Session 13:
Wrath Day

[JadedDM]: Agate 15th, Darkday; 12 bells.  It is a hot day, with no cool breeze to be had at all.  The sun beats down upon the city of Voxis with its own wrath on this, a day of wrath.  Tempers are high, as a result, but this only creates more excitement about the upcoming tournament.  Gaheris, Jasmin, Aidan, and Eskar convene at the Wolf Blaze Inn before the bout to enjoy a cool drink, and perhaps avoid the glaring sun for a brief while.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin sits within a chair, but can't seem to keep still. She keeps tapping her foot under the table as she sits there. "Is it time yet?" she asks excitedly.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Patience, kitten.  We have time."  He takes a sip of wine.

[Jasmin]: "Well, you know I don't have a lot of patience," she says before she looks around. "Hey, where is Meschior?"

[JadedDM]: Gaheris shrugs.  "Like Daufer, he's probably tending to his little temple."  He snorts.  "Priests."

[Eskar]: Eskar rests in his own chair, nursing a mug of ale and constantly looking about the tavern. He twitches and spills a little each time the door of the inn is opened. He looks over at Jasmin, then over to Aidan. "My friend, you will be to watching, yes?"

[Aidan]: Aidan takes a few long swigs of a cup of water as he listens, absentmindedly running his fingers along the surface of the table.  "Provided the sun isn't too unbearable to be sitting out for such a long period, probably."

[Jasmin]: "Both of them have helped you out numbers of times, so don't be snorting too much about priests." Jasmin smiles to Gaheris before looking to Eskar and Aidan. "You do remember what we talked about, don't you Aidan?"

[Aidan]: "I do, and I intend to be tending to those errands, as well.  Though I did hope I might be able to space my time so that I might see what all this fuss is about.  I must admit I haven't actually attended one of these spectacles."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "I still remember the last one."  He frowns.  "Cardel was so smug after that."

[Jasmin]: "Well, he isn't going to be so smug about it after I beat him."

[Aidan]: Aidan arches an eyebrow at that.  "These are fights to the death or something, aren't they?"

[Eskar]: "Hmmmm. Is very much fighting. Nothing new..." Eskar looks over at Jasmin, and takes a sip of his ale.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "Most of the time, yes."

[Jasmin]: "You know, I might have to fight you Eskar."

[Aidan]: "Splendid. I hope that none of you die, then."  Aidan raises his cup only slightly before drinking the rest of it down.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "If one of you win, though, we will get great publicity.  Many nobles will be attending, even the Viscount himself."

[Eskar]: Eskar grins a little sheepishly. "I am not wanting that, my friend." He seems to fade off into his own thoughts after his comment.

[Jasmin]: "Yeah, sure you aren't," she says teasingly.

[Eskar]: Eskar merely takes another sip and nods at her, he looks over his shoulder to make sure everyone is still in the places he last saw them.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "What's with you?  Expecting someone?" he asks Eskar.

[Eskar]: Eskar blanches, his grey face becoming white. "No, no, I am only waiting for match." He looks away from Gaheris.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin raises an eyebrow curiously at Eskar. "Waiting for the match makes you turn white?"

[JadedDM]: Gaheris crosses his arms.  "Well, I hope you aren't distracted during the fight.  I don't know who the other opponents are, but Cardel is no weakling."

[Jasmin]: "That is a fact," Jasmin mutters under her breath.

[Eskar]: Eskar coughs, and looks at Jasmin. "You see, in my home, it is common for... how you say... trouble happening to fighters."

[Jasmin]: "Trouble? You mean like someone or something taking out the fighters before the fight starts?"

[Eskar]: Eskar nods, continuing to drink from his ale and glance about.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "It has happened before.  I once heard a story about a tournament where someone infected a lizardman with scale rot, so he would lose the fight."

[Jasmin]: (*laughs* Yeah, that's just a story.)

[Aidan]: Aidan reaches into a pocket within his cloak and retrieves his deck of cards, shuffling them as he looks around the table.  "Perhaps death is simply too great a motivator for some."

[Jasmin]: "Well, I guess people will do anything to win a tournament." Jasmin shrugs as if it doesn't bother her.  "People are scared of death, and they don't want to die. I don't want to die, but death doesn't scare me."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris smirks.  "Jasmin is the type of person that, upon seeing the doorway to Hell, would jump in to see if it's interesting."

[Eskar]: Eskar watches Aidan's actions with curiosity. "Don't like die."

[Jasmin]: "I would drag you along with me though, Gaheris. It wouldn't be as much fun if I didn't have someone to share it with."

[JadedDM]: Gaheris finishes his wine and sets his glass down.  "Well, the tournament will be starting soon.  We might as well get ready."

[Aidan]: Aidan somewhat clumsily shoves two halves of his deck together as he brings his hands together, letting a card emblazoned with a brilliant sun fall from the cards as he glances at Eskar.  Aidan makes a satisfied sound and says, "Consider that your fortune, then. The Sun -- Glory."  He glances at the other two fighters, as he hurriedly puts the deck away, most of the cards having been facing him as he shuffled.

[Jasmin]: "Well, if he gets glory I wonder what I get," Jasmin says cheerfully as she hops up out of her chair.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "To a follower of Shadowbite, that would be a bad sign.  But the dwarf is a fire-eater, isn't he?"

[Eskar]: Eskar puts his half-finished mug of ale on the table and hops to his feet. Some of the color returns to his face at Aidan's prediction, and he ceases to look about. "Let us hope, Aidan."

[Jasmin]: "I think he is. I mean, Meschior seems to know him pretty well."

[Eskar]: Eskar looks over at Gaheris, bringing his shield emblazoned with the head of a wolf into full view as if to answer his queries.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris nods and heads outside.  When he opens the door, sunlight bursts in, as if it had been waiting outside for the chance to enter.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin nearly skips after Gaheris. The sun doesn't bother her too much, as she is too full of excitement to really pay all that much attention to it.

[Eskar]: Eskar grunts and lowers his goggles over his eyes with a filthy hand. He pops a piece of charcoal into his mouth and raises his cloak's cowl to boot before heading outside.

[Aidan]: Aidan had paid no heed to the small debate over his cards, moving only when Gaheris makes his way towards the door.  He raises the hood of his cloak, and follows the others outside, a hand straying to the pouches at his waist as the other grips his quarterstaff.

