer]: "Gaheris?" Daufer looks over at the rogue.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "I...have faith in my god, but I also don't doubt the Nightmaster would use us and throw us away to serve his own needs.  He would never have become Nightmaster unless he was ruthless, cunning, and deceptive."

[Siara]: "If the Nightmaster is so willing to throw away the lives of two servants of Shadowbite...perhaps he doesn't truly follow Him at all."

[Daufer]: Daufer snorts at Siara's logic.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris shakes his head.  "Shadowbite would have no qualms over sacrificing His own servants if it somehow worked in His favor."

[Aidan]: Aidan raises an eyebrow and thinks for a moment.  "Interesting thought.  What is your name again?"

[Siara]: Siara ignores Daufer and looks to Aidan.  "Siara Jovian."  Her expression shifted to a thoughtful look.  "Come to think about it, I'm not sure if I've heard all your names yet."

[Daufer]: "You said yesterday that you were good with a saber. Let's hope that's true."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris smirks.  "I have to thank you again for lending us your aid on this, Siara.  Your loyalty is above reproach.  You barely even know us, and yet you are willing to endanger your life to help us."

[Aidan]: "Aidan Rysid."  The mage inclines his head towards her.  "And this is Amaris," he says, indicating the bat on his shoulder.  "At least if this all goes horribly wrong we will at least know everyone's names."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin rolls her eyes at Gaheris.

[Siara]: Siara raises a brow at Daufer.  "One of the best."  She offers her sweetest of smiles to Gaheris.  "I'm more than honored.  I know you have good taste in companions."

[Jasmin]: "Oh, excellent taste," she mutters.

[Aidan]: Aidan widens his eyes just slightly, and looks around at everyone again.  "So, if we all agree about the Nightmaster, what should are course of action be regarding him, once we take care of the Vermin Plague?"

[Siara]: "I'm sure the Nightmaster will not be pleased with us after we hand over the Vermin Plague."  A shrug of her shoulders.  "If you ask me, we should get to him before he can get to us.  I don't see him being too forgiving."

[Daufer]: Daufer nods. "I was thinking that as well. We need to strike hard and fast. But we can't do it alone."

[Siara]: Siara snorts at his comment.  Under her breath.  "I always strike hard and fast...and I never do it alone...."

[Jasmin]: "So that means asking the Viscount for help?" Jasmin wrinkles her nose at the idea.

[Aidan]: Aidan's cheeks flush slightly at Siara's comment, and he looks to the others.  "I would prefer to not anger the Nightmaster or Shadowbite, but I'm sure the Nightmaster would strike at us for siding with the Viscount.  So, I suppose if everyone else agrees to acting against him directly, then I will follow along.”  He adds, "I don't think we would necessarily need to ask the Viscount's help, but it might be helpful to do so.  If we do attack the Nightmaster."

[Daufer]: "I don't see any other way. We can't attack the temple by ourselves. The Viscount's aid may well tip the odds in our favor."

[Jasmin]: "And if he doesn't help?"

[Aidan]: "Maybe Dejo could offer us some aid without the Viscount's permission?"

[Jasmin]: "....There is always the Tainted Hands too, as they are the Viscount's bodyguards."

[Siara]: Siara quickly shifts her gaze to Jasmin.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "The Tainted Hands cannot be trusted.  They'd turn on us the moment our guards were down."

[Jasmin]: "So we don't let our guard down."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Easier said than done, at least for you.  You've given them enough of our secrets all ready," he adds accusingly.

[Siara]: "I agree with Gaheris.  What do the Tainted Hands stand to gain by helping us?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin narrows her eyes at Gaheris, completely ignoring Siara. "I could just join them. You all ready have someone here to replace me after all. What do you need me for exactly?"

[Aidan]: "Well, presumably they could assist us considering we are pretty much doing their job for them, but I would prefer working without them."  Aidan remains silent after Jasmin's comment.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin shifts in her chair to place her feet on the floor. "I'm all for working without any help, but if you all want help so bad then get at least the best fighters instead of some random guards. The Tainted Hands and Dejo probably are the best fighters there."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris says nothing, but his face turns red with a mixture of shock and outrage.

[Aidan]: Aidan looks to Daufer.  "I think, perhaps, Daufer and I need to go to our meeting.  Perhaps you four could figure out who else we might recruit without us."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris manages to pull himself together and nod briefly to Aidan.  "Yes.  Noon is approaching.  Remember, everyone is supposed to meet at the temple at dusk to discuss things with the Vermin Plague and Nightmaster.  Don't be late.  It might seem suspicious."

[Siara]: To Jasmin.  "Perhaps you and I should practice our dance?"  Spoken in a friendly way.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to Siara. "You need practice?"

[Siara]: "To work with you, yes."

[JadedDM]: Eskar, sensing that the meeting is over, wipes off his fingers on the old rag covering his chair, hefts his belt, and heads out for a few last minute preparations.

[Aidan]: "Then hopefully Daufer and I will see you all with good news.  Though I suppose we won't really be able to tell you all how things went in front of them...."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "I'll remain here until then.  If anything worth telling us happens, you can return here before dusk and tell me.  I'll try and find a way to spread the word to the others."

[Jasmin]: "Fine," she says, though she certainly doesn't look very thrilled.

[Siara]: "I'm sure our dancing styles are quite different.  We should at least plan a basic routine so as not to look foolish."  Some of her trained sweetness has worn off.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin pushes herself out of her chair. "I don't think we would really look too foolish even without a planned routine. Though, did you have anything in mind?"

[Aidan]: Aidan clears his throat and moves to leave the room, Amaris flapping after him, and waits for Daufer to follow.

[Siara]: "There is a performance of the Malinar War.  Each dancer takes up a side.  It's an intense performance and the nobles usually enjoy it."  After a moment, Siara adds, "It would give us an excuse to carry in our weapons."

