Session 15:
Fire Lizard

[JadedDM]: Agate 23rd, Lightday; 10 bells:  It is pouring down rain as the party gathers at the Wolf Blaze Inn before setting out for the west gate.  Gaheris sits at a table with the others, finishing off a drink.  Meschior can't seem to sit still and begins to pace anxiously near the table.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin walks up behind Meschior as he paces and places her hands on his shoulders with a grin. "Restless are we?"

[Eskar]: Eskar sits at the table, drinking a mug of the cheapest liquor available. He seems much calmer now, watching the exchange between Jasmin and Meschior. "It is a good day."

[JadedDM]: Meschior frowns.  "This rain is a bad omen."

[Jasmin]: "Oh, everything is going to be fine!" she says cheerfully. "I mean, I did manage to get us a map, so that should help a lot. Plus, I have news for all of you."

[Aidan]: Aidan looks around occasionally, playing with the straps of his backpack under his cloak and keeping a hand near his quarterstaff.  "Omens." Aidan rolls his eyes away from the priest and turns to Jasmin.  "What news?"

[Eskar]: Eskar grunts and looks over to Aidan. "What do your cards say?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin crosses her arms as she notices she isn't getting the attention she wanted. "I got us invited to the noble's Pride Day ball."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Ha!" he says, obviously not believing her.

[Aidan]: "My cards believe this priest of Renos wouldn't know a good omen if it patted his behind," the mage says quickly.  "A ball?"

[Eskar]: Eskar chokes on the foul stuff in his mug. He hastily wipes his face and eyes before looking at Jasmin properly. "What?"

[JadedDM]: Meschior comes to a halt and faces Aidan.  "And what good have your own predictions been to us so far, soothsayer?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks over to Meschior and Aidan. "Hey...hey, that is enough," she says quickly before looking back to Gaheris. "And I am serious. I am friends with Lady Monet after all."

[Aidan]: Aidan rolls his eyes again.  "What would this ball involve, besides dancing and nobles?  I have little interest in games of intrigue."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris seems to choke a bit.  When he recovers, he stands up.  "Are you really serious, kitten?  It's a rare event for nobles to invite commoners."

[Eskar]: Eskar reaches over and takes a gentle but firm grip on Meschior's forearm, even if he has to stand up and walk over to do so, trying to pull him back. "Come, it is being good that it is how do you call it? Not sun."

[Jasmin]: "Not after I mentioned what happened to the Rat King." Jasmin smiles. "I had to get us invited though. According to the Tainted Hands, the nobles are thinking of hiring them exclusively, and we can't let that happen."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Damn...because they won the tournament, that's why."  He casts a sharp glance to Jasmin and Eskar.

[Aidan]: "...And we would need to put on a good show and make friends to stop them from this?" Aidan asks skeptically.

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "The sun is the domain of Renos," he says simply to the dwarf.

[Jasmin]: "And we need to prove that we are just as good as the Tainted Hands. According to what I learned, Lord...Tyler I think, is suppose to talk to the Tainted Hands at the ball about a job."

[Eskar]: Eskar shrugs. "I am not being so sure, Meschior. It was foul luck last time."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Lord Tyler.  He has the biggest mansion in Voxis, next to the Viscount, of course."  He scratches at his chin thoughtfully.

[Aidan]: "When is this ball?  I should think we would be able to outshine the Tainted Hands with our accomplishments.  I've read they lost one of their members hunting fire lizards some time ago, you know."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to Aidan. "And it gives us the chance to get the nobles better as well," she says pointedly. "Perhaps find out things we didn't know before."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "I remember hearing about that.  The group broke up after that incident.  That is, until Kricket recruited his two sons."

[Aidan]: Aidan shrugs at her, conceding the point.

[Jasmin]: "There is just one thing that the rest of you aren't going to like," Jasmin states, looking between each of them.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Ah, the catch."

[Jasmin]: "Since Lord Tyler is going to speaking to the Tainted Hands about a job, I figured it would be a good idea for me to go with one of them to find out what this job is."

[Eskar]: Eskar looks down at his dusty beard and back up. "You are... The only one though, my friend, who is being pretty enough to go to dance. You must be our... How you say?"

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "I thought you said we were all invited?"

[Jasmin]: "All of you are invited; I just won't be arriving with you."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris snorts and crosses his arms.  "In any case, we have eleven days before Pride Day."

[Aidan]: Aidan looks up for a moment, thinking. "I imagine it may not be so simple to convince one of them to take you...?"

[Jasmin]: "Liamx has all ready agreed. They don't know that I'm apart of the Shadow Bats."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "You went to see the Tainted Hands?"

[Jasmin]: "How else do you think I got this information, Gaheris?"

[Eskar]: The duergar shakes his head and hops onto his feet, adjusting his gear. He scratches at his beard, brow furrowed.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris scowls.  "That's where you got that map, isn't it?  Kricket is one of the few living people in this city who could have had such a thing."

[Aidan]: Aidan raises an eyebrow and nods at her.  "It seems you have this well-planned, then."

[Jasmin]: "I felt we needed to be a little more prepared than we were, so I went to the one person I knew that would have a map," Jasmin says, obviously defending herself. "What is so wrong with that?"

[JadedDM]: Gaheris puts on his cloak and says angrily, "I just hope it proves worth whatever price they made you pay."  He then heads outside, into the heavy rain.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin watches Gaheris storm out in which she plops down in a chair and crosses her arms in a huff.

[Eskar]: Eskar watches Jasmin. "We go, yes?"

[JadedDM]: Meschior puts on his crimson cloak, checks his sword and shield, and nods to the dwarf.  He heads out after Gaheris.

[Aidan]: Aidan looks off after him, then back to the others around the table.  "Splendid, an excellent note to begin on."  Aidan stands and adjusts his cloak over his backpack and raises his hood before grabbing his staff and waiting for Jasmin to rise.

[Eskar]: Eskar follows the priest, securing his cloak.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin watches the others, obviously not too happy at this point. Though she stands, puts on her cloak, and heads after everyone else.

[Aidan]: Aidan takes a last look around the room before heading outside after the others.

[JadedDM]: Together, the five trod through the heavy rain, into the Noble District and through the West Gate.  The dry, dusty road of the Kallow Valley is now muddy and slick, and more than once does someone step into a puddle that is deeper than it looks, and soaks their boots.  The rain is quite cold, and there is no sign of the sun through the heavy, black clouds.

[Aidan]: "Wonderful weather, isn't it?" Aidan calls out as he steps around a large puddle.