[JadedDM]: The group heads to the center of the city, in the noble district.  In the town square, by the fountain, a raised wooden platform about three feet high has been erected.  It is rectangular and about 30 feet long, 20 feet wide.  An area is fenced off for fighting.  A smaller area is set aside for paying customers to sit down in padded seats, to watch the fight up close.  Everyone else must stand around the dais, hoping to catch a glimpse of the battles.  To the north of the ring is a small observation tower, about twelve feet high.  A ladder leads up to it, allowing a judge a bird's eye view of the arena.  All ready, people have begun arriving to stand around the ring.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes a moment to look around. "I wonder who I am fighting first."

[Eskar]: Eskar stands close to Jasmin, staring at the ground. He uses her as his cue to move so that he doesn't have to look anywhere near the sun.

[JadedDM]: An older hobgoblin with one eye permanently closed from a scar across his face, approaches them.  "Are you fighters?" he asks, standing with his hands behind his back.

[Aidan]: Looking disdainfully at the padded seats and the noble-looking folk upon them, Aidan leans on his staff as he says, "I wonder if that is close enough to feel the spray of blood as an opponent falls. I suppose I will have to walk around the dais to watch." He casts a curious glance at the hobgoblin and shakes his head.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin turns towards the hobgoblin as she runs her fingers through her hair. "I am, as is the dwarf next to me."

[JadedDM]: The hobgoblin nods.  "I am Garek, the judge of this bout.  Lord Sardis himself hired me to oversee everything.  What are your names then?"  He removes a scroll from his belt and unfurls it.

[Eskar]: The duergar grunts, and then after realizing he didn't actually say anything, says. "Eskar."

[Jasmin]: "I'm Jasmin Labree," she says with a charming smile.

[JadedDM]: Garek:  "Eskar and...Jasmin.  You're first then," he says, looking to Jasmin.  He pauses, then rubs at his one eye.  "You?  You're Jasmin Labree?"  He looks her over skeptically.

[Jasmin]: "I am. Why do you ask?"

[JadedDM]: Garek:  "Uh...," he says, scratching at his chin.  "Young lady, this is a dangerous battle, probably to the death.  Your first opponent is my student and protégé, Garn the Brutal.  He's at least twice your size.  I would strongly urge you to reconsider."

[Aidan]: "'Garn the Brutal'?  I wonder who he might've gained such a title from."

[Eskar]: Eskar looks around half-heartedly for a place to stand where he might be able to see the match.

[Jasmin]: "A little danger makes it even more exciting to me, Garek. Don't let my size and age fool you."

[JadedDM]: Garek nods in resignation.  "If you so wish."  He looks to the dwarf.  "Your first opponent shall be Sonak the Shadow.  You're first match is after hers."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to Gaheris now that Garek is done with her. "I look all right, don't I?" she asks as she runs her fingers through her hair again. "This is just like a performance."

[Eskar]: Eskar hardly seems to notice Garek, as he looks around disappointedly.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris:  "You look fine.  I'm going to buy a ticket so I can sit up on the dais."

[Jasmin]: "Aidan, come here for a second," she says as she pulls out a pouch. "I need you to hold on to this for me, and you can use some of it to sit on the dais if you want."

[JadedDM]: Eskar notices some movement from the corner of his eye, as someone approaches him.

[Aidan]: Aidan raises an eyebrow, but holds out a hand obediently.

[Eskar]: Eskar turns to face the person who approaches him, squinting even behind all of his covers.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin hands the rather heavy pouch to Aidan. "Thank you," she says before leaning over to kiss his cheek.

[JadedDM]: It is Meschior.  He nods to Eskar as he approaches.

[Eskar]: The duergar nods at the young man. "Hello, my friend."

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "Good day, Eskar.  I have come to watch the tournament.  Do you feel prepared for it?  Renos has blessed us with a fine day."

[Aidan]: Aidan shrugs, taking a peek into the pouch before pushing it into a pocket.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin smiles brightly before turning to Meschior. "Well, look who finally decided to show up," she says cheerfully before walking over to give him a hug. "Where have you been?"

[Eskar]: "I am happy for the fire, priest, but my eyes are not." He wipes some sweat from his brow. "I can be fighting today, I am not hoping to kill."

[JadedDM]: Meschior awkwardly returns the hug.  "I was attending to the temple.  I have been neglecting it for awhile."

[Jasmin]: "That reminds me. I have an idea about your flock. It will just have to wait until after this tournament." Jasmin gives him a quick kiss before backing away. "I'm first up, you know."

[Eskar]: Eskar turns away and coughs awkwardly.

[JadedDM]: Around this point, numerous people have shown up, both noble and commoner alike.  The Viscount arrives with a group of armed bodyguards, as does Lady Arael and her husband, Lord Airen.  Lord Tyler, another noble, sits next to them.  Dommer and Dermer both show up, as does Loreleii and even the mute half-ogre bouncer, Grunk.

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "I shall be cheering for you.  Both of you," he adds.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes note of the nobles that have just arrived, and smiles upon seeing Arael.

[Eskar]: Eskar nods to Meschior then resumes standing around awkwardly. "I sitting with you for first match, priest."

[Aidan]: "Hopefully they will not be facing each other at some point, then," Aidan mutters, watching the crowd grow as the nobles arrive.

[JadedDM]: Lady Arael waves at Jasmin before taking her seat.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin returns the wave to Arael.

[JadedDM]: Garek climbs up the tower and stands, his hands held high, until everyone quiets down.  "Welcome all, to the Wrath Day Tournament of 666!"

[JadedDM]: The crowds cheer and whoop.

[JadedDM]: Garek:  "Lord Sardis has arranged quite a show for us all today, perhaps our best one yet.  We have some old favorite, as well as new warrior challengers."

[JadedDM]: Garek:  "Our first between two new challengers, having never participated before."

[JadedDM]: Meschior mutters to Eskar.  "Of course they are new.  Most of the participants are, because the losers are usually killed."

[JadedDM]: Garek:  "The first is my protégé, and a former soldier for the war, Garn the Brutal!"  He gestures to the left side of the ring and everyone cheers.

[JadedDM]: Garn is a muscular hobgoblin warrior with scars covering his face and body.  He wears black splint mail and carries a wicked looking halberd.  His helmet is also black and has a single horn protruding from the brow.  He steps up onto the dais and holds his halberd up into the air triumphantly.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks over Garn as he makes his way up on the dais. "Impressive figure," she admits.

[JadedDM]: Garek continues.  "Fighting him is a young woman, a slayer from the Shadow Bats, Miss Jasmine Labree!"  He gestures to the right side of the dais.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin steps up onto the dais and blows a kiss towards the crowd before she draws her two short swords.