[Aidan]: With Daufer in tow, Aidan exits Gaheris' house and heads for the Viscount's manor for their meeting with Dejo.

[Jasmin]: "A matter of simply picking a side then, it seems," Jasmin says after a few moments of thought. "I don't exactly know the routine for either side though," she admits.

[JadedDM]: The intrepid pair leave the home of Gaheris and Jasmin and walk east, toward the Viscount's mansion.  They pass right by the Temple of Shadowbite along the way.  Although it appears innocuous enough at this hour of day, it still seems to have an ominous feel to it as they look at it.

[Siara]: "I know the side for the Elves and I could teach you the side for the Drow."  She half-grins.

[Jasmin]: "The drow lost that war didn't they?"

[JadedDM]: Gaheris has Stanley, their manservant, bring him a glass of wine.  He sits down in his favorite chair, sullen, and says nothing as he slowly nurses his drink.

[Siara]: Siara stands, straightening the wrinkles in her skirt.  "They were driven underground when Kulak was sealed away."

[Aidan]: Aidan averts his eyes and takes quicker steps as he passes the temple, forcing Daufer to quicken his own steps to follow.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris and Stanley both visibly flinch at the mentioning of the Vile One's name, and Stanley actually drops an empty glass on the floor, shattering it.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin winces at the mention of the name.

[Siara]: Siara flushes slightly, embarrassed for her faux pas.  She clears her throat, muttering.  "The Dark One."

[JadedDM]:  Circling around to the south side of the manor, they reach the gates to the courtyard.  This is a large, rectangular courtyard that is completely fenced off and crawling with guards and hounds.  The lawn is very well-maintained and there are a handful of trees spaced about.  The entire area looks remarkably verdant and out of place in contrast with the rest of the city.  The black metal fence stands 12 feet high.  When they approach the gate, a couple of guards ask them to halt and state their business.

[JadedDM]: Annoyed, Gaheris orders Stanley to clean up the mess and then goes back to nursing his wine.

[Jasmin]: "Trying to doom us for sure," she says softly. "Fine, I'll take up the losing side of the war I suppose. Show me what I need to do." Jasmin crosses her arms over her chest, trying to remain more business like.

[Aidan]: Aidan looks back to Daufer, who simply stares back at him.  Aidan clears his throat and says, "My name is Aidan Rysid and this is Daufer, a priest of D'lokka.  We have a meeting with the Captain of the Guard, arranged for us by her mentor, Garek."

[JadedDM]:  The guards have a quick whispered discussion.  One sets off to the manor.  The other one unlocks and opens the gates.  "Turn in your weapons to me before you enter," he says.

[Siara]: Siara collects herself, forcing a pleasant look onto her face.  "The dance begins with two solo parts."  Siara walks to a nearby table and takes a candlestick in each hand.  "Your part looks like this."  Utilizing the candles as blades, Siara demonstrates the choreography for the Drow.  It is performed a bit lower to the ground than normal, and involves sharp, distinctive movements, producing a pleasing and yet eerie feel.

[Aidan]: Having left his staff at his house in the slums, Aidan merely nods and opens his backpack, handing the man his throwing knives.

[JadedDM]:  With great reluctance, Daufer hands over his maul, Dukosh's Valor and his bow.  Satisfied, the guard escorts them down a cobblestone path that branches from the front gate to the front door.  In the center of the path is an ornate white stone fountain.  "Wait here," the guard tells them.  "Captain Dejo should be here soon."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin watches closely to the movements of the dancing, as if trying to memorize them without actually performing the moves yet. "That certainly isn't how I picture the drow. I assume some freedom can come from the dancer. All dancers are different after all."

[Siara]: As Siara straightens, she hands the candles to Jasmin, her posture inviting.  "Of course.  I would hope so.  I would be interested to see your interpretation."

[Aidan]: Aidan smoothes his shirt down and brushes some dirt off of his cloak as he waits, Amaris flapping into the air.  "Perhaps you should wait elsewhere," Aidan says to the bat.  "Just in case."  Aidan nods to the metal fence, and the bat flies towards it.

[JadedDM]:  Not long after this, a hobgoblin woman exits the front doors and walks toward the fountain.  She looks to be around thirty with short-cropped black hair and yellow eyes.  She's not the most attractive member of her species, but she certainly looks tough.  She's wearing plate mail, has a medium shield strapped to her back, an impressive blade on her belt, and is carrying a helmet under her shoulder.  She looks the two over a moment before speaking.  "You are the ones Master Garek has sent?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes hold of the candles gently before moving to the center of the room to pretty much mock what Siara had done. While she keeps with the general idea of performing lower to the ground, she makes her movements more graceful rather than sharp and distinctive. If anything she is trying to make the drow look more beautiful while keeping the eerie feel to it.

[Siara]: Siara stands with one hand about her waist, the other lightly touching her face.  When Jasmin finishes, Siara claps softly.  "I must say, I think I like your version better.  I would only be careful not to make them seem weak.  Your rendering seems truer to the story than the way I was taught."

[Aidan]: Aidan gives her a slight bow as she approaches.  "Yes, we spoke to Garek about..." Aidan lowers his voice, "the plot against the Viscount we believe we have uncovered."

[JadedDM]:  Daufer nods in confirmation.  Dejo raises an eyebrow skeptically.  "What is this plot you have discovered against my lord?  And who is behind it?"

[Jasmin]: "With my swords, you can be sure they will not appear weak," Jasmin says as she straightens.

[Aidan]: "The Vermin Plague, Captain.  They plan to sneak into the mansion and assassinate the Viscount tonight."

[JadedDM]:  Dejo:  "This is a very serious claim.  The Monet family was killed by them.  I am surprised they would be so ambitious.  But how did you come about this information?  And what can you tell me about their plan?"