[JadedDM]: The party heads silently southwest, through the valley, without incident.  The tension in the air is nearly as thick as the rain, which has now since soaked through their cloaks (making them feel heavy) and chilled their skin.  Eventually, the five reach the opening to the Kallow Wadi.  A number of skulls on pikes (human, goblin, and hobgoblin alike) litter the area before the entrance.

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "A warning.  The Wadi Goblins do not show mercy on trespassers."

[Eskar]: Eskar wraps his cloak tighter around himself and looks with worry at his armor and weapons. "I hate goblins."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks towards the pikes as she pulls her cloak a little tighter around herself. "Wonderful decorating skills."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris pauses and then turns to face the group, his face hidden by his cowl.  "This is it.  The entrance to the wadi, which is sometimes called the Slayers' Graveyard.  Few have returned from it alive.  Anyone wanting to back out, had better do so now.  I won't be held accountable for any who die in there."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin smirks at Gaheris and takes a few steps forward.

[JadedDM]: Meschior steps forward to take his place by Jasmin.  "Renos is with me."

[Aidan]: Aidan steps forward, slowly, as well. "So much for your omens...."

[JadedDM]: All heads then turn to the dwarf.

[Eskar]: Eskar looks himself over and lets out a massive sigh. "I..." He shakes his head a little and steps forward. "Will watching the back."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris nods and glances around.  "Also note that, should you fall, most likely your body won't be recovered.  And the Nightmaster cannot bring you back," he says, looking to the dwarf.  "Let's be off."  He draws his blade and heads into the wadi.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin draws her swords and follows after Gaheris. "Like anyone would consider bringing me back in the first place," she mutters to herself.

[Eskar]: Eskar spits black onto the ground, then follows.

[Aidan]: Aidan raises an eyebrow. "...Wonderful."  He takes another look at the skulls and pikes before following after the others.

[JadedDM]: Meschior follows.  "Although the rain hides the flames of the sun, they are still there," he says, quoting an obscure passage from the teachings of Renos.

[JadedDM]: The wadi is a series of interconnecting gullies that fill with water during the rainy season.  Right now, they are relatively dry, save for some large puddles on the ground.  A nearby volcano's magma heats the area up from underground, creating a number of hot springs and geysers.  The entire area is rather warm and muggy, despite the rain, and steam rises up from several locations.

[JadedDM]: They walk forward for a short distance, before reaching a fork in the path; one way going north, the other south.  Gaheris pauses and looks to Jasmin.  "You have the map.  You take point."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes out the map after sheathing one of her swords. She looks over the map quietly before looking up at the fork. "South," she says before she rolls up the map and starts that way.

[JadedDM]: Meschior follows after her, with Gaheris taking the middle.

[Aidan]: Aidan pulls down his hood and follows, sure not to fall in last place.

[Eskar]: Eskar like-wise continues, without much comment.

[JadedDM]: They head south for a short while before reaching an opening, about twenty feet wide and thirty feet long.  There are two more paths, one continuing to the south and another heading northeast.  A large, twisted and gnarled tree stands in the center of the area, its leaves missing.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes out the map again, wrinkling her nose. "Well, we can really go either way," she says to the others.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Choose one then," he says irritably.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks over her shoulder to Gaheris and glares before she takes the northeast path. Once walking, she mutters something under her breath.

[JadedDM]: The five continue forward in a line, passing under the tree as they walk.  However, as the last two pass by the hunk of twisted wood, a pair of green snakes, both at least fifteen feet in length, drop from the branches at them.  Aidan manages to dodge at the last second, and the snake hits the ground, immediately rising its head up, its red, glowing eyes staring at him.  The second snake lands on Eskar and immediately begins wrapping around him.

[JadedDM]: (Actions?)

[Eskar]: Eskar panics and tries to muscle his way out of the snake's wraps.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin turns quickly, only to move in to attack the snake in front of Aidan.

[Aidan]: Aidan backs up as much as he can and raises his staff.

[Jasmin]: [1d10] -> [1] = (1)

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [9] = (9)

[Aidan]: [1d10] => [1] = (1)
[JadedDM]: (Notice:  Because of the heavy rain, combat is hindered.  Everyone who attacks with a melee weapon must apply a -1 penalty to their attack rolls.  Anyone who uses a missile weapon must apply a -2 penalty.)

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [18, -1] = (17)

[Jasmin]: [1d20] -> [5, -1] = (4)

[Jasmin]: [1d6+3] -> [1,3] = (4)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin steps in front of Aidan, and swoops Radiant Star down upon the snake. The sword pierces its scales, and the snake hisses in pain as it curls back to avoid the second blow of her other sword.

[JadedDM]: Aidan's turn.

[Aidan]: [1d20-1] => [3, -1] = (2)

[Aidan]: (...doh.)

[Aidan]: Aidan swings with his quarterstaff, completely missing any length of the snake.

[JadedDM]: Meschior's turn.

[JadedDM]: The priest attempts to attack the snake on Eskar, but hesitates for fear of hitting the dwarf instead.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris' turn.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris thrusts at the first snake with his blade, but the rain in his eyes hampers him.

[JadedDM]: Snake 2's turn.

[JadedDM]: The snake tightens its squeeze on Eskar, slowly crushing him.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[JadedDM]: (Roll 1d20.)

[Eskar]: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)

[Eskar]: Eskar tries to muscle his way out of the coils, but his weakened body is not up to the challenge.

[JadedDM]: Snake 1's turn.

[JadedDM]: The snake, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light, leaps at Aidan and begins to wrap around his leg.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 2?)

[Eskar]: Eskar keeps trying to get out of the snake's coils.

[Aidan]: Aidan tries to retrieve his leg.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin moves to attack the snake that is starting to wrap itself around Aidan.

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [1] = (1)

[Jasmin]: [1d10-1] -> [10,-1] = (9)

[Aidan]: [1d10] => [1] = (1)

[JadedDM]: Aidan's turn.

[Aidan]: [1d20] => [3] = (3)

[Aidan]: Aidan pulls his leg from the snake's coils.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20-1] -> [3,-1] = (2)

[Eskar]: Eskar lets out a rumbling growl from deep within his throat and manages to pry himself from the constrictor's coils.

[JadedDM]: Snake 1's turn.

[JadedDM]: The snake, removed from Aidan, begins to slither toward him again.  But the wizard evades.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris' turn.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris strikes out with his blade again, but misses.

[JadedDM]: Meschior's turn.

[JadedDM]: Meschior slices at the second snake, nearly severing it in two.  It continues to live, though.

[JadedDM]: Snake 2's turn.