[Eskar]: Eskar scowls and bears the sun's rays to watch the bout. "Hobgoblin is big. Our friend is fast. Fast wins, yes." The dwarf obviously has his opinions weighted by his own stature. "I hope she no die."

[JadedDM]: The crowds' cheers are even louder, most of them coming from men, both young and old.

[Aidan]: "I wonder if Garek matched the two expecting to give his protégé an easy victory," Aidan says quietly as Jasmin leaves the group.

[JadedDM]: Garn looks down at the young woman and snorts, lowering his weapon.  "This is my challenger?  This wisp of a girl?  She is more suited to sit in my lap and bring me ales then provide me a challenge!"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin laughs merrily at Garn. "So you shouldn't have any problem facing me. I should be an easy victory for you."

[JadedDM]: Garn:  "Hmm, so be it, child.  But be warned, I will not hold back, no matter how much you cry or scream."  He hefts his halberd and moves into a fighting stance.

[Jasmin]: "I was hoping you would say that," she says as she readies her swords for battle.

[JadedDM]: The crowd starts to cheer, anticipating a great fight.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 1?)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin moves in to attack Garn with her swords.

[Jasmin]: [1d10] -> [10] = (10)

[JadedDM]: Garn's turn.

[JadedDM]: Garn quickly closes the distance between the two and strikes at Jasmin with his halberd.  His strength proves too much and she drops her defenses, taking a slash across the belly.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20] -> [19] = (19)

[Jasmin]: [1d20] -> [2] = (2)

[Jasmin]: [1d6+3] -> [3,3] = (6)

[Jasmin]: Despite the wound around her belly, Jasmin sweeps in to return the blow, except she stabs into the hobgoblins side with Radiant Star. She tries to bring her other sword around to stab into Garn, yet the wound in her belly prevents her from completing the attack.

[JadedDM]: Meschior shakes his head.  "Not good.  He drew first blood," he comments to Eskar.

[JadedDM]: "Come on, Jasmin!  YOU CAN DO IT!" shouts Arael, drawing several appalled stares from her fellow nobles.

[JadedDM]: Garn backs away, keeping his halberd before him.  "Not bad, child.  But I'm afraid this battle will be over soon for you."  He grins, ignoring his wounds.

[Eskar]: Eskar frowns. "She do fine. Not going to get slash again." He brings a hand to his forehead to help protect some more against the light. It is fairly ineffectual.

[Jasmin]: "I've been in worse situations than this. Don't back away now, I'm just starting," Jasmin says with her usual charming smile.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 2?)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin attacks again.

[Jasmin]: [1d10] -> [6] = (6)

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20] -> [18] = (18)

[Jasmin]: [1d20] -> [17] = (17)

[Jasmin]: [1d6+3] -> [2,3] = (5)

[Jasmin]: [1d6+2] -> [2,2] = (4)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin quickly moves in and stabs Radiant Star into Garn's stomach; she then pulls the sword out, turns her body and brings her other sword into Garn's left side. She does this all with a smile upon her face as if enjoying herself.

[JadedDM]: Garn's turn.

[JadedDM]: Garn twirls his halberd a few times before him to distract her, and then feints to the right.  Jasmin sees the ploy for what it is just a moment too late.  He attacks from the left, cutting a nasty gash into her thigh.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20] -> [2] = (2)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin backs away as the halberd cuts into her thigh. She quickly tries to make a stab for Garn's arm, but his armor protects him from her sword.

[JadedDM]: Garn's turn.

[JadedDM]: Garn goes in for a thrust, hoping to end this fight once and for all, but Jasmin is able to parry the blow by bringing her swords together in an X-formation before her.

[Eskar]: Eskar crunches loudly on a piece of charcoal. "I am fearing for her."

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "It looks pretty close..," he agrees, his voice a bit tense.

[JadedDM]: Garn chuckles.  "You are perhaps more worthy than I first thought, girl."

[Jasmin]: "I am a slayer; I just might not look it."

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 3?)

[Aidan]: Aidan nods appraisingly. "She wasn't lying when she said she didn't fear death, at least."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin moves in to attack again.

[Jasmin]: [1d10] -> [3] = (3)

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20] -> [13] = (13)

[Jasmin]: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)

[Jasmin]: [1d6+3] -> [5,3] = (8)

[Jasmin]: After pushing Garn back from the block she just didn’t, she turns her back towards him and shoves Radiant Star into his thigh as hard as she can. She then turns back around quickly, making the move look graceful, and brings her second sword in on his arm, but once again his armor protects him. "You aren't too bad yourself though. I was wanting a challenge like this."

[JadedDM]: Garn's turn.

[JadedDM]: Garn reverses the momentum of his halberd and instead of using the blade, he strikes her in the side of the head with the butt, causing her to stumble slightly before regaining her bearings.  "You have talent, but you lack experience and discipline, girl."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin grunts as she feels blood starting to trickle down the side of her face. "I'm young. What do you expect?"

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "They both look pretty bad..," he says, gripping his holy symbol absently.

[JadedDM]: The crowds are going wild at the sight of the blood spilling freely.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 4?)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin attacks once again despite her wounds.

[Jasmin]: [1d10] -> [2] = (2)

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)

[Eskar]: Eskar munches on some more charcoal as if it were popcorn then takes a long drought from his waterskin. "She is not being in shape for the next match if she wins."

[Jasmin]: [1d20] -> [5] = (5)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin moves in to attack, but both attacks do nothing to Garn. She blames this on the fact that her wounds are finally starting to get to her.

[JadedDM]: Garn's turn.

[JadedDM]: Garn, also exhausted, thrusts at Jasmin's neck with his halberd, but he is too slow in his movements, and she is able to sidestep it.

[JadedDM]: Jasmin's turn.

[Jasmin]: [1d20] -> [10] = (10)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin moves in to stab her sword into him, but it is a half-hearted attempt, and he is able to block it. "Damnit," she curses.

[JadedDM]: Garn's turn.

[JadedDM]: Garn twirls his halberd twice, and then slams the butt into her stomach, knocking her to the ground.  Both swords tumble from her hands and clatter to the ground.  He then whirls his halberd around and brings the blade right up to her neck.  She can feel the cold steel touching her skin.

[JadedDM]: The crowds go nuts, chanting "Kill, kill, kill!"

[Eskar]: Eskar grabs Meschior's arm. "He won't......"

[Aidan]: "Well this didn't turn out too well," Aidan mutters, inching closer to the dais to get a better look.

[JadedDM]: Meschior lowers his head.  "She was too arrogant."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks up to Garn without fear in her eyes. "If you are going to do it, then do it. I don't fear death like so many others."