[Siara]: Siara smiles faintly, reaching out to take one of the candles.  "I'm anticipating not."  Siara moves a few feet away.  "For my part, I will only wield my saber, an alteration of the original to account for my own skill."  Siara performed a brief part of her own, dancing in a much more lofty way, full of graceful arches accenting the beauty of the movements and the body doing so.  There was much less power in it, and more emphasis on beauty and control.  "The two sides gradually move closer together until their blades begin to clash."  Siara twirls the candlestick between her fingers.  "That is where it gets challenging."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin walks back over to the chair she was previously sitting in, and takes hold of Radiant Star and Scalebiter which rest near the chair. "It is easier to practice with the actual blades rather than candlesticks. The solo parts are performed together correct?"

[Aidan]: Aidan raises his eyebrows slightly at the mention of the Monet family, but says nothing.  "My associates and I, the Shadow Bats, were enlisted to assist them in their plot. But," Aidan says quickly, "We had no intention of harming the Viscount, and wished instead to inform someone the Viscount could trust of the danger, and figure out a way to thwart their plan and trap them in such a way as to stop them for good."

[Siara]: "They begin separately and then move together and begin to overlap."  Siara retrieves her own saber from where it leaned against the wall.  She half-grins playfully.  "You are very good with those, right?"

[Daufer]: "Captain," Daufer says, "do you know this?" Daufer points to the holy symbol hanging around the hobgoblin's neck.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin twirls the blades within her hands. "I doubt Gaheris would keep me around if I wasn't."

[JadedDM]: Dejo squints as she looks at the icon and nods.  "It is the holy symbol of D'lokka, Goddess of War and Mother of our people."

[Daufer]: "Yes," Daufer says, "and I am her priest. I take my word very seriously. The Vermin Plague are themselves not the main threat. But they will be here soon to carry out the deed. Once we take care of them, we need to take out the source of the problem, the one who tasked us with the plot."

[JadedDM]: Dejo:  "And who is that?" she asks, setting her helmet down on the outer rim of the fountain.

[Daufer]: Daufer looks at the wizard.

[Aidan]: Aidan takes a breath.  "The Nightmaster of the Temple of Shadowbite ."

[JadedDM]: Dejo's yellow eyes widen slightly.  "He, of all people?  This is a most serious accusation.  And one that is difficult to believe.  I assume you have some kind of proof?"

[Siara]: "Good then.  As we near one another, the point is to blend the two styles of dancing together, showing the struggle and how the two sides clash."  She eyes the other woman's blades.  "This part will be the hardest to teach."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin moves to stand in front of Siara. "If you are worrying about the blades hitting you, you shouldn't."

[Aidan]: "Well, we do have knowledge that the Vermin Plague have every intention of sneaking into the mansion tonight.  They intend to take some of our number into the sewers and get inside from there, while two more were to get inside and distract the Viscount and some guards with some sort of performance."

[Daufer]: "You can ask the assassins when they arrive.”

[JadedDM]: Dejo looks to Aidan.  "Your people?  You are assisting them in this endeavor?"

[Siara]: "Comforting."  Siara began her half of the dance, at a third of the speed it would normally be performed at.  All the while, she instructs the proper movements for Jasmin to take with her own weapons.  They appear to move well together.

[Aidan]: "As I said, the Shadow Bats have every intention of stopping the Vermin Plague.  We are here to tell you about this plan so that we could perhaps have your assistance in the matter.  Considering the Nightmaster recruited us for this matter, it seemed that notifying the Viscount of the plot and assisting you and your guards in defeating them was the most expedient option."

[JadedDM]: Dejo:  "If this is the truth you speak," she says, "then tell me all of the details of this plan, so that we may better thwart it."

[Daufer]: "As we speak, the Vermin Plague, and two of our own, are in the sewers using a weakness found to infiltrate the mansion," Daufer says."

[JadedDM]: Dejo:  "Weakness in the sewers?" she prompts.

[Daufer]: "The kitchen staff dump their trash into one of the pipes in the basement," Daufer says. "They had planned to use that to get in."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin keeps with the movements of the solo dance, keeping a bit lower to the ground. She adds a few of her own battle moves into the dance though, making her dodges and attacks look graceful yet terrifying at the same time. "It is going to move a bit faster than this right?

[JadedDM]: Dejo nods in understanding.  "I see.  Being vermin themselves, they would have no qualms crawling through garbage to obtain their objective.  When is this to happen?"

[Aidan]: Aidan looks to Daufer, thinking.  "We are supposed to meet with them at dusk.  I assume we are to move out soon afterwards."

[JadedDM]: Dejo nods a second time.  "Of course.  Those vermin prefer to operate at night.  Is there anything else I should know?"

[Daufer]: "We need to move quickly after dealing with the Vermin Plague. They are not the true threat."

[Siara]: She nods in very professional way, getting into the performance.  "Yes, about three times as fast."  Her muscles are tense with the control of such slow movements.  "The end of the performance comes when you retreat from the blades into a low pose, near the floor.  I will then turn my back and pose looking skyward."  Siara rolls her shoulder, relaxing it a bit.  "Unless you'd prefer your own interpretation."

[Jasmin]: "Is that supposed to represent the defeat?"

[JadedDM]: Dejo:  "Protecting my lord's life is the only thing on my mind for now.  Who is pulling the strings behind the curtains can be dealt with after his safety is ensured."  She beckons a couple of guards to her.  "You.  Cancel all appointments and audiences today.  The Viscount is to see nobody.  And you, contact the Tainted Hands.  Have them sent here and be on high alert."  The two guards immediately salute and leave to carry out her commands.

[Siara]: "Yes.  The original choreographer did not wish to offend the Drow with a truer depiction of the defeat."  She tilted her head slightly.  "Would you like to change it?"

[Jasmin]: "It should be changed. The Drow wouldn't have a problem with stabbing someone in the back."