[JadedDM]: The second snake goes for Eskar, but he is able to sidestep it.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [12,-1] = (11)

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [7,-1] = (6)

[Jasmin]: [1d6+3] -> [2,3] = (5)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin once again brings Radiant Star down upon the snake that attacked Aidan. She nearly cuts the snake it half, yet it still seems to slither on.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [18,-1] = (17)

[Jasmin]: [1d6+3] -> [1,3] = (4)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin manages to bring her other sword around at the last second and actually cut the snake in half this time.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 3?)

[Jasmin]: Now that the first snake is dead, Jasmin turns her attention to the second snake.

[Eskar]: Eskar whips out his bastard sword and tries to teach the snake why it was mistaken to try and make a meal out of this particular duergar.

[Aidan]: Aidan turns to the second snake, hoping to attempt a hit with his staff.

[Jasmin]: [1d10] -> [4] = (4)

[Aidan]: [1d10] => [9] = (9)

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [4] = (4)

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [16,-1] = (15)

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [14,-1] = (13)

[Jasmin]: [1d6+3] -> [3,3] = (6)

[Jasmin]: [1d6+2] -> [6,2] = (8)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin brings both of her swords down upon the snake with as much force as she can muster. The swords pierce the scales of the snake, pinning it dead to the ground.

[Eskar]: Eskar's fire for combat dies immediately and awkwardly. He tries to dry the sword as best he can with his beard before re-sheathing it. "Damn snake."

[JadedDM]: Meschior pokes at both snakes with his blade, to ensure they are dead.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin pulls her swords from the second snake. "Snakes’ eyes don't usually glow red do they?"

[Aidan]: Aidan looks at the others, wide-eyed.  "Well, that was an adventure."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Probably just reflected the sunlight or something," he says, glancing around.

[Jasmin]: "There is no sunlight, Gaheris."

[Eskar]: "Did they? Did not see. Was being killed, again." He looks around.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Let's just get on with it.  Trust me, tree snakes are the least of our worries in this place."

[Aidan]: Aidan stares at the dead snakes, watching their eyes.  "Whatever it was, perhaps it is best we move on with the task at hand before figuring out the puzzle further."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin gives Gaheris a look before she turns down the path.

[JadedDM]: The eyes of the snakes have gone out now, having been snuffed out upon death.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin leads the group northwest, which brings them to another fork; one to the south and another to the west.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks over the map for but a second before she heads down the south path without much of a word.

[JadedDM]: The party reaches another clearing, this one much larger; at least 80' x 40' in size.  There are half a dozen of creatures in there, meandering about, minding their own business.  They are giant brown lizards, at least fifteen feet in size.  A couple of them wear saddles on their backs.

[Aidan]: "Saddles?" Aidan whispers, looking around for any riders that may be nearby.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin pauses in her steps upon seeing the lizards, though upon seeing the saddles she raises an eyebrow. "They have...saddles on their backs?" Jasmin asks curiously, thinking along the same lines of Aidan.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Relax, they're just rock lizards.  They're docile, and these ones in particular look tamed.  Probably by the Wadi Goblins."  He glances around.  "They shouldn't bother us if we leave them alone."

[Eskar]: Eskar takes a good look at the lizards. "I have seen this... In my home. We leave alone, yes?"

[JadedDM]: There are two other ways out of this area.  A path to the south, and a path to the far west.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin glances down at the map, and then points to the west. "That way," she says, and then starts to make her way to the path.

[JadedDM]: The five enter the area, one by one, and begin to walk to the west.  The lizards seem to pay them little mind, at most favoring them with a disinterested glance.  Once they are about half-way through, however, something happens.  One of the lizards approaches them curiously.  It pauses then, its eyes begin to glow red, and it suddenly bares its teeth at them.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin is quick to draw her swords upon seeing the glowing red eyes again. "See, red eyes aren't normal," she says.

[Eskar]: (Does this one have a saddle?)

[JadedDM]: (Yes.)

[Aidan]: Aidan curses. "Someone's controlling them, somehow. The Rat King's rats did the same!"  He rummages in his pouches, preparing a spell to cast.

[JadedDM]: All six of the lizards are now growling and slowly approaching the party, surrounding them.  Their eyes glow with an otherworldly light, just as the snakes did.

[Eskar]: Eskar makes a bee-line for the saddle of the lizard.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Crap!  This can't be happening!"  He pulls out his bow and arrow.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 1?)

[Eskar]: (There anything preventing the lizards from leaving the clearing? Gates? Are they chained?)

[JadedDM]: (No.)

[Jasmin]: "I thought you said these were calm creatures, Gaheris," Jasmin says as she moves in to attack one of the lizards.

[Eskar]: Eskar tries to get into the saddle of one of the lizards.

[Aidan]: Aidan retrieves a small clay hand from a pouch and gestures at a lizard towards the middle of the group.

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [2] = (2)

[Jasmin]: [1d10] -> [3] = (3)

[Aidan]: (and by middle i mean.... nearest to him, if they're circling them)

[Aidan]: [1d10-1] => [1] = (1)

[JadedDM]: Aidan's turn.

[Aidan]: Aidan mutters a spell under his breath, gesturing with the clay hand towards the nearest lizard, and a dirt-formed hand begins to rise beneath it.

[JadedDM]: The hand attempts to grab the creature's leg, but fails.  It slowly sinks back into the ground.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[JadedDM]: (Make a WIS check with a -1 penalty.)

[Eskar]: (Uh oh)

[Eskar]: [1d20-1] -> [4,-1] = (3)

[Eskar]: Eskar fins himself suddenly in the saddle of one of the large lizards; he grabs the reins for control and hangs on for dear life.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [16,-1] = (15)

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [19,-1] = (18)

[Jasmin]: [1d6+3] -> [6,3] = (9)

[Jasmin]: [1d6+2] -> [1,2] = (3)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin moves in to the lizard in front of her, and brings both of her swords in at the same time, stabbing it in the side. The lizard hisses in great pain as she pulls the swords from its hide.

[JadedDM]: Meschior's turn.

[JadedDM]: Meschior prays to his deity, his voice rising over the sound of the rain and thunder.  A portion of the black clouds above part long enough to let a single ray of concentrated sunlight strike one of the lizards, burning it badly.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 3's turn.

[JadedDM]: The creature, the same one Aidan attempted to capture, goes right for the diviner.  It bites at him, and for a minute there, Aidan has a vision of himself being eaten whole, but he quickly leaps out of the way, avoiding the bite.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris' turn.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris fires an arrow, but the rain affects his aim and he strikes the ground instead.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 2's turn.

[JadedDM]: This one, the one that Jasmin had just hurt, strikes at her.  But its wound slows it down even more so than normal, allowing her to nimbly dance aside.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 4's turn.