[JadedDM]: There is a tense moment as the two stare each other down, both bleeding from multiple wounds and covered in sweat.  Finally, he raises the halberd and thrusts down with all his might, the blade slamming right next to her face, and embedding into the wooden dais.  He then holds out a hand to her.  The audience goes nuts, booing and hollering.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin seems surprised at first, but she takes hold of his hand.

[JadedDM]: He pulls her up to her feet.  "You have potential, and you fight well for your age.  You could one day be a great warrior, but you first must learn patience and discipline," he tells her.  He then yanks his halberd from the ground and exits from the left side of the dais.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin picks up her swords and makes her way to the exit, not looking all that happy at all.

[Eskar]: Eskar looks away from Jasmin, closing his eyes. He places a hand to his neck and feels his sky-rocketing pulse. "Trouble."

[Aidan]: Aidan lets out a long breath, leaning against his staff.  "So much for brutal."  He takes a few steps around a few people, trying to see if Jasmin was heading towards the group.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin curses at herself as she walks through the crowd, though it seems she has to walk towards the group to get out of the crowd.

[JadedDM]: Gaheris crosses his arms and shakes his head as Jasmin walks past to reach the others.

[JadedDM]: Meschior looks to Jasmin when she arrives.  "I am glad you were not slain."

[Eskar]: Eskar grunts his agreement with Meschior.

[Aidan]: "You drew quite a bit of his blood, at least."

[Jasmin]: "I would have welcomed it at this point," she says. "It would have been better than being made to look like some foolish girl."

[JadedDM]: Garek:  "We are ready to begin our second bout, as Garn the Brutal prepares for his next battle.  Whoever wins this fight will face Garn, and then, the victor of that fight shall face last year's champion."

[JadedDM]: Meschior looks down at the dwarf.  "It appears it is now your turn."

[Eskar]: Eskar removes his cloak and leaves it in the care of Meschior. He moves to the expected place on the dais, trying not to look up too much.

[JadedDM]: Garek:  "On the right side, we have another member of the slayer group, Shadow Bats:  Eskar!"  He gestures to the right side at the dwarf.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin finds a place where she can lean upon something, her eyes downcast. Being on the depressed side isn't really normal for Jasmin.

[Eskar]: Eskar puffs out his chest and stands as tall as he can, sweeping his eyes over the crowd and hold his shield up proudly.

[JadedDM]: Meschior places a hand on her shoulder.  "Are you going to be okay?  I have some healing salve if your wounds are bothering you."

[JadedDM]: The people cheer lightly, as most have never heard of the duergar.

[Aidan]: Aidan reaches into his pocket and fishes out Jasmin's pouch, offering it back to her.

[Jasmin]: "My head hurts," she says absently as she takes the pouch from Aidan.

[JadedDM]: Garek:  "And on the left side, we have the mysterious of the few 'shadow-kissed', Sonak the Shadow!"  He gestures to the left side of the ring.

[JadedDM]: Sonak is a sinister looking goblin with jet black skin.  He wears leather armor that's been dyed black and carries a short sword and dagger--one in each hand.  The audience falls into a hush upon seeing him.

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "Shadow-kissed...a goblin born with magical powers, a chosen of Shadowbite...I did not know any lived in this city," he says with surprise.

[Eskar]: Eskar seems to be concentrating particularly hard at the ground as his opponent is introduced. His form blurs and altogether vanishes moments later.

[JadedDM]: The audience gasps and mutters as the dwarf vanishes.  Sonak glances around and barks out a laugh, before the entire ring is completely plunged into magical darkness (much to the audience's intense chagrin)!

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 1?)

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [6] = (6)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin glances up towards the magical darkness with a snort, and then looks back down at the ground.

[JadedDM]: Sonak's turn.

[JadedDM]: Eskar hears some movement to the side and leaps to the side just as he feels the whoosh of something pass right near his face.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20-4] -> [15,-4] = (11)

[Eskar]: Eskar twirls his net at where he guesses his opponent to be, and upon pulling it tight feels that he has caught something. He grunts with effort as the net tightens around the goblin.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 2?)

[JadedDM]: The audience continues to boo and hiss as they are unable to see anything happening.

[Eskar]: Eskar presses the advantage with his net, trying to wrap it up in his net.

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [3] = (3)

[JadedDM]: Sonak's turn.

[JadedDM]: Growing, Sonak whirls about, using his blades to cut himself free from the net.  Eskar suddenly feels the net go slack.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: Eskar grunts as his sword sings from its sheathe, he moves in to strike the goblin with it.

[Eskar]: [1d20] -> [18] = (18)

[Eskar]: [2d4+2] -> [2,3,2] = (7)

[Aidan]: Aidan sighs at the shadowy mass on the dais and steps closer to Jasmin, nudging her.  "Perhaps we should take care of some other business while there's nothing to see."

[Eskar]: The duergar's sword makes a ripping noise as it tears through the goblin's armor and penetrates its side.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin winces at being nudged and looks up to Aidan. "What can I do?" she asks.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 3?)

[Eskar]: Eskar continues the attack with his sword, cursing the goblin as he goes. "Guess I must kill."

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [6] = (6)

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Aidan]: "Remind me about what that ring looked like. If I manage anything, it might be helpful if you were to come along."

[Eskar]: [1d20] -> [12] = (12)

[Eskar]: Eskar tries for a follow-up attack but is unable to complete it thanks to the darkness and the creature's speed.

[JadedDM]: Sonak's turn.

[Jasmin]: "It wasn't a ring, it was a coin," she says softly as she glances around. "Red. It had a maw with very pointy fangs."

[JadedDM]: Eskar feels something hit him twice in the back, striking his armor.  "Give it up, dwarf!  You are blind!" the goblin hisses.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 4?)

[Eskar]: The duergar growls and spins, swinging at where he hopes his enemy is. "You are the bleeding, my friend. Not me."

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [8] = (8)

[Aidan]: Aidan makes a face.  "Coin. Right."  He looks away from the dais and moves towards the edge of the crowd.  After taking a few steps towards what shade he can find, he takes another glance at the crowd before pulling a small forked twig from a pouch and muttering a spell and making some gestures with it.

[JadedDM]: Sonak's turn.

[JadedDM]: Eskar hears the whoosh of two blades fly over head and then clatter on the other side of the ring.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin pushes herself from what she was leaning on and follows after Aidan slowly. She tries to keep him out of view from others as he casts his spell.