[Aidan]: "Captain," Aidan says as the guards leave. "I believe it would be best if the Vermin Plague are not brought aware of what we truly intend to do.  It would be best to catch them off guard and dispose of them rather than have them suspicious.  I think the two of our number who were to pretend to distract the Viscount should at least be granted an audience, so as to present the illusion of being able to easily infiltrate the manor."

[JadedDM]: Dejo:  "That is too large a risk.  I cannot rightfully trust any of your people, as you openly admit you are a part of this.  It is my sworn duty to protect the Viscount's life at all costs.  I have not failed so far, largely because I do not take risks.  I will have my own men waiting in the kitchen to deal with these assassins when they arrive.  We will interrogate them ourselves to learn if your claims are true or not."

[Daufer]: "If you heighten the alert, they will not come today, and then, you will lose your chance to end this once and for all. Next time, you will not have the luxury of being made aware of the plot beforehand."

[Siara]: Siara looked confused.  "I'm not quite sure what you mean.  Would you prefer the Drow to not be defeated?  Or to depict the Elves as stabbing the Drow in the back?"

[Aidan]: "Because, surely, by the next opportunity, they will have killed us and we will not be available to warn you and the Viscount of the danger."

[Jasmin]: "With the way it ends now, nothing is stopping me from stabbing in you in the back. Instead of having your back towards me, you should be facing me, your sword pointed down at the back of my neck while you are looking up to the sky."

[JadedDM]: Dejo:  "Do you understand what it is you ask of me?  You tell me my lord's life is in danger, and that your people are going to assist the assassins in infiltrating this mansion.  Then you ask me to let even more of your people into the grounds.  As far as I know, there are no assassins coming; that is just an attempt to make us focus our efforts on a decoy while your 'friends' take out the Viscount after we so graciously let them inside the mansion."

[Siara]: "An easy enough change."  Siara brushed her hair away from her face.  "That is how we'll finish it then."  A pause.  "Shall we practice all the way through?"

[Daufer]: "I am Her priest," Daufer says, laying a hand on his breastplate, a mailed fist inscribed on the metal. "You must trust us. No harm will come to the Viscount."

[Aidan]: "But you could have the Viscount well protected.  We do not ask for this audience for two of our own be a private one, and if you do not trust us, you can add more guards to the Viscount's escort.  I assure you, these two will move against the Vermin Plague, and the two they hold with them will assist us in capturing them."

[JadedDM]: Dejo:  "And it is that reason alone I have not all ready taken you two into custody."  She snorts, clearly upset but trying to mask it.  "I will speak to the Viscount and tell him of your plan.  But it is not the plan I would recommend to him.  However, in the end, it is his decision and I will abide by it."

[Jasmin]: "If you feel it is needed."

[Daufer]: Daufer looks over at the wizard, and then turns back to the captain. "Very well."

[Siara]: "I know this routine very well.  The moves will come naturally.  We needn't practice if you feel at ease with it."

[JadedDM]: Dejo nods and makes a gesture.  An 'honor guard' of about five men approach and surround the two casters.  They are all men in chain mail.  Two have crossbows, one has a military pike, and the last has a short sword.  The last two also have hounds with them.  They stand at attention, but leave their weapons down for now.  "Wait here," Dejo says.  "I shall return quickly."  She picks up her helmet, turns on her heel, and quickly walks to the front door.

[Aidan]: Aidan sighs and bows to the Captain as she leaves.

[Jasmin]: "It is an easy enough routine, and the steps won't be hard to remember."

[Daufer]: Daufer bends and takes a seat on the fountain's rim, unconcerned by the guards around them.

[JadedDM]: An unspecified amount of time passes; just under an hour, based on the sun's position in the sky.  Dejo finally returns, her helm again tucked under her arm and her black cape billowing behind her.  She nods to the honor guards, who seem to relax slightly.

[Daufer]: Daufer stands as the captain approaches. "What did he say, captain?"

[JadedDM]: Gaheris, by now, has finished his wine and Stanley has cleaned up the broken glass.  Bored, the rogue begins to pace again.

[Aidan]: Aidan stands, as well, and bows as the captain returns.

[JadedDM]: Dejo:  "My lord agrees to allow your friends inside for appearances.  He was scheduled to be entertained this evening by a pair of dancers.  From their descriptions, the Tainted Hands tell me these two are the ones you spoke of?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin absently watches Gaheris as he paces, her lips tightening a bit in a frown.

[Siara]: Having prepared with Jasmin, Siara sits in one of the chairs and shines her blade with an oiled cloth.

[Daufer]: Daufer nods. "Yes."

[JadedDM]: Dejo:  "Very well.  They will be allowed inside the mansion.  However, security inside has been raised to full alert, just to be on the safe side."

[Daufer]: "Our puppeteer may have taken extra precautions against us," Daufer says. "It's probably best to be safe."

[Aidan]: Aidan bows.  "Thank you, Captain.  We should surely be able to remove the threat of the Vermin Plague tonight."

[JadedDM]: Dejo:  "There are many more preparations to make before nightfall.  You may leave, and reclaim your weapons at the front gate.  If you are truthful, and we are able to both wipe out the Vermin Plague and save my lord's life, I am sure he will reward you beyond imagining."

[Jasmin]: Rather bored herself, Jasmin removes the circlet from around her forehead and begins pulling her long hair up into a ponytail.

[Daufer]: Daufer bows and walks towards the gate entrance.

[JadedDM]: It's around this time Eskar returns to the mansion, seemingly covered in even more charcoal than when he departed.

[Aidan]: Aidan bows to the Captain and follows after Daufer.

[JadedDM]: At the front gate, the guards return the short bow, Dukosh's Valor, and the throwing knives before opening the gate to let the two out.

[JadedDM]: Eskar places a hand over his heart and grumbles something in Duergar, a look of mild pain on his face.  Brushing it off, he wanders over back to his covered chair.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin glances over to Eskar, raising an eyebrow at his actions. "Something wrong?"