[JadedDM]: This one bites at Gaheris, catching him in the leg.  He shouts out in pain.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 1's turn.

[JadedDM]: The creature attempts to buck Eskar off of him.  (Roll a DEX check.)

[Eskar]: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)

[JadedDM]: Eskar manages to hold onto the saddle.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 5's turn.

[JadedDM]: The burnt one goes for Meschior, but the priest wards it off with his shield.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 6's turn.

[JadedDM]: This one comes up behind Jasmin and bites her.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin cries out as she is bitten from behind.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris' turn.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris fires at the one Jasmin stabbed, dropping it.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 2?)

[Aidan]: Aidan's casting a spell.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin turns to face the lizard that took a chunk out of her.

[Jasmin]: [1d10] -> [2] = (2)

[Aidan]: [1d10] => [9] = (9)

[Eskar]: Eskar doesn't attempt to control his mount, just to stay in the saddle. With one hand he draws his sword and attempts to stab the lizard he's riding.

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [10] = (10)

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [4,-1] = (3)

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [5,-1] = (4)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin stabs into the lizard, but her swords merely bounce off the creature's thick hide.

[JadedDM]: Aidan's turn.

[Aidan]: [1d4+1] => [4,1] = (5)

[Aidan]: [1d4+1] => [4,1] = (5)

[Aidan]: [1d4+1] => [3,1] = (4)

[Aidan]: Aidan chants a spell, gesturing wildly, as three bolts of energy surge from the end of his fingertips.  One strikes the lizard attacking him, one curves to hit the lizard attacking Jasmin, and one blasts the lizard attacking Gaheris.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris' turn.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris fires an arrow at the one attacking him, and it sinks into the creature's leg.

[JadedDM]: Meschior's turn.

[JadedDM]: Meschior attacks the one he burned and blinded, nearly severing its tail off.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 3's turn.

[JadedDM]: Another stone hand rises from the ground, grabbing at the lizard, but again it fails and sinks back down.  The lizard, undaunted, bites at Aidan.

[Aidan]: Aidan shouts in pain.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 4's turn.

[JadedDM]: It bites at Gaheris, but the rogue falls backward into a roll and comes back up in safety.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 5's turn.

[JadedDM]: This one bites at Meschior, but his armor protects him.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[JadedDM]: (-2 to hit)

[Eskar]: [1d20-2] -> [10,-2] = (8)

[Eskar]: Eskar cannot both remain on top of the lizard and attack it effectively.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 1's turn.

[JadedDM]: The lizard attempts to buck Eskar off of him again.  (Another DEX check.)

[Eskar]: [1d20] -> [12] = (12)

[Eskar]: Eskar is bucked off of the lizard, falling to the ground with an 'oof.'

[JadedDM]: Gaheris wipes some rain from his eyes.  "What the hell is that dwarf doing?!" he asks nobody in particular as he ducks to avoid a large tail swing.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 6's turn.

[JadedDM]: This one bites at Jasmin, but she is able to avoid it this time.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [18,-1] = (17)

[Jasmin]: [1d6+3] -> [6,3] = (9)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin brings Radiant Star up through the Lizard's chin and right through its head in a bit of fury at being bitten. The lizard stands there for a moment as she pulls her sword out, and then it falls over with a thud.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris' turn.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris fires another arrow, but this one drops too early thanks to the rain.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin has bested her two opponents, but everyone else is fighting one-on-one.  Actions for Round 3?

[Eskar]: Eskar runs to the aid of Aidan, after getting to his feat, attacking the beast with his bastard sword.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin moves in to help Meschior with his lizard.

[Aidan]: Aidan tries to bash the lizard attacking him with his staff.

[Jasmin]: [1d10] -> [4] = (4)

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [7] = (7)

[Aidan]: [1d10] => [5] = (5)

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [2,-1] = (1)

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [4,-1] = (3)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin runs to over to help Meschior, but as she moves in to stab the creature rain falls in her eyes causing her to miss horribly.

[JadedDM]: Aidan's turn.

[Aidan]: [1d20-1] => [5,-1] = (4)

[Aidan]: Aidan swings his staff, but misses the lizard completely.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 4's turn.

[JadedDM]: This one bites Gaheris again, this time getting his arm.  He struggles to free his arm from its mouth, but when he does so, it's covered in blood.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 3's turn.

[JadedDM]: Yet another stony hand rises from the ground, but this one successfully grabs at the lizard's leg.  This causes it to fall short as it bites at Aidan, just barely missing him as a result.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20-1] -> [11,-1] = (10)

[JadedDM]: (Guys, just realized I made a goof.  Rock Lizards are size category H.)

[Aidan]: (i have no idea what that means.)

[Eskar]: [1d6+3] -> [2,3] = (5)

[JadedDM]: (This means you should use the damage category for Larger creatures.  So Jasmin should have been doing 1d8 instead of 1d6, for example.  Actually, I think she's the only PC that's affected so far.)

[Eskar]: Eskar's sword pierces the flank of lizard 3, getting its attention but not finishing it.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris' turn.

[JadedDM]: Ignoring his wound, Gaheris fires another arrow, but the pain distracts him.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 5's turn.

[JadedDM]: It attacks Meschior, but he just manages to avoid it by throwing his shield up.

[JadedDM]: Meschior's turn.

[JadedDM]: Meschior counterattacks, slashing across the lizard's throat.  It staggers a bit before nearly collapsing on him, but he rolls away.

[JadedDM]: Lizard 1's turn.

[JadedDM]: As Eskar turned his back on it, it attacks him from behind without hesitation.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.
[Eskar]: [1d20-1] -> [7,-1] = (6)

[Eskar]: Eskar misses the broad side of a lizard, making a mental note to train with his sword if he survives this.

[JadedDM]: Lizards 1, 3, and 4 remain.  Actions for Round 4?

[Jasmin]: Jasmin seems surprised at first as the creature falls before her, but she smiles brightly at Meschior before she runs to help Gaheris.

[Eskar]: The duergar continues to attack lizard 3.

[Aidan]: Aidan takes another swing at the lizard attacking him.

[Jasmin]: [1d10] -> [8] = (8)

[Aidan]: [1d10] => [7] = (7)

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [8] = (8)

[JadedDM]: Gaheris' turn.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris pulls back the arrow and lets loose, hitting it right in the forehead.  It drops with a thud to the ground, splashing in a puddle that had formed under it.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: Seeing as the lizard that Jasmin was going to attack has been dropped, she turns her attention to the lizard that attacked Eskar from behind.