[Eskar]: [1d20-4] -> [6,-4] = (2)

[Eskar]: Eskar's sword like-wise misses, having been aimed at air, as the battle fails to heat up.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20-4] -> [15,-4] = (11)

[Eskar]: [2d4+2] -> [2,1,2] = (5)

[Aidan]: Aidan curses and looks to Jasmin.  "Nothing, I'm afraid.  I think you may have to speak with the priest who had the coin last and see about getting it back."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin sighs, looking even more disappointed than she did just a second ago. "Right. Thanks for trying anyway."

[Eskar]: Eskar hears the approach of the goblin just in time to bring his sword in an upward arc. The tip of his bastard sword catches his opponent in the chest, scoring a gash but not penetrating the ribcage.

[JadedDM]: The audience is growing restless, but they try and remain quiet to hear the fight.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 5?)

[Eskar]: Eskar continues to attack, his morale bolstered by the fact that he's the only one scoring any hits.

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [3] = (3)

[Aidan]: "I'm sorry," he says, leading Jasmin back towards the crowd. "We'll try again when we can."

[JadedDM]: Sonak's turn.

[JadedDM]: Sonak strikes true this time, hearing the dwarf's movements.  He feels something cold strike his left arm, and a sudden sharp pain.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20-4] -> [5,-4] = (1)

[Jasmin]: "Yeah," she says as she is led back to the crowd.

[Eskar]: Eskar's aim is thrown off by the surprising hit scored upon him, his sword going wild.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 6?)

[Eskar]: The duergar, not to be dissuaded by such a wound, continues the fight with his bastard sword.

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [5] = (5)

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Aidan]: Aidan stops at the edge, not looking too keen about shoving his way back through just to watch shadows. He looks back to Jasmin. "Perhaps we should see about finding a drink or two, instead?"

[Eskar]: [1d20-4] -> [1,-4] = (-3)

[Jasmin]: (woo, lowest roll yet!)

[Eskar]: Eskar's sword goes flying, instead of going into the opponent. He makes a mental note of where the noise stopped.

[JadedDM]: Sonak's turn.

[JadedDM]: He strikes like a viper, catching Eskar in the back with his knife.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to the crowd only to spot Gaheris in the crowd. She wrinkles her nose, and then turns to Aidan with a nod. "Okay. The heat is getting to me anyway."

[Eskar]: Eskar makes a run for his sword, scooping it up while feeling air swish by his head. He turns to continue the fight.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 7?)

[Eskar]: Eskar presses the attack once again with his sword.

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [3] = (3)

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Aidan]: Aidan smiles. "Back to the Wolf Blaze, then," he says, making his way around the crowd and back towards the inn they had sat in not long before.

[Jasmin]: "I don't think they are going to let me in looking the way I do," Jasmin points out absently as she follows along.

[Eskar]: [1d20-4] -> [2,-4] = (-2)

[Eskar]: Eskar's sword swishes ineffectually, again.

[JadedDM]: The two find the Wolf Blaze Inn nearly empty, however, as most of the patrons and employees are watching the fight.  The hobgoblin bartender frowns at Jasmin's appearance, and brings her some towels so she doesn't drip blood all over the floor.

[JadedDM]: Sonak's turn.

[JadedDM]: Moving silently as a shadow, the dark goblin comes up behind Eskar and strikes twice, once with each blade.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 8?)

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [6] = (6)

[JadedDM]: Sonak's turn.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes the towels, and moves to sit down at a table. Absently, she starts to clean the wound on her head first. "He didn't even ask if I was okay," she finally says after a few moments of silence.

[JadedDM]: Sonak quickly dashes around and comes from the other side, cutting Eskar's thigh with his blade.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20-4] -> [2,-4] = (-2)

[Eskar]: Eskar's sword is unable to hit anything, again. "You are like ant. Annoying."

[Jasmin]: (better than -3)

[Eskar]: (two -2's in a row ;_;)

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20-4] -> [18,-4] = (14)

[Eskar]: [2d4+2] -> [2,1,2] = (5)

[Aidan]: Aidan holds a few towels while she works with one of them.  "Gaheris?"

[JadedDM]: Eskar strikes out with his blade, striking the goblin by sheer luck.  Sonak loses his balance and is knocked to the floor, causing the dark globe to drop.

[JadedDM]: Everyone leans forward, unsure of what happened but they quickly realize the battle is over.  "Kill, kill, kill!" they all begin to chant enthusiastically.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin nods. "He's probably disappointed or even mad at me." She winces as she starts to clean around the wound. "I was so sure I would win, and I wanted to fight Cardel so much."

[Eskar]: Eskar stands over the goblin, sword raised, covered in many minor wounds. He brings his sword down to the goblin's throat. He looks the goblin in the eye for any emotion. He whispers so that only Sonak can hear him "What you think?"

[JadedDM]: Sonak stares at him, panting from loss of breath, his eyes burning with malice and defiance.

[Eskar]: Eskar brings his arm back, brow furrowed in anger. He looks like he is about to deliver the final blow before he staggers back a step a look of realization on his face, he sheathes his blade. He shrugs at the goblin.

[JadedDM]: Again, the audience is displeased.  They shout, and almost seem ready to riot until the Viscount's guards begin drawing their swords.  They quickly calm down after that.

[JadedDM]: Sonak gets to his feet, collects his blades, and scurries off.

[Eskar]: Eskar descends from the dais, heading for Meschior, a grim look on his face.

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "Congratulations, Eskar.  Are you hurt bad?" he asks.

[Aidan]: Aidan considered this for a moment.  "I would not worry about his opinions so much, as your feelings should come first. How do you feel about not being fighting Cardel?"

[Eskar]: Eskar makes a motion of opening a jar and dipping a finger in, then he pantomimes rubbing the dipped finger on his wounds. "Trouble."

[Jasmin]: "I'm....angry and sad." Jasmin holds her hand out for another towel as Aidan is the one holding them.

[JadedDM]: Meschior blinks a moment.  "Oh."  He pulls out the jar from his pocket and hands it to the dwarf.

[Aidan]: Aidan hands her another towel and takes the bloody one. "Understandable. Cardel is quite an unlikable person."

[Eskar]: Eskar applies one dose to his wounds.

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "Oh, Eskar.  Your net," he says, pointing to the shredded remains of the weapon lying in the ring.

[Jasmin]: "No, he is likeable. Very likeable. I just have to prove something to him." Jasmin slowly starts to wrap the new towel around her thigh.

[Eskar]: The dwarf hands it back to the young priest. He shakes his head. "No care. I fear, Meschior, I fear I might be to killing the next man."