[JadedDM]: The Duergar shrugs as he sits back down.  "I am getting old," he says simply.  "Aches and pains are to be coming and going at my age, eh?  I am to be one hundred fifty five years old next Lightday."

[Aidan]: Aidan looks at the sky, taking stock of the hour.  "I suppose we have some time for some last minute preparations," he says to Daufer.

[Jasmin]: "You sure? I've never seen you grab at your chest before like that."

[JadedDM]: Eskar shrugs again.  "I was stabbed there, remember?  It sometimes hurts still.  Maybe always will be."

[Daufer]: "Yes," Daufer says. "Pray to your god, wizard. I will go to pray to mine."

[Jasmin]: "Hmm. All right then." Jasmin shrugs before leaning back in her chair.

[JadedDM]: Hours pass, and as the sun slowly turns pink and sinks down to the horizon, the party gathers once more at the Temple of Shadowbite .  They are again escorted down the black halls, illuminated only by torches of blue faerie fire, to the conference room.  Here, they find the three goblins waiting for them--the Rat King, leader of the Vermin Plague, Sonak the shadow-kissed assassin, and the Nightmaster, high cleric of Shadowbite.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin keeps her arms crossed as she stands before the three goblins.

[Siara]: Siara takes one of the chairs and crosses her legs.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris sits quietly, trying to look calm and collected as he normally does.  Eskar sits on the other side of the table, occasionally placing a hand on his heart and mumbling.

[Daufer]: Daufer, as last time, stays standing.

[Aidan]: Aidan pulls his black silk jacket closer to him, Amaris stepping lightly on his shoulder because of the motion, and stands near the chairs, keeping his staff at hand.

[JadedDM]: Rat King:  "All right.  Let's go over the plan one more time," he says, checking the fine point on one of his throwing knives.  "Sonak, the dwarf, Gaheris and I will infiltrate the mansion through the use of the sewers."  He looks to Siara and Jasmin.  "What will you be doing?"

[Jasmin]: "We will be distracting the Viscount with a dance."

[JadedDM]: The Rat King nods.  "Good.  And you two?" he asks Daufer and Aidan.

[Aidan]: "Daufer and I will be waiting to create a distraction from outside the mansion, on the courtyard."

[JadedDM]: The Nightmaster, his elbows on the table, clasps his fingers together and rests his chin on his hands.  "It seems everyone knows their part then.  He glances to the dwarf from under his cowl.  "Is something amiss, Eskar?"

[JadedDM]: Blanching, Eskar shrugs.  "Is, scar supposed to be hurting sometimes?"

[JadedDM]: The Nightmaster stares at him for an uncomfortable amount of time before finally answering.  "Phantom pain," he says.  "The body expects it to hurt, so it does.  It will pass, I am sure."

[JadedDM]: Rat King:  "I guess we better get this show on the road then."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin turns to make her way for the door. "Come on, Siara."

[Daufer]: Daufer hefts his maul upon his shoulder and exits as quickly as possible.

[Siara]: Siara glances back once more at the Nightmaster before exiting with Jasmin.

[Aidan]: Aidan bows to the Nightmaster, and then follows after Daufer.

[JadedDM]: The Rat King and Nightmaster both look to each other.  The latter nods, and the former nods back.  The Rat King then approaches Gaheris and Eskar.  "Let's go then.  I hope you aren't wearing your good clothes."  He chuckles and pats Gaheris on the back.  The four of them file outside.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin leads the way towards the Viscount's mansion.

[JadedDM]: "This way," the Rat King says, leading Gaheris, Eskar, and Sonak down a dark ally.

[Siara]: Siara is unusually quiet as they walk.  It is apparent from her face that she is concerned about something.

[Daufer]: As Gaheris leaves, Daufer calls out, "Tap her light, Gaheris."
[JadedDM]: Gaheris nods to Daufer before stepping into the shadows after the others.

[Jasmin]: "He might know," Jasmin finally says softly.

[Aidan]: Aidan steps closer to Jasmin.  "That was a very long silence, and he and the Rat King seemed to share something, too.  I think we certainly forgot about something concerning the nature of resurrection."

[Siara]: Siara swallows.  "I know."  She bites her lip as they walk.  "We can't act any different.  At least not yet."

[JadedDM]: The clouds above block out most of the starlight, making it a particularly dark night.  However, the glows of the two half-moons manage to intermingle into a soft purple light that casts an ominous dark tinge over the city.

[Daufer]: "You two get going," Daufer says to the women. "We can't back out now."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes a deep breath and gives a small nod to Daufer as she continues on for the Viscount's gates.

[Aidan]: Aidan nods to the two women and looks in the direction the sewer group went.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin and Siara approach the twelve foot high metal fence surrounding the rectangular courtyard of the Viscount's mansion.  Although very dark, they can hear the chink of mail and the occasional bark of a hound from all over the grounds.  They are stopped at the front gates and asked to identify themselves.

[Jasmin]: "We are the dancers that were supposed to entertain the Viscount this evening," she says to the guard calmly.

[JadedDM]: Opening the gate, the two are allowed into the courtyard.  "Please turn over any weapons you have on your persons," the guard tells her.

[Jasmin]: "Our weapons are apart of our performance," she says glancing to Siara.

[Aidan]: Aidan looks towards Daufer.  "Should we wait outside the mansion property, or should we change our plan?"

[JadedDM]: The guard looks to his companion, then back to the women.  "Standard procedure, miss.  Everyone who walks through this gate, except for the Drow of course, must turn over their weapons."

[JadedDM]: "We'll be happy to search you ourselves, if we have to," the second guard pipes in.

[Daufer]: Daufer stares up at the night sky. "Perhaps, in a bit. Gaheris and the dwarf can take care of two goblins, I'm sure.  For now, let's stick to the plan," Daufer says.

[Aidan]: Aidan sighs.  "So, do we move to the mansion, or do we wait here?"