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [17,-1] = (16)

[Jasmin]: [1d20-1] -> [14,-1] = (13)

[Jasmin]: [1d8+3] -> [5,3] = (8)

[Jasmin]: [1d8+2] -> [3,2] = (5)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin comes in beside the lizard, and stabs both of her swords into the creature's hide. The lizard hisses in pain from the swords, but it still lives as it turns to face her.

[JadedDM]: Aidan's turn.

[Aidan]: [1d20-1] => [17,-1] = (16)

[Aidan]: [1d6] => [6] = (6)

[Aidan]: Aidan strikes with the butt of his quarterstaff at the lizard's head, bashing the beast hard enough to slay it.

[JadedDM]: Meschior's turn.

[JadedDM]: Meschior rushes up to the last lizard and thrusts his blade right into its left hind thigh.  He then carves the sword downward a few inches, before pulling it out.  The creature drops, splashing him and Jasmin with mud.

[Eskar]: Eskar looks around, breathing heavily. "Well."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris falls to one knee, dropping his bow.

[Aidan]: Aidan sighs, examining his bite wound.  He turns as Gaheris falls.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin wrinkles her nose as she tries to wipe some of the mud off her, though she stops doing that as she sees Gaheris drop to a knee. At first she tries to act as if she doesn't care, but in the end she ends up walking over to him and kneeling before him. "You okay?"

[JadedDM]: Gaheris stands up, waving her off.  "I'm's nothing."

[Eskar]: Eskar cleans his blade on his cloak and sheathes it before turning to Aidan. "You say they controlled?"

[Jasmin]: "...Right," she says before she pushes herself up and walks over to Meschior. "I've seen something like this before, creatures being controlled that is."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris looks over to her.  "The rats...and the bats in the mines."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin nods to Gaheris.

[Eskar]: Eskar looks around, trying to see someone or something that might be hiding.

[Aidan]: Aidan nods to Eskar. "Remember those rats in the pit?"

[JadedDM]:  Eskar thinks, for a moment, he saw movement near the entrance of this area, but it could have just been a flash of lightning playing tricks on his mind.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "I destroyed that horn he had, though."

[Jasmin]: "Who says a horn is the only way to control creatures?" Jasmin asks.

[Aidan]: "The Rat King had a ring to control his rats." Aidan wipes the mud from his hands and holds up his ring finger.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "And he's dead.  So we can rule him out."

[Eskar]: Eskar lowers his voice. "I am being curious. I become invisible, I think someone following. I will find out while you continue."

[Jasmin]: "Santeria is ruled out too, but that doesn't mean that other members of the Bloody Maw couldn't do this."

[Aidan]: Aidan walks towards the rest of the group. "Or any other members of the Vermin Plague...."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "How would the Bloody Maw know we were here?  Wait, what did the dwarf just say?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks over to Eskar for a moment. "Who would follow us here?"

[Aidan]: Aidan whispers, "He said he thought he saw someone following us, and that he would look around."

[Eskar]: "It is only way. First snakes, then this. Must be following." Eskar kneels behind a lizard's corpse, and concentrates.

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "Who knows we are here at all?  I told no one save my employees."

[Eskar]: The duergar disappears.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin frowns as she thinks of those that know where she is going. "Arael asked me where we were going next," she says softly. "But she couldn't do something like this."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris crosses his arms.  "I told nobody."

[Eskar]: Eskar is going to move closer to the entrance, but remain a safe distance away.

[Aidan]: "Malik would know," Aidan says. "And Loreleii might've seen me reading over some books about the place."

[Jasmin]: "There is one other person that has an idea that we are here, but he wouldn't come here."

[JadedDM]:  Eskar inches his way toward the entrance, but cannot see anything just yet.

[Eskar]: Eskar picks a good spot for an ambush and crouches there, his sword drawn.

[Aidan]: Aidan raises an eyebrow and looks at her. "The Tainted Hands?"

[Jasmin]: "Kricket. Liamx and Cardel don't know that I'm from the Shadow Bats. Kricket was able to figure it out though."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Malik is powerful enough to do something like this, but it doesn't make sense for him to hurt his own employees."

[Aidan]: "I doubt he would bother.  He fully expects us to die all on our own."

[JadedDM]:  As the others talk, Eskar catches sight of someone peeking around the corner to watch them.  The figure is wearing a black cowl.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "I wouldn't put it past the Tainted Hands to eliminate the competition, but I don't see how they could pull this off.  Unless they have some kind of magic I'm not aware of."

[Eskar]: Eskar makes his way back to the party.

[Jasmin]: "Kricket isn't about to come down here, so I know it isn't the Tainted Hands."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "He's been here before, hasn't he?  So he knows the way."

[Eskar]: Eskar's voice comes out of the rain, barely audible above its noise. "We are being followed. One person. Do not be panicking. Keep voices down. What to do?"

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Who is it?" he asks softly.

[Aidan]: "Who is it?" Aidan whispers.

[Jasmin]: Upon hearing Eskar, Jasmin glances around casually.

[Eskar]: The duergar also adds. "Do not look around. Do not look..." He fades out. "Could not see."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Ideas?" he asks, glancing around.

[Jasmin]: "Where is this person?" Jasmin asks softly.

[Aidan]: "Well," Aidan says slowly, "We could continue on and hope there's not too much left between us and the fire lizards. Or we could try and subdue this person, first."

[Eskar]: "They are where we are coming from to here. Black mask. Maybe Rat King thief. Get up, move forward, I surprise and you are charging back yes?"

[Aidan]: "You're sure this person is alone?"

[Jasmin]: "If this person is the one controlling the lizards around here, it makes sense that they might do the same thing to the fire lizard too."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris casually bandages up his arm, trying to act nonchalant.  "If someone is following us with the intent to harm, they are probably waiting until we have our hands full with the fire lizard to strike."

[Eskar]: "Not sure. But probably. Good idea to be capturing before we get to lizards."

[Aidan]: Aidan nods and looks to Gaheris and Jasmin. "So how do we take him?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to Gaheris curiously. "Well, Eskar could surprise him in his current state," she says softly. "That is a start."

[Eskar]: "Yes, continue on and when he is moving, I will get him. Then you come back."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris nods.  "Let's do this quick, before he gets suspicious."

[Eskar]: Eskar returns to his previously selected ambush position.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin gives a nod, and begins walking towards the west a little slower than normal to make it look as if she is continuing on with the mission.

[Aidan]: Aidan walks on after Jasmin, tightening his hand around his quarterstaff as he moves.

[JadedDM]: Meschior and Gaheris follow after them.  The party moves all the way to the far west of the area, reaching the exit.

