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Medician Kit


Source:  The Complete Paladin's Handbook

Attached to
:  Paladin

Requirements:  Only humans may be Medicians.  To be a Medician, one needs a STR of 12, a CON of 9, an INT of 10, a WIS of 13 and a CHA of 17.  They must be Lawful Good in alignment.

Taking/Abandoning:  To take this kit, the PC must attend a temple of Ark to receive their training, which takes several years.  The PC may choose to abandon his kit and become a regular paladin if he wishes.  If the PC violates the ethos of the Medician’s Code, he may lose all powers and become a regular fighter.

Description:  The Medician seeks to treat the sick, alleviate suffering, and save lives.  Much of his training has been devoted to medical arts, and he follows the virtues of Ark, Goddess of Healing.  On the battlefield, he is as likely to be found comforting a wounded comrade as engaging an enemy in swordplay.  Though as much an enemy to evil as any paladin, the Medician has decided that he can best uphold his principles by fighting injury and disease.

Role:  A Medician candidate undergoes rigorous training in a variety of demanding courses, including Herbalism, anatomy, and diagnostics.  After complete ling his academic studies, he must spend at least a year as an apprentice to an experienced medical practitioner.  Because of the length of his training, a candidate rarely becomes a 1st level Medician before he reaches his early-to-mid twenties.

A Medician assumes the role of healer whether at home or in the field with an adventuring party.  He brews antidotes for poisons, sets broken bones, applies poultices to festering wounds, and stays up all night with ailing mounts.  In his free time, the Medician experiments with new treatments, develops new diagnostic techniques, and compiles notes on past cases to share with other healers.

A Medician will never abandon or neglect wounded, diseased or suffering lawful good characters (or creatures).  Should no lawful good patients require attention, most Medicians will apply their skills to neutral characters and creatures.  However, only in extraordinary circumstances will a Medician knowingly treat an evil character or creature.

Symbol:  The arch of Ark

Weapon Proficiencies:  The Medician spends so much time with academic studies that his combat skills invariably suffer.  Therefore, the Medician has only one weapon proficiency at 1st level; this slot may be spent on either lance (any), battle axe, or sword (any).  He receives a second weapon proficiency slot at 3rd level and a third at 6th level; he receives a total of three weapon proficiency slots in his entire career.  He may choose any weapon to fill his second and third slots.

Nonweapon Proficiencies:  (Bonus) – Diagnostics, Healing.  (Limit) – Because of his mastery of the healing arts comes at the expense of other skills, a Medician may acquire no more than three proficiencies beyond his bonuses.  He has only a single proficiency slot to spend at 1st level, another at 3rd level, and a final slot at 6th level.  (Recommended) – Ancient History, Animal Handling, Animal Lore, Animal Training, Heraldry, Herbalism, Languages (Ancient or Modern), Reading/Writing, Religion, Riding.  (Forbidden) – Blind-fighting, Bowyer/Fletcher, Jousting, Weaponsmithing.

Equipment:  In addition to his standard equipment, the Medician must purchase and maintain a set of healing equipment.  A typical set includes needles for stitching wounds, cloth bandages, tourniquets, splints, sterilizing ointments, and a selection of non-magical potions and herbs (for soothing headaches, settling stomachs, and reducing fevers; these items do not heal damage).  The initial cost of a kit is 50 gp.  At least once a month, the Medician must replenish his kit either by buying new supplies (1-4 gp) or scavenging them (which takes 1-4 days). Until the Medician replenishes his kit, he can’t take advantage of any of the proficiency bonuses listed in the Special Benefits section.  The kit weighs 1 pound.

Bonded Mount:  Any

Special Benefits:  A Medician has all of the following proficiency bonuses:

A +1 bonus to all Diagnostics proficiency checks.  (If the Medician acquires the Herbalism proficiency, he has an additional +3 bonus; this brings the total Diagnostics bonus up to +4.)

A +1 bonus for all Healing proficiency checks.  A successful check enables him to restore 1d4 hp of damage if applied within three rounds of wounding (instead of 1d3 hp within one round).

If under the care of a Medician, a patient recovers an additional 1 hp per day (2 hp per day if the patient travels and 4 hp per day if the patient rests).

If a Medician spends five consecutive rounds caring for a poisoned patient, the patient receives a +4 bonus to his saving throw (made at the end of the five rounds).  If the care is interrupted, the patient saves normally.

Special Hindrances:  Once per year, a Medician must suspend all normal activities and spend 2-5 (1d4+1) consecutive weeks at a Temple of Ark.  During this period, the Medician refreshes his skills through prayer and study.  Failure to comply results in the loss of all proficiency bonuses listed in the Special Benefits section.  As a punishment from his deity, the Medician also loses his disease immunity and ability to lay on hands.  He regains all benefits and special abilities as soon as he completes a 2-5 week stay.

Wealth Options:  Standard 5d4x10gp for Warriors.

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