[Daufer]: "To the mansion," Daufer says. "Let's go." He starts walking.

[Aidan]: Aidan nods, and then follows Daufer, though he looks back towards the alley the sewer group followed.

[Siara]: Siara starts to hand over her saber, but hesitates, reaching into her pouch for a piece of honeycomb.  "Are you sure that's necessary?  You should let us in with our weapons, just his once.  The Viscount will be disappointed with our performance if we don't have them."

[JadedDM]: The first guard's eyes glaze over for a second, and then he blinks a couple of times.  "Well...I wouldn't want to disappoint the Viscount," he says.  "I guess we can make an exception this one time."

[JadedDM]: The second guard looks at him, baffled.  "Uh, you sure about that, Sarge?"

[Jasmin]: "You wouldn't want to disappoint the Viscount now would you?" Jasmin asks the second guard curiously.

[JadedDM]: Sarge:  "It's fine.  They're just dancers, after all.  And security is really tight tonight.  There's nothing to worry about."  He waves them through.  "It's right down this path to the front door," he informs them.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin slips in the gates past the guards, and moves for the front doors.

[Siara]: "Thank you."  She whispers as they go inside.

[JadedDM]: Stepping down the cobblestone path, the two women pass by the white fountain and reach the front doors.  The guards there let them inside, into the main hall--a massive room with red carpet.  There is a beautiful staircase that leads upstairs.  A handful of guards are there, waiting for them.  "You the dancers?" one asks.

[JadedDM]: Meanwhile, Daufer and Aidan approach the front gates of the courtyard.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin gives a small nod to the guards. "We are," she says to the guards. Though, she seems a bit surprised to see the handful of guards.

[Daufer]: Daufer leans against the bars of the fence, looking at the wizard. "Do we wait?"

[JadedDM]: The guards escort them through the west door into a spacious dining room.  It has a very long oaken table down the middle.  Chairs circle around it and a pure white tablecloth covers it up.  Above is a balcony that circles the room.  A glass chandelier hangs directly over the table itself.  On the far west side is a fireplace with a cracking fire in it.  A golden shield rests over the mantle.  There is a door on the northwest side.  The table holds no plates or food and nobody else is present.  The guards instruct them to wait here.  They then file out of the door they entered from.  There is an audible locking sound a moment later.

[Aidan]: Aidan looks away from the courtyard, back the way they came from.  "I think it might be best not to wait right by the fence.  At the least, we don't want to present ourselves as suspicious to the guards on duty tonight, as Dejo might not have told everyone."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin glances around the dining room, yet she turns towards the door as she hears the locking. "Something is wrong," she says.

[Daufer]: "Very well. I believe Miss Rouge's library is nearby. Let's wait there."

[Aidan]: Aidan nods and heads for the library.

[Siara]: "Where is everyone?"  Siara's eyes meet Jasmin's.

[JadedDM]: A few moments later, the door unlocks and three men enter.  One is Liam, the youngest son of Kricket.  The other two are guards.  They stand at attention by the door while Liam approaches.  "Jasmin," he says.  "And I don't believe we have met, although you do look familiar," he says to Siara.

[JadedDM]: Daufer and Aidan reach the library, finding it, as usual, empty of patrons and indeed all life save for Loreleii herself, who is so busy rearranging books she does not notice them enter.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin moves to lean against the table, raising an eyebrow at Liam. "Her name is Siara. What is going on?" Jasmin asks curiously.

[Daufer]: Daufer raps the wooden door with his knuckles. "Greetings."

[Siara]: Siara smiled politely to Kricket's son, watching the interaction between the two.  Her expression shows a strange calm.

[JadedDM]: Liam bows politely to Siara.  "Liam Mezos of the Tainted Hands."  He then turns his attention back to Jasmin.  "Don't worry.  This is all part of the plan."

[JadedDM]: Loreleii jumps slightly, her hand going to her heart.  "Oh!  Oh, Daufer.  I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."  She stands up.

[Jasmin]: "Locking us up in a dining room is apart of the plan?"

[Aidan]: Aidan nods to Loreleii, and before the door closes behind them, Amaris takes flight from his shoulder and flies outside, rising into the sky.

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "Well, it's part of our plan, at any rate."

[Daufer]: "We're sorry to bother you, Miss Rouge. We won't be here long."

[Aidan]: Amaris flies towards the alley the sewer group went down.

[Siara]: Siara raises a brow.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks visibly confused.

[JadedDM]:  Amaris finds the sewer tunnels pitch black and reeking of refuse.  The walls are of a thick, black stone that is slick with slime.  The only sounds are the occasional drip of water and a few rats scurrying about.  The tunnels are numerous and maze-like, leading her to have to backtrack a number of times.

[JadedDM]: Loreleii:  "Is there something I can help you with?  Research?"

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "The assassins will be taken care of.  We have men waiting to ambush them," he reassures them.

[Daufer]: Daufer shakes his head. "Are you here alone, Miss Rouge?"

[JadedDM]: Loreleii smiles and shrugs.  "As usual."

[Aidan]: "I just need to focus for a bit," Aidan mutters.  He moves towards a chair and sits down, closing his eyes.

[Jasmin]: "What about us?"

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "You are to remain here until the assassins are in custody.  Just to be safe."

[Siara]: "We don't need the protection."  She peered back at Liam.

[Aidan]: Aidan concentrates, seeing from Amaris' eyes.  He mentally commands her to look for a sign of anyone’s passing.

[Jasmin]: "It isn't us he is protecting. He thinks we are going to still go after the Viscount."

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "Well, surely you didn't think we'd let you run around here freely, did you?"  He glances to their belts.  "You still have your weapons?  Ah, I suppose Dejo underestimated your silver tongue, Jasmin."

[Jasmin]: "...It wasn't me," Jasmin says, glancing to the ground.

[Siara]: Siara's face falls, a bit of color flushing her cheeks.