[JadedDM]:  As they move, the figure moves back into view, not noticing Eskar.  It is a very thin person, and they are completely covered in black robes.  Curiously, a black horn emerges from the hood, right about where the person's forehead would be.  The figure looks around and starts to slowly follow the party, attempting to avoid being seen.  Strangely, the rain does not seem to be getting the person's clothes wet at all.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin pauses at the exit to pull out her map as if to make sure they are going the right way.

[Eskar]: Eskar transfers the hand his bastard sword is in and whips his bolas at the person's torso.

[Aidan]: Aidan peers down the passage before them.

[Eskar]: [1d20-6] -> [14,-6] = (8)

[JadedDM]: Before the party, is another passageway leading to the west.  It seems to open into another wider area about twenty feet down.

[Eskar]: Striking from the comfort of invisibility, Eskar throws his bolas at the robed figure and they wrap themselves around his torso. He screams a battle-cry at the top of his lungs.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks down the passway. "Meschior?" she asks suddenly.

[Eskar]: A battle-cry comes from behind the party, unmistakably from their duergar companion.

[JadedDM]:  The bolas wraps around the person, knocking them down to their knees.  The person grunts with surprise, revealing by her melodious voice, she is female.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "That's the signal."  He draws his blade and goes running back.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin draws her blades and charges down after Gaheris.

[Aidan]: Aidan runs back, as well, a hand sorting through his pouches.

[JadedDM]: The party returns to find a figure dressed all in black robes, their arms tied to their sides by Eskar's bolas.  The dwarf has reappeared behind the person, his sword drawn.

[Eskar]: The duergar moves over to the person cautiously and lowers his sword at them. "Game over."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris nocks an arrow and Meschior draws his sword.  The person seems momentarily stunned, and glances at the party members quickly.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin approaches the person curiously, and once close enough she throws back the hood of his robes to see who it is, as he is pretty much tied down at the moment.

[JadedDM]: The face of the person is not like anything you have ever seen.  It is clearly female, with short black, bobbed hair.  But there, the similarity to anything human ends.  Her skin is a forest green in hue, and her eyes are completely black--no whites at all.  A single, black horn protrudes from her forehead, about two inches long.

[Eskar]: "What...?" Eskar's brow furrows.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes a step back with wide eyes. "What are you?!"

[Aidan]: Aidan narrows his eyes.  "Who are you?"

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "A...demon?"

[JadedDM]: The woman suddenly blushes, looking ashamed.  Then she looks up at them, meeting their gaze, and her eyes harden.  "Do I disgust you so much?"

[Eskar]: Eskar gulps and decides to leave the talking to the rest of the party, suddenly glad he is behind the stranger.

[Jasmin]: "Disgust really isn't the word I would use," Jasmin says. "Though, I would still like to know who and what you are. Plus, why were you following us?"

[Aidan]: "I cannot speak for my companions, but I am only disgusted by a lone person following us so suspiciously," Aidan says.

[JadedDM]: The woman smirks.  "It doesn't matter.  Where I failed, the fire lizard will succeed.  Just like with the Tainted Hands.  History will repeat itself.  I only came to 'soften you up,' a bit," she says.

[Aidan]: "How charming.  And why do you intend us to fail?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin frowns slightly. "Kricket's lover died down here. You want one of us to die as well?"

[JadedDM]: Woman:  "Ah, so you know that story?  After she died, the others quit and retired.  We have watched them, of course, but it is you who we are most focused on.  Santeria did not take you seriously, but I won't make that mistake."

[Eskar]: "You are talking like you are not already lost." Eskar's brow does not unfurrow.

[JadedDM]: The woman sneers.  "Lost?  What will you do?  Kill me?  I cannot die.  This is not over.  Not by a long shot."

[Jasmin]: "You cannot die?"

[JadedDM]: Woman:  "A pity I won't be able to watch," she says, looking right at Jasmin.  "I would love to see you fight the fire lizard, for better or worse.  I hope you at least learned something from Teya's death, though.  Death...can teach us so much about ourselves."  And with that, a black, oily portal opens beneath her feet, and she quickly falls in.  The portal immediately seals itself after.

[Eskar]: Eskar looks down at the ground. "My bolas..."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Damn...I forgot they could do that."  He lowers his bow.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes a few steps back as she watches the portal open. The expression on her face is one of fear, for probably the first time in her life as she tries to piece together what the woman meant.

[Aidan]: "Well that was fruitful," Aidan says, looking up from his study of the ground.  "'Forgot they could do that'? Who?"

[Eskar]: Eskar looks accusatorily at Gaheris.

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "The Bloody Maw," he answers.  He looks to Gaheris.  "Number Five, do you think?"

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Maybe.  Odd, she didn't seem to be looking for a fight, though.  Whatever the Hades she was."

[Aidan]: "'Number Five'?  Perhaps it'd be best to fill in Eskar and I sometime soon."

[Eskar]: "You must be explaining, yes." Eskar sheathes his sword angrily before crossing his arms.

[Jasmin]: "I've filled you in once all ready, Aidan," Jasmin finally says. "She is one of the members of the Bloody Maw. One of the people I've asked you to try and find."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "The last one we killed, Santeria...he called himself 'Number Six.'  We know he works for someone who goes by 'Number One.'"

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "But Santeria was human.  That thing something out of the Abyss."

[Aidan]: "And yet I had no idea these people were green and horned." He gestures at the ground. "Or at these people could open giant black holes."

[Jasmin]: "I left a few details out," she says, turning to look at them all. "It makes sense that the Dark One would have...demon things following him."

[Eskar]: "Dark One? So you having big enemies too!"

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "It looks like it.  We had hoped with Santeria's death, we would have heard the last of them."

[Jasmin]: "I never thought we heard the last of them, Gaheris."

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "Whatever the case, we shouldn't tarry.  When night falls, the goblins will be out in full force."

[Jasmin]: "...Maybe we should just go home," Jasmin says, though it is very unlike her to suggest something like that.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "We go back now, we return as failures."

[Eskar]: Eskar closes his eyes, considering the matter.

[Aidan]: Aidan glares at Jasmin.  "I did not suffer a bite from one of those things and walk all this way to come back empty handed.  I want to see the look on Malik's face when he has to pay us our gold."

[Jasmin]: "If we go in there, we are going to die. Rather, one of us is going to die," she says as she crosses her arms.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "When has that ever stopped you before?  Usually, that's your argument FOR going."

[Eskar]: The duergar taps Meschior on the shoulder and whispers into his ear.

[Jasmin]: "If one of us dies, that will serve their purpose though! They want one of us to die. They want history to repeat itself!"

[JadedDM]: Meschior looks to the dwarf.  "Oh, yes."  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, brown jar.  He opens it, removes a handful of some salve, and slathers it on the dwarf's wounds.