[Aidan]: Aidan raises an eyebrow.  "Something to prove to Cardel?  And what about Gaheris?"

[JadedDM]: After the audience settles down, Garek stands again.  "With our first two matches done, there are only two left.  The winners of both fights will now compete to see who will have the honor of facing last year's champion, Cardel of the Tainted Hands!"  The audience cheers wildly.  "Garn the Brutal...versus...Eskar of the Shadow Bats!"

[Jasmin]: "Well, he doesn't care. He is too busy trying to get in with the nobles to really care about anything else," she says almost bitterly, which is also not normal for Jasmin.

[Eskar]: Eskar grab's Meschior's arm and squeezes, then moves off back to the dais, taking another drink as he goes.

[Aidan]: "I see," Aidan says slowly. "So you would rather prove something to Cardel."

[JadedDM]: Garn emerges from the left side of the ring, his halberd in hand, now fully healed.  He looks at the dwarf and grins.  "I will give you the same warning I gave my last opponent, dwarf.  I will not hold back!"

[Eskar]: The duergar shrugs at the man, and concentrates hard. His form blurs again, but probably to the crowd's pleasure instead of vanishing he grows to over eight feet in height along with more than considerable girth and draws his sword.

[JadedDM]: Garn steps back in surprise, but quickly regains his bearings.  "The bigger you are, the harder you shall fall, dwarf.  In D'lokka's name do I spill your blood!"

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 1?)

[Jasmin]: "I've given in to Cardel before, and I just have to prove to him that I won't do it again. Gaheris doesn't know that though," Jasmin explains as she starts to unbuckle her armor so she can take it off to get to her stomach wound.

[Eskar]: The duergar looks down at the now-shorter Garn and swings his considerably-sized blade. "Renos protect me, apologies."

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [1] = (1)

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Aidan]: Aidan turns his head and hands Jasmin another towel. "You only wanted to fight him to prove that you wouldn't go easy on him?"

[Eskar]: [1d20] -> [3] = (3)

[Eskar]: (Nutbunnies)

[Eskar]: Eskar turns his blade against Garn, but is slightly awkward in his new form, missing the man by a considerable margin.

[JadedDM]: Garn's turn.

[JadedDM]: Garn comes up to the side of the oversized dwarf and slashes with the blade of his halberd across Eskar's right side.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes the towel once her armor is off. She now wears her normal clothing, which shows off that stomach wound quite nicely. Though, she quickly covers it up with the towel that Aidan gave her. "No, I gave into Cardel's seductions not too long ago, and usually I'm the one seducing someone. I decided that isn't how it is suppose to work, so I decided that I had to show him who was boss. Fighting him was supposed to prove that, but I can't fight him now."

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 2?)

[Eskar]: Eskar's eyes flash with worry behind his goggles. He decides to give his sword another chance before doing something rash.

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [6] = (6)

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20] -> [3] = (3)

[Eskar]: (I hate life)

[Jasmin]: (ouch.)

[Aidan]: "Hm, you could always challenge him outside of the tournament," Aidan says. "Well, provided he survives."

[Jasmin]: "He'll only laugh at me now."

[Eskar]: Eskar's sword is batted away by the smaller combatant, easily, as it was a clumsy move.

[JadedDM]: Garn's turn.

[JadedDM]: Garn attempts to thrust at the dwarf's leg, to cripple him, but Eskar is successful in parrying it with his blade.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20] -> [1] = (1)

[Jasmin]: (*laughs*)

[Eskar]: (I'm tired of losing ;_;)

[Aidan]: "I'm sure he wouldn't laugh if you gutted him or something."

[Eskar]: Eskar's blade flies from his hand, the price paid for parrying.

[JadedDM]: Garn's turn.

[Jasmin]: "Who says I would gut him? I couldn't even gut that hobgoblin out there." Jasmin leans back in her chair and tilts her head back to look at the ceiling.

[JadedDM]: With his sword dropped, Garn quickly takes advantage of the drop in defense and slashes at the dwarf's other side.

[Jasmin]: (Come on, you can do better than this.)

[Eskar]: Eskar's mind reels as he goes for his dropped blade.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 3?)

[Aidan]: "Well, if you had faced Cardel in the tournament, what would you have done?  If you didn't intend to gut him, I believe that might lean towards going easy on him."

[JadedDM]: Meschior begins praying fervently to Renos.

[Jasmin]: "I wouldn't have gone easy on him, but I wouldn't have killed him either."

[Eskar]: Eskar looks at the man and goes for his sword, trying to bring it up fast for an attack.

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [10] = (10)

[Eskar]: (Naturally)

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20] -> [18] = (18)

[Jasmin]: (There you go!)

[Eskar]: (Too bad Eskar's on his last legs)

[Eskar]: [2d4+2] -> [3,1,2] = (6)

[Aidan]: "But what would he have done?" Aidan gestured the bartender over and asked for some wine and ice.  "Perhaps there was too much on your mind while you faced the hobgoblin?"

[Eskar]: Blood dripping from his sides, the dwarf makes a last-ditch effort, grabbing his sword and coming up and driving his gigantic blade into his opponent's leg, causing a profusely bleeding wound.

[JadedDM]: The hobgoblin bartender brings Aidan a bucket of ice and a glass of wine.

[JadedDM]: Garn's turn.

[JadedDM]: Garn swings his own weapon, but the sudden loss of balance from Eskar's attack throws him off completely.  He quickly gets to his feet, ignoring the pain.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 4?)

[Eskar]: Eskar sees his chance and shouts out loudly while he goes for Garn. "Fire guide me!"

[Jasmin]: "There was nothing on my mind but that hobgoblin at the time. I don't let a lot of things to distract me, unless it happens to be my wounds," Jasmin says with a sigh." I guess I would have used everything I got against Cardel though, those potions I have, but I would have generally just proved I'm more than some girl he can sleep with."

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [5] = (5)

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)

[Eskar]: Eskar's face goes slack, as his attack is parried away by the hobgoblin foe.

[JadedDM]: Garn's turn.

[JadedDM]: Garn moves to the side and thrusts his halberd forward, in what surely would have been a killing blow had Eskar not been able to position his shield into place at the last second.

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20] -> [5] = (5)

[Jasmin]: (You are slowly moving up the scale there.)

[Eskar]: (I am crying right now)

[Aidan]: "Well, it would seem that you're more than that anyway, wouldn't it?  You're part of a slayer group that's been giving his quite enough competition." Aidan pushed the bucket of ice towards Jasmin and handed her another towel.

