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Octhania Organizations

The following is a guide to the various organizations, groups, and agencies of Octhania.

Blue Tsunami

The Blue Tsunami are the elite warriors of the Octhanian Navy.  They are magical warriors with deep ties to the ocean.  Their job is to keep the kingdom safe from invaders, maintain the peace on the open seas and protect the Kaiser and his family.

They have a loose network with the Grand Admiral Anton Vhansine leading them.  There are also admirals who control fleets and captains who lead ships.  There are two types of Blue Tsunami ships, made especially for them:  Porpoises and Sententials.  Porpoises are small and swift scout ships whereas Sententials are large defensive warships.

They have a code known as the Mandate that regulates how a Blue Tsunami should behave himself:  

Mandate of the Blue Tsunami

Protect those in danger,
Fight the unbeatable foe,
Right the unrightable wrong,
Run where the brave do not go.

Oath of the Blue Tsunami

"I, (name of knight), do hereby swear to follow and uphold The Mandate of the Blue Tsunami, under any and all circumstances until the sea calls me back to the Beyond. I also pledge to my undying loyalty to the country of Octhania, and will act only for its betterment."

Most towns and cities in Octhania govern themselves and each have their own laws and rules.  However, there are a handful of national laws known as the Kaiser's Laws that are expected to be followed anywhere in the nation.

Kaiser’s Laws
01. Murder (Punishment: Death or life in prison)
02. Rape (Punishment: Death or life in prison)
03. Treason (Punishment: Exile or imprisonment)
04. Mutiny (Punishment: Death)
05. Piracy (Punishment: life in prison)
06. Possession or use of 'tek' (Punishment: exile, fines, or imprisonment)
07. Thievery (Punishment: imprisonment)
08. Kidnapping (Punishment: imprisonment)
09. Slavery (Punishment: imprisonment)
10. Smuggling or Tax Evasion (Punishment: imprisonment)

"Death" penalty is rather rare in Octhania. When it is used, it's usually by hanging or beheading...which are considered the most 'humane' ways.

Codex Chaos

The Codex is a cult dedicated to chaos.  Little more is known about them, other than they seem to have powerful magic at their disposal.  Their symbol is §.

Dark Moons

The Dark Moons are an evil cult that attempted to launch an attack on the government of Octhania.  They were thwarted and dispersed by the Blue Tsunami, however, and there has been no word from them since.  Their leader was a man named Draska.  Their symbol is i.  Not much more is known about them.

Divine Sibling Trinity Church

The Divine Sibling Trinity Church is a holy organization dedicated to the three sibling gods of Octhania:  Ark the Healer, Baerin the Protector, and Valerdar the Homekeeper.  The Church is the only religion sponsored by the Kaiser and Octhanian government.  It is also the most powerful church in Octhanian, politically and financially.

It is a hierarchy with the High Priestess, Veronica Angelwing, at the top of the chain.  Then there are the Vicars, then the Prefects and Curates, and finally the Clerics and Acolytes.

Of the three Divine Siblings, Ark is considered the most powerful.  She is the goddess of healing and love, of mercy and tolerance.  Baerin, her younger brother, is the god of defense and protection, as well as peace and law.  The youngest sibling, Valerdar, is the goddess of comfort, prosperity, and family.

The symbol of Ark is the arch and her color is sky blue.  The symbol of Baerin is the shield and his color is olive green.  The symbol of Valerdar is a hill with a window in it and her color is peach.

Fangar Federation of Guilds (FFG)

The FFG are a global organization of merchants, traders, and craftsmen.  They do business with every race and kingdom on Amtar.  Despite war or political tension, they keep the five kingdoms prosperous and make a pretty good profit along the way.  Only Fangar make up this guild, and each member pays fees to keep the guild running.

The Golden Thane, Farin Ironshard, leads the guild.  The FFG have outposts all over the world, but the main headquarters can be found in Octhania, on Heaven Island.  The Fangar call the island “Frenor’s Paradise” and make the claim “if you can’t find it here, you can’t find it anywhere.”

The FFG basically have a monopoly on world trade and will buy out anyone who threatens their reign.  They devoutly follow the teachings of Frenor, God of Trade.  They respect a strict set of Merchant’s Laws that dictate how guild members should conduct business.

Because of their natural distrust of each other, the five kingdoms require the FFG to serve as a middleman.  It is in this way the countries can trade with each other without having to admit as much.  Without the FFG, the five kingdoms would be forced to work together or shrivel up.

Magi of the Deep

A group of Fathomers (wizards who explore the depths of the sea) who were founded in Octhania about 100 years ago.  They have an Academy to teach their skills to others on Hydris Island.  When Infinity fell into the ocean, most of its strong magic was left down there.  The Fathomers explore the seas in hopes of finding these magics and to learn more about the strange creatures that dwell down there.

Renosian Pirates

Ever since the war, Renosian pirates have been a problem. They are the worst kind of pirates, because they always have excellent ships, are well armed and manned, and they fight like demons from the nine hells.

The Renosian government denies any ties to these pirates. However, the flag bearing a red ram's head on a black background has become almost as synonymous with pirates as the ever-infamous skull and crossbones insignia.

Upon defeating a ship (usually smaller, merchant vessels), the pirates will capture any surviving crew and transport them back home for the slave trade. Renosian pirates never go after FFG ships (anyone attacking an FFG ship will suddenly find themselves completely cut off from most marketplaces).

Silent Rays

The Silent Rays are a small network of halfling smugglers. They have been eluding the Blue Tsunami for decades now, much to their chagrin. The Rays work in small cells, so even when one is captured, it cannot be traced back to the other cells.

They disguise themselves as simple fishing villagers and always remain low profile. Usually they smuggle goods such as arms, tobacco, ores, and silks and sell them on a black market without tax.  They also export such things as sporg, pearls, coral, and medicine to other nations.

It is completely unknown how large this organization is, how long it has been running, and who is in charge of it

Storm Sorcerers

An organization of wizards who specialize in sailing and seafaring.  They are equipped with magics that allow them to fight off pirates, conjure supplies, and control the wind and waves to make any sea journey easier.  They have an Academy in Immerfort to teach their skills to others.  Storm Sorcerers are always in high demand and many captains will pay handsomely to have one on the roster.


A secret group of druids and rangers who are said to be able to turn into swans.  They are entirely composed of women and are dedicated to protecting nature from any who would threaten it.  In truth, most of the stories surrounding the Swanmays are rather far-fetched and there is no evidence whatsoever to even suggest they exist.  However, many sailors tell tales about people lost at sea being rescued by a mysterious woman wearing swan feathers.

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