[JadedDM]: [1d4+8] -> [3,8] = (11)

[Eskar]: Eskar nods his thanks to the priest, and grunts.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "She's just trying to scare you, Jasmin."

[Aidan]: "Unless she takes an active hand in our battle with the fire lizards, then I hardly see how we will be playing into their purposes. The outcome of our battle is not written in stone."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin's frowns deepens. "...Fine." Though she doesn't really seem all that convinced. "Meschior, do you have a prayer that will protect me from fire?"

[Eskar]: Eskar blinks in realization. "Yes, do you?"

[JadedDM]: Meschior pales slightly.  ", I am afraid not.  I have not yet mastered the Third Blessing."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin sighs as she draws her swords. "Great," she mutters as she marches forward.

[Eskar]: Eskar shrugs and takes up place behind Jasmin this time.

[Aidan]: Aidan takes a quick stock of his materials, and then follows.

[JadedDM]: The party heads west, into the next area, which is much smaller.  A cave's mouth, at least twelve feet in width, lies to the south of them.  Standing near it, they can feel a steady flow of heat emerging from it.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks towards the cave and points towards it with Radiant Star. "That is where we go."

[Eskar]: Eskar concentrates for a moment, his form blurring. He unblurrs at over 8' tall, but that trick is no doubt familiar to the party by now. "Trouble. But we should go."

[JadedDM]: Meschior mutters a quick prayer to Renos, asking for his blessing.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes a deep breath and walks towards the mouth of the cave.

[JadedDM]: The fire lizard's lair is very spacious and warm, with a handful of stalagmites on the floor near the room's center.  It's fairly dark, as well.  They cannot see all the way to the end.

[Eskar]: Eskar presses forward, but keeps behind Jasmin.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin sighs and gives Radiant Star a small shake before the sword lights up.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris and Meschior flank Eskar, their weapons drawn.

[Aidan]: Aidan takes up the rear, staff at the ready.

[JadedDM]: In the far back of the cavern, movement is seen.  It is a massive lizard, at least thirty feet in length from head to tail.  It is gray-colored with a mottled red and brown back and a reddish underside.  A nasty scar runs down its forehead, between the eyes, and down to the snout.  It hisses as it sees them approach.

[Jasmin]: "Ohhh," Jasmin says in a bit of surprise. "Um, avoid its mouth," she suggests.

[Aidan]: "Excellent plan," Aidan says as he looks wide-eyed at the beast. "Perhaps avoid it's tail, as well."

[Eskar]: Eskar motions Jasmin to take the left side, as he himself moves to the right flank of the lizard. "Information now, if you can."

[JadedDM]: The creature steps forward, so that its face is about 20 feet away from Jasmin.  Actions for Round 1?

[Aidan]: Aidan is casting a spell.

[Eskar]: Eskar uses his bastard sword to attack the creature.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin keeps Radiant Star in her hand, but she takes a moment to grab a potion from her pack, only to drink it as soon as she can. 

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [9] = (9)

[Aidan]: "They are immune to fire, and their claws are dangerous, as well, Eskar," Aidan says softly. “They can breathe fire up to fifteen feet, or so."

[Aidan]: [1d10] => [7] = (7)

[Jasmin]: [1d10] -> [8] = (8)

[Eskar]: (Eskar and Jasmin are on opposite sides of the thing, right?)

[JadedDM]: (Right.)

[JadedDM]: Aidan's turn.

[Eskar]: (Well at least it can only barbecue one at a time)

[Jasmin]: (only, it just happens to be facing Jasmin)

[Aidan]: Aidan picks a piece of glowing moss from a pouch as he chants a spell.  A bright, glowing orb erupts in front of the lizard's eyes as he finishes.

[JadedDM]: Unfortunately, the lizard moves its head at the last moment, unwittingly.  The globe of light appears directly behind the lizard, but at least illuminates the entire cavern clearly.

[JadedDM]: (Notice:  I meant to mention, the rain penalties no longer apply.  However, everyone gets +1 to hit until Meschior's blessing wears off.)

[JadedDM]: Meschior's turn.

[JadedDM]: Meschior removes a small warhammer from his pack.  "I learned this from Daufer," he says, hurling it into the air.  He prays for Renos' help, and the hammer suddenly glows with a soft light and hangs suspended in mid-air.  He then urges the hammer forward, toward the lizard.  It smashes against the creature's snout.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin removes a black bottle from her pack, uncorks it, and quickly drinks down the contents of the bottle.

[Jasmin]: [5d6] -> [2,1,2,4,3] = (12)

[Jasmin]: [3d10+2] -> [7,10,7,2] = (26)

[Jasmin]: After drinking the potion, Jasmin drops the bottle and it shatters on the ground. For a moment, nothing seems to happen, but soon enough she starts to look stronger than she normally did, even more confident in what she is facing. She smiles towards the lizard. "Let’s get this over with."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris' turn.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris fires an arrow at the creature's snout, but it seems like a mosquito bite to the gargantuan beast.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20+1] -> [15,1] = (16)

[Eskar]: [(1d6+3)*2] -> 8

[Eskar]: Eskar's giant sword cuts a part of the lizard's haunch, but in the broad scope of things, the damage is trivial.

[JadedDM]: Fire Lizard's turn.

[JadedDM]: As Jasmin stayed back with the others to drink her potion, the nearest target is now the dwarf.  The lizard slashes at Eskar with both claws, striking him twice.  It then snaps its jaw at him, giving him a nasty bite.

[Eskar]: Eskar falls back away from the lizard, bleeding profusely from everywhere.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 2?)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin strides into the fight with the lizard, and attacks with her swords.

[Jasmin]: [1d10] -> [6] = (6)

[Aidan]: Aidan takes a quick look around the now-lit cave as he prepares another spell.

[Aidan]: [1d10] => [2] = (2)

[Eskar]: Eskar falls back away from the lizard, dropping his sword from a shaking hand.

[Eskar]: He draws two daggers from his belt instead.

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [7] = (7)

[JadedDM]: Aidan's turn.

[Aidan]: Aidan pulls a small vial of a thick, dark liquid from a pouch, muttering an incantation as he gestures.  The fire lizard's movements begin to slow down.

[JadedDM]: Unfortunately, the creature quickly shakes off the effects of the spell, allowing it to move normally.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20-1] -> [11,-1] = (10)

[Eskar]: Eskar tosses a dagger at the lizard, but he is shaking too violently to send it flying true.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20+5] -> [10,5] = (15)

[Jasmin]: [1d20+5] -> [14,5] = (19)

[Jasmin]: [1d8+3] -> [5,3] = (8)

[Jasmin]: [1d8+2] -> [4,2] = (6)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin moves in on the lizard, and without hesitating she plunges Radiant Star into the thick hide of the fire lizard, causing it to hiss out. She brings her second sword around only to stab the creature in the belly.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris' turn.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris fires an arrow which finds its home just under the creature's left eye.