[Eskar]: Eskar's heart racing, he just can't place the next attack well enough after having just barely dodged death.

[JadedDM]: Garn's turn.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes the towel and places a few pieces of ice in it before wrapping it up and placing it upon her head. "Yeah, but Cardel doesn't know I'm apart of the Shadow Bats.  He probably knows now, and he probably saw me lose."

[Eskar]: (Oh man, so... nervous...)

[JadedDM]: Garn feints to the right, and then strikes to the left, cutting a nasty gash on Eskar's leg.

[JadedDM]: Garn:  "You have all ready lost, pathetic dwarf!  Lie down and accept your fate!" he taunts.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 5?)

[Eskar]: Eskar, literally hanging onto consciousness by a thread, roars unintelligibly and shoves his sword at Garn.

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [1] = (1)

[Jasmin]: (Come on, come on, come on)

[Aidan]: "But now he knows you're part of a group that's successfully causing him to lose a healthy profit, and gaining some fame of their own.  That must count for something, doesn't it?"

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: (GO SUPER POWERS OF LUCK! Please...)

[Eskar]: [1d20] -> [3] = (3)

[Jasmin]: (*laughs*)

[Eskar]: (*slams his head against the desk*)

[Aidan]: (well this is rather sad...)

[Eskar]: (Attention roleplayers, my hair thinks this is bullshit >_>)

[Eskar]: (Yep, please let him roll a 3 as well)

[Jasmin]: "No, I don't think it counts for anything. He is probably thinking something along the lines of, 'How did these fools ever win anything?'”

[Aidan]: "And yet we have won much."

[Eskar]: Eskar let's out a distraught cry as he once again misses the hobgoblin, sword going far left.

[JadedDM]: Garn's turn.

[JadedDM]: Garn twirls his halberd as if it was as light as a feather and uses the momentum to strike at the dwarf's chest...but his armor absorbs the blow.

[JadedDM]: (Actions for Round 6?)

[Jasmin]: Jasmin absently shrugs. "It still doesn't prove that I'm better. It just proves that the Shadow Bats are stronger together than apart."

[Eskar]: Eskar thanks the Gods for giving him so many chances, and attacks again, just trying to cut down his opponent.

[Eskar]: [1d10] -> [1] = (1)

[JadedDM]: Eskar's turn.

[Eskar]: [1d20] -> [1] = (1)

[Jasmin]: (...)

[Eskar]: (*suicide*)

[Eskar]: Eskar's sword drops from his hands, batted away, he just tries to keep alive, with his shield.

[JadedDM]: Garn's turn.

[Eskar]: (*becomes Emo like Parker*)

[JadedDM]: Garn twirls his halberd over head, and then smashes the butt into Eskar's face, causing the dwarf to fall to the ground with a loud 'thud.'

[Eskar]: Eskar collapses to the ground.

[Aidan]: "Perhaps Eskar has proved otherwise."  Aidan looks at her, catching her eyes. "But I still believe that, if you wish to prove something to him, you should challenge Cardel on your own time. It may be more valuable then doing so before an audience."

[Aidan]: (no! not the hair! and the dancing!)

[JadedDM]: Garn brings his halberd to his heart as the crowd chants so loudly, that even Aidan and Jasmin can faintly hear them...."Kill, kill, kill!"

[Eskar]: (The suspense is literally killing me; there go years of my life)

[Jasmin]: "I like the attention," she says before pulling her eyes away from Aidan towards the window. She stands up slowly and moves towards the door to see who is down for the count.

[JadedDM]: The ring is too far away for Jasmin to see from her vantage point.

[Aidan]: "Well, that sounds somewhat promising." Aidan takes a sip of the wine he remembered he had ordered. "I don't suppose you can see anything?"

[JadedDM]: Garn waits for the crowd to really build into a frenzy before plunging his halberd down into the dwarf's chest.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin shakes her head. "Just the crowd," she says before moving back to the table.

[Eskar]: Eskar dies.

[JadedDM]: The crowd goes wild as Garn holds his bloody halberd over his head.  A pair of men comes to drag the now shrunken body of Eskar out of the ring.

[JadedDM]: Meschior hurries off, running to the inn.

[Aidan]: Aidan looks up at the cheers. "Someone killed someone?"

[Jasmin]: "Sounds like it." Jasmin leans back in her chair again. "We will find out soon enough who it was."

[JadedDM]: Meschior reaches the inn, completely out of breath.  He grabs hold of the door frame to steady himself.  Panting, he shakes his head.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks towards Meschior as he enters. "Eskar?" she asks, frowning.

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "He...he didn't make it."

[Aidan]: Aidan downs the rest of his wine.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks down at the table upon hearing that, yet she doesn't say anything.

[Aidan]: Aidan is silent for a moment, then asks, "Who was he fighting?  The shadow-kissed?"

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "I asked that his body be delivered to my temple."  He looks to Aidan.  "No, Garn the Brutal."

[Aidan]: Aidan stands.  "Perhaps we should go there."

[JadedDM]: Everyone now and again, they can hear the crowd cheering as the Cardel/Garn fight begins.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin narrows her eyes upon hearing that name. In anger, she tosses the towel she holds to her head towards the wall.

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "He...may not be completely lost to us," he says hesitantly.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to Meschior. "What do you mean?"

[Aidan]: "Then let's go." Aidan hurries to the bartender and pays. "Explain on the way," he says as he returns to the table.

[JadedDM]: The three hurry out and head to the slums.  As they walk, Meschior explains.  "The temples of D'lokka and Renos are weak right now, because of recent happenings.  But there is one faith in this city that is still quite strong."

[Jasmin]: "Shadowbite."

[JadedDM]: Meschior nods.  "Yes, Eskar was not a worshipper of the shadow god...I imagine it would not be easy to convince them to help us."

[Aidan]: "I will speak to them."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to Aidan curiously. "If you both are wanting to do this for him, then I'll go along with it. I'm more mad at the fact that the same person beat both of us."

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "I should warn will most likely be very costly," he says as they reach the smelter.  Meschior opens the doors and steps inside.  Eskar's body has all ready been delivered and placed upon the altar.

[Jasmin]: "Use the money that was given to me for the job that the three of you did."

[Aidan]: "I'm aware of the costs the followers of Shadowbite require," Aidan says simply.  "I am not as familiar with their...healing techniques...though."

[JadedDM]: Meschior finds an old sheet and places it over the body.  "They may not even ask for money, but something else.  I cannot say.  The high priest is the only one powerful enough to do so, at any rate."

[Jasmin]: "I'll go with you, Aidan."