[JadedDM]:  After several false starts, Amaris finally comes across an opening above a pile of refuse.  Flying upward, she finds herself in a cool, dank stone hall with mildew growing on the walls.  There's an old door of partially rotted wood up ahead that has been left swinging open.

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "No?"  He looks at Siara appraisingly.  "You must be the new member of the Shadow Bats?"

[Siara]: Siara smiles venomously back, obviously still a bit offended.  "Yes."

[Aidan]: Aidan has the bat fly about the room once, absorbing any details, or bodies on the ground.

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "A fine addition to an all ready excellent team, I'm sure," he says.

[JadedDM]:  The only things on the floor in this room are muddy footprints and a couple of puddles of standing water.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin lets out a small snort before pushing herself away from the table only to start pacing back and forth. Really, she seems to resemble a caged tiger.

[Aidan]: Aidan urges Amaris through the rotted door, but commands her to stay near the ceiling.

[Siara]: Siara smirks at Liam.  "We don't all share the same opinion, as you can see."

[JadedDM]: Liam watches Jasmin a few moments and smiles before looking back to Siara.  "You should probably be wary when working with the Shadow Bats.  Although skilled, they have a tendency to wind up in some rather sticky spots.  Like this whole Vermin Plague thing."

[Siara]: Muttered.  "I've noticed."  Her softer expression returns, her voice turning more casual.  "The Tainted Hands seems to be much better managed."

[JadedDM]:  Amaris emerges into a similar hallway, only this one is cleaner.  There are shelves on the south wall of preserved food and ingredients.  There is a wooden door to the north and four figures standing around it.  One of them, clearly Gaheris, is attempting to pick a lock.  The other three, a dwarf and two goblins, watch in tension.

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "Well, to be fair, we have far more experience."

[Jasmin]: "Liam, you can't hold me in here much longer you know."

[Aidan]: Amaris flies towards the nearest shelf of preserved food, picking at some of it while keeping an eye on the four figures.

[Daufer]: "Hm. It would be better if you were not alone tonight, Miss Rogue. Perhaps you can go to Priest Chaleur?"

[JadedDM]:  "Got it," Gaheris whispers, removing his lockpick from the knob.  He presses his ear against the door for a few moments, and then backs off.  "I think it's clear."

[Siara]: Siara rolls her eyes towards Jasmin, curious to hear her reasoning for such a claim.

[JadedDM]: Loreleii frowns.  "Is...something the matter?"

[Daufer]: "Trust me," Daufer says. "You would be... safer further south, away from here. Just for tonight."

[JadedDM]: Liam glances to Jasmin, but does not reply.  Rather, he says to Siara, "You know, Jasmin here has actually received a number of offers from my father to join our team.  I sometimes think he'd do just about anything to recruit her," he adds jokingly.

[JadedDM]: Loreleii pales a bit, but she bites her lip and nods.  "All right.  I'll grab a few things and head to the smelter."

[Jasmin]: "Liam, don't," Jasmin seems to plea as she moves to lean against the table again.

[Daufer]: Daufer gives a slight smile. "Thank you."

[Aidan]: Amaris creeps forward along the shelf, crawling towards a new bit of preserved food.

[JadedDM]: Loreleii goes upstairs to gather a few items.  She returns and puts on her red cloak.  "Will you lock up on your way out?" she asks, trying to keep any tremors in her voice hidden.

[Siara]: "Really?"  Her voice is dry, her heated gold eyes lingering on Jasmin.  "Why haven't you accepted such a kind offer, Jasmin?"

[JadedDM]:  As stealthy as shadows, Gaheris opens the door and the four each slip inside, one after the other, leaving the door open behind them.

[Daufer]: Daufer nods. "I will. And safe journey, Miss Rouge."

[JadedDM]: Loreleii:  "Thank you.  And good luck, with whatever you're doing."  She glances to Aidan, but seeing him still in a trance, bites her lip again and simply walks out.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to Siara. "I don't see how that is really any of your business," she says in a bit of anger.

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "Perhaps you could convince her with your silver tongue, Miss Siara.  I imagine there'd be room for you on our team as well, were you able to accomplish such a feat."

[Aidan]: Amaris waits a few moments, then flies around the room, and then through the door.

[Siara]: "I suppose it's not."  She turns his gaze back towards Liam.  "I didn't know that the Tainted Hands were recruiting."

[Daufer]: Daufer leans against the counter, tapping his fingers against the metal plates of his armor, waiting for the wizard to come out of the trance.

[JadedDM]:  The moment she flies into the room, there is a loud crash and a shout of surprise.  Dust flies everywhere as a huge, hulking figure slams its fist into Gaheris' side, knocking him aside like a rag doll.  "Traitor!" the Rat King cries.  "They knew we were coming!"

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "We only recruit the best, of course."

[Aidan]: Amaris tries to focus on the figure attacking Gaheris.

[Siara]: "Besides, I think it's too much of a challenge for me.  I doubt even my silver tongue could convince her to leave Gaheris."  The gold of her eyes is smoldering.

[JadedDM]:  The creature stands over seven feet tall and appears to be a collection of body parts stitched together like some kind of gruesome doll.  Its skin is sickly green and has some decayed flesh.  A beautiful blue gem is embedded in its bare chest and it seems to glow with its own light.

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "A pity then."

[Jasmin]: "As I stated earlier, why do the Shadow Bats need me when they have a...better replacement?"

[Siara]: A grin.  "Indeed.  Why do you stick around?"

[Aidan]: Amaris maneuvers around the room, looking for all the other figures in the room.

[Jasmin]: "I guess the reason I had doesn't actually exist anymore."

[Siara]: "Competition can be rough, sugar."

[JadedDM]:  The room is chaos, and all of the noise and moving objects is a bit disorienting for Amaris.  A cloud of gas rises up into the air and seems to sift through a crack in a wall of its own accord.  Someone swears loudly.  The creature picks up Sonak and hurls him against the back wall with incredible force.  Then, sensing the presence of Amaris, the hulking creature attempts to reach out and grab her.

