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Valerdar Priest Class



:  Lesser Power
Sphere of Influence
:  Home, Family, and Comfort
:  Female
:  Neutral Good
:  Twin Paradises
:  Cherubim

Description:  Valerdar is the youngest of the Divine Siblings.  Valerdar represents prosperity, friendship, family, and health.  She teaches that good things come to those who wait, and the good life was well earned, so one should best enjoy it.  She is very easy-going and laidback, and does everything in her power to provide her people food, drink, and a comfortable home.  Valerdar is often said to take the form of a plump female (human or halfling) with a jolly smile, red and fat cheeks, and a button nose.  Her Seneschal are fat little angels known as Cherubim that can lift anyone's spirits and morale with their cute antics.


Priest Alignment:  Any good
Flock Alignment
:  Any good or neutral
Minimum Ability Scores
:  Wis – 9, Con - 11
Races Allowed
:  Human, Halfling
Nonweapon Proficiencies Required
:  Fire-building, Cooking, Brewing
Nonweapon Proficiencies Recommended
:  Reading/Writing, Fishing, Healing, Herbalism, Religion, Agriculture
NW Crossover
:  Priest/General
:  Guidance to the flock (advice, counsel, etc.).  Performing marriages.
Weapons Permitted
:  Dagger/Dirk, Mace, Dart, Javelin, Knife, Sling, Staff-sling
Armor Permitted:  No armor and no shields
Combat Abilities:  Poor
Other Limitations
:  All Priests of Valerdar add 30 lbs to their character weight upon character generation.
Major Access Sphere
:  All, Charm, Creation, Divination, Guardian, Protection, Travelers, Summoning
Minor Access Sphere
:  Animal, Plant, Weather, Sun, Necromantic, Healing
Granted Powers
:  Can use Create Food & Water once a day.  Can use Soothing Word three times a day on up to 2 HD per level of creatures or characters.  Can Create Campsite once a day after 3rd level.
Followers/Strongholds:  At 8th level receives one 5th level priest, three 3rd level priests, two 1st level priests, two 5th level fighters, and ten 1st level fighters.  Priest pays for half of stronghold at level 8.  The Stronghold is used as a mass dining hall for anyone who wishes to stay.
Symbol:  Hill with a window in it
Clothes:  Peach
Central Temple:  Immerfort
Paladins:  None
Beliefs:  The flock of Valerdar hold the belief that the most important things in life are the simpler things, and that life is so short that people ought to enjoy it.  Good food, drink, friends and comfort are the best things a person can have.  You can't take these things with you when you cross over to the other side, so you may as well enjoy them in the here and now.  When all possible, priests of Valerdar bring comfort to the people in anyway they can.  Starvation is a horrible thing, as is being homeless.  Priests of Valerdar work hard to help end these terrible things. 

1st - Bless, Combine, Detect Evil, Purify Food & Drink, Animal Friendship, Invisibility to Animals, Locate Animals or Plants, Command, Remove Fear, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Detect Snares & Pits, Cure Light Wounds, Invisibility to Undead, Entangle, Pass Without Trace, Endure Cold/Heat, Protection from Evil, Sanctuary, Light, Faerie Fire, Sacred Guardian, Ring of Hands 
2nd - Charm Person or Mammal, Messenger, Snake Charm, Speak with Animals, Enthrall, Hold Person, Augury, Detect Charm, Find Traps, Know Alignment, 15' Radius Silence, Wyvern Watch, Slow Poison, Aid, Barkskin, Goodberry, Trip, Warp Wood, Resist Fire/Cold, Withdraw, Obscurement, Sanctify, Aura of Comfort, Lighten Load
3rd - Hold Animal, Summon Insects, Create Food & Water, Locate Object, Speak with Dead, Glyph of Warding, Cure Blindness or Deafness, Cure Disease, Feign Death, Negative Plane Protection, Plant Growth, Tree, Snare, Spike Growth, Dispel Magic, Magical Vestment, Remove Curse, Remove Paralysis, Continual Light, Starshine, Call Lightning, Slow Rot, Line of Protection, Create Campsite, Helping Hand
4th - Cloak of Bravery, Free Action, Imbue with Spell Ability, Detect Lie, Divination, Reflecting Pool, 10' Radius Protection from Evil, Spell Immunity, Abjure, Circle of Privacy, Tree Steed
5th - Atonement, Quest, Commune, Magic Font, True Seeing, Dispel Evil, Blessed Abundance, Unceasing Vigilance of the Holy Sentinel, Clear Path, Easy March
6th - Animate Object, Blade Barrier, Heroes' Feast, Find the Path, Speak with Monsters, Aerial Servant, Word of Recall, Monster Mount

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