[Aidan]: "Thank you, but they might prefer to speak with another follower of Shadowbite alone."

[Jasmin]: "Gaheris is a follower of Shadowbite, but I don't think he'll actually go for this."

[JadedDM]: Meschior looks at Aidan skeptically.  "If indeed you are really going to help, then time is limited.  Once Eskar's soul passes beyond the ether and into the Divine Realms, not even the Nightmaster will be able to retrieve him."

[Aidan]: "Then we should hurry.  Their shrine is on the other side of Voxis."  Aidan looks to the body. "Should we simply...carry him? Between the three of us?"

[Jasmin]: "I have enough strength to hold myself up at the moment."

[JadedDM]: Meschior:  "You two go ahead.  I'll get Dommer and Dermer and a liter to transport him there."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin takes a deep breath, crosses her arms, and makes the walk towards the Shadowbite Temple .

[Aidan]: Aidan nods, and heads towards the marketplace.

[JadedDM]: The two leave the smelter and head north, to the merchant district.  As they walk, they pass by the tournament ring.  They hear people shouting and cheering wildly.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin tries to ignore the cheers and shouting as she walks past.

[JadedDM]: "Cardel, Cardel, Cardel!" the crowd chants as they pass by.

[Aidan]: "Unfortunate," Aidan mutters. "I wonder if Eskar killed the shadow-kissed. They likely won't help us if he did."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin makes a tight fist with both her hands. Honestly, she looks as if she just wants to punch something right now.

[JadedDM]: The Temple of Shadowbite in the merchant district is the largest and most elaborate temple in the city, and has been since the Temple of D'lokka burned down a few years ago.  Now the dominant religious force in the city, they have their fingers in quite a few businesses, guilds, and some say they even sponsor a few thieves and assassins.  The temple itself is built from black marble, and has several white dots painted on it, giving one the impression it was made from the night sky.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks up to the temple. "Are you sure you want to do this, Aidan?"

[Aidan]: Aidan doesn't spare a second glance at the building, as if he had seen it before. "It wouldn't hurt to ask. If their price is too high, then we will reconsider."

[JadedDM]: Stepping into the antechamber, they find several goblins in dark robes praying at a jet black, obsidian altar.  One of them notices their approaches and steps forward.  "What business brings you here?" he asks.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin remains quiet.

[Aidan]: "We seek the high priest.  We have a request."

[JadedDM]: The goblin gestures.  "Come with me," he says, leading them down one of the dark corridors.  The entire temple is illuminated, barely, by magical faerie fire torches.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin follows after the goblin. "I can barely see," she says softly.

[Aidan]: Aidan remembers to remove his cloak's cowl, and brushes the hair back from his face as he does so. "Just stay close to me," he whispers.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin smirks faintly at this words. "My hero," she teases as she moves along.

[Aidan]: Aidan rolls his eyes in the darkness.

[JadedDM]: The goblin leads them to a small room that seems even less illuminated than the hallways.  Inside is another goblin, this one completely hidden by his black robes.  "Nightmaster," the young goblin says, bowing.  "These humans wish to see you."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin places her hands behind her back as she looks upon the Nightmaster.

[Aidan]: Aidan bows as well, keeping his head bowed and staring towards the place where the high priest's feet must be.

[JadedDM]: The Nightmaster speaks, his voice creaky and raspy, as if he is very old.  Indeed, he may well be.  "What is it you seek from me, young humans?"

[Aidan]: "A friend of ours has fallen in battle, and we were hoping you might assist us with...bringing him back."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin nods in agreement with Aidan's words.

[JadedDM]: Nightmaster:  "And this person was a faithful follower of our shadow lord?"

[Aidan]: Aidan swallows. "He was not, but a faithful follower requests your aid."

[JadedDM]: Nightmaster:  "Faithful, are you?  And what have you done in the name of Shadowbite, so far?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to Aidan curiously at this point.

[Aidan]: Aidan takes some time to answer, before saying, "I have offered my prayers and paid my dues in worship, as one should."

[JadedDM]: Nightmaster:  He snorts derisively.  "What is this person's name?"

[Jasmin]: "Eskar," Jasmin finally says.

[JadedDM]: Nightmaster:  "I will commune with Shadowbite.  If he feels reviving your friend is in His best interests, he will tell me.  If not, then you must simply accept his death.  Do you understand?"

[Jasmin]: Jasmin nods her head in understanding.

[JadedDM]: Nightmaster:  "Wait outside.  I will summon you when I am ready."

[Aidan]: Aidan nods, and makes his way back out into the hall.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin bows her head to the Nightmaster and steps outside as she is told.

[JadedDM]: The young goblin acolyte closes the doors behind them and shows them a small bench outside the door.  "You may wait here."  He then leaves.

[Jasmin]: Jasmin sits down upon the bench and leans back, closing her eyes. "I wonder what Shadowbite will say to this."

[Aidan]: "The high priest didn't sound too favorable," Aidan says, sitting.

[Jasmin]: "I don't think he sounds too favorable about a lot of things."

[Aidan]: "Perhaps we should make an offering while we wait."  Aidan looks around for a moment, but sighs and looks back towards the closed door.

[JadedDM]: The door reopens and you hear the Nightmaster speak.  "Enter, young ones."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin slowly pushes herself up and moves to step inside the room again.

[Aidan]: Aidan steps into the room again, bowing his head.

[JadedDM]: Nightmaster:  "I have spoken to Shadowbite, and he has agreed to return your friend's life, but not without cost.  Understand that even if you pay what is needed, his soul may choose not to return.  In which case, there is nothing that can be done."

[Jasmin]: "Understood, but what is the cost?" Jasmin asks.

[JadedDM]: Nightmaster:  "Five thousand gold pieces, and you must agree to sell your services to us, as Slayers, should we need of you in the near future."

[Jasmin]: "Five thousand gold pieces?" Jasmin's eyes widen in surprise. "As for our services as Slayers, that we can do."

[Aidan]: "...and how long might we have to pay this first fee?"

[JadedDM]: Nightmaster:  "When did your friend die?"

[Jasmin]: "Today."

[Aidan]: "Less than an hour ago, I think it was.  Or perhaps a little more.  It was very recent."

[JadedDM]: Nightmaster:  "You have nine days.  After that, his soul will have departed and he will be beyond my reach."

[Jasmin]: Jasmin looks to Aidan. "I'll speak with Gaheris to see if he has any bright ideas."

[Aidan]: "Right. We'll see what we can do."  Aidan bows again.

[JadedDM]: (Okay, we'll end it here, guys.)

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