[Jasmin]: "Where are Kricket and Cardel?" Jasmin asks, looking back over to Liam.

[Aidan]: Amaris flies out the door she came in from.

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "They are watching over the Viscount, of course."

[Siara]: Siara bites her lip, looking eagerly over at Liam.

[JadedDM]:  Just barely avoiding the creature's grasp, she flies out the door.  The creature does not seem to pursue, but rather she can hear the sound of it beating on the remaining people nearby.

[Aidan]: Aidan commands Amaris to fly back towards the entrance of the sewers and wait there.  He then opens his eyes and looks around.  Spotting Daufer near him, he stands quickly and says, "Dejo had the flesh golem waiting for them, and I think it's trying to kill Gaheris and Eskar as well as the Rat King and Sonak."

[Daufer]: Daufer looks at the wizard with anger in his eyes. "I see. She did not trust us."

[Jasmin]: "Gaheris and Eskar are with the Vermin Plague," Jasmin finally says, looking to Siara. "They were supposed to turn on the Vermin Plague once they got inside."

[JadedDM]: Liam nods.  "So I heard."

[Jasmin]: "I have no reason to lie about this, Liam."

[Aidan]: "No she did not."  Aidan looks around the library, as if to make sure they are alone.  "Should we try to help them?"

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "I never questioned the truth of your statement."

[Jasmin]: "Then let me out of here so I can stop them from hurting Gaheris and Eskar."

[Daufer]: "How? The guard won't let us in with our weapons. By the time we get through the sewers, the golem will have done its job." Daufer swears.

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "They will all be taken alive for questioning.  Viscount's orders.  Don't worry.  Nobody will die unless they resist too strongly."

[Siara]: To Liam.  "Is there any way for you to let us know if they're still safe?"

[Jasmin]: "But you know they will!"

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "Once they are in captivity, they will be taken to a nearby room.  I'll be sure to let you know when this happens."

[Siara]: Siara scoffs at the worry in her voice.  "You really are too weak to leave him, aren't you?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to Siara, her eyes narrowing. "I'm not weak," she says hotly.

[Aidan]: "But..."  Aidan takes a deep breath, visibly calming himself.  "There must be something we can do to help them, though.  They might resist long enough to survive for us to get there."

[Daufer]: Daufer closes his eyes, trying to calm himself. "If we go charging in there, we'll look just like the traitors that the captain feared us to be. Remember the real threat. How are they doing?"

[Aidan]: "The last I saw, Gaheris was knocked aside with the thing's fist.  It threw Sonak against a wall, but obviously it has no ability to distinguish between its targets."

[Siara]: Siara makes no response, moving towards Liam.  "Why don't you go check on them?  Things don't always go to plan."

[Daufer]: "No sign of the dwarf? The Rat King?"

[JadedDM]: Liam opens his mouth to respond, but he's interrupted by the door on the other end of the hall unlocking and opening.  A guard steps forward.  "We have them, sir."  Liam nods and approaches, although the other three guards stay where they are.  "I'll be back in a moment with a report," Liam tells them before following the guard out.

[Aidan]: "I'm sure they were there...everything was a bit of a mess, and Amaris needed to get out quickly."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin seems to make a move forward to follow after Liam, but she stops herself.

[Siara]: Siara curses to herself, moving away from the door and running her fingers through her hair in thought.

[JadedDM]: About five minutes later, Liam returns.  " many were in the party that were to infiltrate the mansion?"

[Jasmin]: "Four," Jasmin says, seeing no reason as to why she shouldn't tell the truth at this point.

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "Four?  I see..," he says, clearly troubled by this news.

[Jasmin]: "What's going on?"

[Siara]: "Who's missing?"

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "We only captured three.  The fourth one must have escaped somehow."

[Jasmin]: "Well, who did you capture?"

[JadedDM]: Instead of answering, Liam shoots his own counter-question.  "Who was in this party?"

[Siara]: Siara glares at Jasmin.

[Jasmin]: "You all ready know the answer to that Liam. I've all ready said it once."

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "You are sure of this?  Just those four?"

[Jasmin]: "Yes, I'm sure of it."

[Aidan]: Aidan mentally commands Amaris to return to the library.

[JadedDM]: Liam sighs.  "The dwarf, the shadow-kissed....and your precious Gaheris," he says, unable to keep the bitterness from his voice, "were all found.  The Rat King, however...there was no sign of him at all."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to Siara. "I told you the Nightmaster knew."

[Siara]: An element of fear enters her eyes.  "Liam, you need to let us go now.  The threat has passed."

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "If he did not, he most likely does now.  If the Rat King somehow escaped, I'm sure he will immediately report what happened to the Nightmaster."

[Jasmin]: "The Rat King is in the mansion. He will probably try to carry out what we were supposed to do."

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "Then I must get to the Viscount as soon as possible.  I'm afraid you'll have to wait here a while longer."  He hurries over to the east door.

[Jasmin]: "Liam! We would serve you better if we were with you!"

[JadedDM]: Liam:  "I'll be back soon," he tells her, as he and the guards depart.  "Don't try and leave this room.  It's well guarded."  He closes and locks the door behind him.

[Aidan]: Aidan moves towards the library's door and opens it slightly, allowing Amaris to fly inside, who then alights on his shoulder.  Turning back to Daufer he says, "I think we should head to the mansion, and see what we can find out.  Perhaps we can find Dejo."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin pushes herself from the table, and moves to the door only to tug on it while muttering to herself.

[JadedDM]: The door, of course, is locked shut.

[Daufer]: Daufer sighs heavily. "Very well." He picks himself up and leaves the library, locking it after everyone is out.

[JadedDM]: (Okay, this seems like as good as any point to end things for now.)

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