[JadedDM]: Meschior's turn.

[JadedDM]: Meschior sends the hammer spinning at the creature again, but this time it misses, instead crashing into the floor.

[JadedDM]: Fire Lizard's turn.

[JadedDM]: The creature attacks with both its claws, but Jasmin dances around them.  It then snaps at her with its mouth, biting her.  As she tries to put some distance between her and the beast, it then lets out a large jet of flame right at her.

[Jasmin]: [1d20] -> [6] = (6)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin cries out as the flame hits her head on, singing her long hair and burning most of her body, yet she still stands despite the burns and bite.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20+5] -> [10,5] = (15)

[Jasmin]: [1d20+5] -> [14,5] = (19)

[Jasmin]: [1d8+3] -> [5,3] = (8)

[Jasmin]: [1d8+2] -> [2,2] = (4)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin narrows her eyes and runs at the lizard despite her wounds.  She stabs Radiant Star into the creature’s side. She keeps the sword plunged into the lizard as she uses it to almost climb up on the creatures back, and stab her second sword into the creature as hard as possible.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris' turn.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris lets loose another arrow, this one sticking under the creature's chin.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20-1] -> [13,-1] = (12)

[Eskar]: The second dagger thrown by the duergar misses.

[JadedDM]: The creature is beginning to weaken.  Actions for Round 3?

[Jasmin]: Jasmin attacks again.

[Jasmin]: [1d10] -> [9] = (9)

[Aidan]: Aidan prepares another spell.

[Aidan]: [1d10] => [1] = (1)

[Eskar]: Eskar removes his sling from his belt and bends to pick up a rock, launching it at the lizard.

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [4] = (4)

[JadedDM]: Aidan's turn.

[Aidan]: Aidan finishes his spell, three bolts of energy flying from his fingers towards the lizard.

[Aidan]: [3d4+1] => [2,1,1,1,1,1] = (7)

[JadedDM]: The three missiles arc through the air, crashing into the lizard with such force it nearly tumbles into one of the stalagmites.

[JadedDM]: Meschior's turn.

[JadedDM]: Raising his hand, the hammer responds to his mental commands and flies up into the air.  He then punches forward, which makes the hammer slam down at the creature's skull with great force.  It cracks open the skull, sending the thing crashing to the ground.  It twitches a few moments before lying completely still.

[Eskar]: Eskar stops his spinning sling, and lets the stone drop out. He is breathing heavily as he pat's Meschior on the back. "Well done, Meschior."

[JadedDM]: Meschior stands there a moment, panting.  He then nods and makes a dismissing gesture.  The hammer vanishes.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin hops off the creature once the creature starts to fall. She tumbles to the ground for a moment before standing up straight with a small grin. "Well, that wasn't so bad."

[Aidan]: Aidan takes a few deep breaths before stepping forward.  "How are you, Eskar?  That bite you took didn't look very pleasant."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "That potion of yours has a real kick."

[Eskar]: Eskar looks down at his front side which happens to be a bleeding mess. He grunts and moves to get his sword. "Hurts."

[Jasmin]: "I need more of them, I think," she says to Gaheris as she looks over her shoulder at her hair. "And I have to cut my hair!" she exclaims in dismay. "Where are those eggs?"

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Probably in the back."  He walks over to the far end of the cave.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks over to Eskar for a moment before she follows after Gaheris. She keeps her eyes open for a stranded sword, and a locket.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin spots something catching the light of Aidan's spell over on the far left side of the cave.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin walks over to the far left side of the cave to check it out.

[JadedDM]: Meschior bends down by the dwarf.  "Looks like you barely made it."  He removes the brown jar again and offers another handful of the ointment.

[JadedDM]: [1d4+8] -> [4,8] = (12)

[Eskar]: Eskar allows Meschior's ministrations. "Thanks." The duergar then cleans his sword on his cloak and sheathes it. He moves around to look for treasure and/or eggs.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Found the eggs!" he calls from the back.  "Two of them!"

[Aidan]: Aidan takes off at a trot towards the voice.

[JadedDM]: The eggs are in a nest made of leaves and bones.  They are quite big, as large as a man's head, and gray-colored with red spots.  They appear unharmed.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin bends down and gently picks up what looks to be a sword. She then leans over, picks up a backpack, and looks inside.

[Eskar]: Eskar continues to scour the area for remains of lost slayers and such.

[Aidan]: Aidan kneels down, swinging his backpack out from under his cloak and opening it.  He moves to pack one of the eggs inside it.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris bends down to pick up the second egg.

[Eskar]: Eskar pockets them deftly.

[Aidan]: Aidan takes off his cloak and tucks it in around the egg in his pack, cushioning it as best he can before gently putting the pack back on.

[Eskar]: Eskar Grunts as he picks up some things from the floor of the cavern. "Gems."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes some vials out of the backpack only to place in her pack. Once done, she pulls out a scroll from the pack, and slowly unfurls it.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Is that it?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin rolls the scroll back up and also places it in her pack. She moves back over to where she got the sword, and begins looking for something.

[Eskar]: Eskar straightens up and nods. "All done."

[Jasmin]: "Almost," she calls out to Gaheris as she picks up a necklace. With a sigh she stands back up, and walks back over to the group. "I found a scroll, and some potions."

[JadedDM]: Meschior examines the dead creature for awhile, and then moves to join the others.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Good.  Good haul then.  Let's get back to the city before anything else happens."

[Eskar]: Eskar nods. "Yes."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin shakes off the locket that she found, and places it around her neck for safe keeping. As she walks out of the cave, she looks over the new sword she found. The blade seems to be made of some strange green metal.

[Eskar]: Eskar looks over at the sword Jasmin found, and rushes over quickly to examine it.

[Aidan]: "Before any goblins show up, hopefully."  Aidan adjusts the bag on his back, and then follows the others out.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin smiles slightly to Eskar. "I think this is Scalebiter," she says to the dwarf.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris nods.  "Or something worse."  He exits with Aidan.

[Eskar]: "In all my years of life... I have never seen something that is being like that. You say Scalebiter? What is?"

[Jasmin]: "Kricket said it belonged to his lover. It was apparently a special sword to slay these kind of lizards."

[Eskar]: "I must look later, please. We should going." He nods to the exit and starts that way.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin follows after the rest of them.

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