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Fathomer Kit


Source:  Of Ships and the Sea

Attached to
:  Mage

Requirements:  Standard mage requirements, plus a STR of 10 or better and a CON of at least 13 or better.

Taking/Abandoning:  To take this kit, the PC must attend the Magi of the Deep Academy in Hydris or be trained by another Fathomer.  To abandon it, they must simply announce it to the DM.

Description:  The Fathomer is an elemental water specialist whose vocation involves underwater exploration of all kinds.  For the Fathomer, the depths of the seas, oceans, lakes and rivers contain hidden clues to a host of new mundane and magical discoveries.  Furthermore, Fathomers believe that the exploration of underwater realms provides the key to understanding the origins of life and the relationship of the various races to the world around them.

Fathomers often accompany groups of adventurers on underwater forays or long sea voyages in an attempt to conduct research and explore new regions.  These adventuring groups often find the Fathomer’s breadth of underwater knowledge and experience invaluable.  However, Fathomers have been known to put their own agendas well above the goals of any parties with whom they travel.

Role:  Fathomers occupy a peculiar place within their communities.  Mages and other spellcasters often see these specialists as obsessive, strange, and far removed from the important concerns in magical research.  Their tendency to leave the comfortable confines of their towers and leap into cold, murky depths astounds even their most tolerant colleagues.  Thus, the peculiar Fathomer occupies a fringe of arcane society.

Among more mundane folk, however, a Fathomer has a different reputation—especially in coastal towns.  Concerned or inquisitive people often consult the Fathomer about a wide range of topics related to water and undersea life.  Fisherman and other folk who depend on water for their livelihoods see the Fathomer as an expert on marine subjects, one whose knowledge can easily make the difference between a bountiful season and a cold, hungry winter.  Thus, they treat the Fathomer with deference and respect.

Some Fathomers choose to live apart from the press of cities and towns; many live on small, isolated islands located near their particular interest.  These solitary wizards carry on research, exploration, and experimentation in secret.  However, any locals who live near a Fathomer’s home may still approach the wizard and respectfully ask for his help.

Weapon Proficiencies:  (Required) - Dagger

Nonweapon Proficiencies:  (Bonus) – Swimming.  (Recommended) – Direction Sense, Fishing, Herbalism, Navigation, Seamanship, Survival (underwater), Underwater Communication, Cantrip, Reading/Writing

Equipment:  The Fathomer may buy any equipment he chooses.

Special Benefits:  As an undersea water specialist, the Fathomer receives the following benefits:

Fathomers do not specialize in a single school of magic; therefore, they may cast spells that belong to any school.

Fathomers receive a bonus of +15% when attempting to learn spells related to water and a bonus of +10% when learning spells elemental spells of air or earth.

Fathomers may memorize one extra water-related spell per circle of magic.

Fathomers receive a +1 bonus when making saving throws against water-related spells cast at them.  Other creatures receive a –1 penalty when making saving throws against a Fathomer’s water-related spells.

When a Fathomer researches new water-related spells, the DM should count the new spell as one level less than it actually is (for purposes of determining difficulty).

At 15th level, a Fathomer need not concentrate in order to control a summoned water elemental.

At 18th level, there is no chance of a summoned water elemental turning upon the Fathomer.

In addition, the Fathomer receives a +2 bonus on all proficiency checks relating to water (excluding sailing).  Thus, a Fathomer attempting to use his Ancient History proficiency to unearth information about the sunken city of Infinity would receive the +2 bonus.

Special Hindrances:  Because the Fathomer specializes in water-related spells, he may not cast any spells relating to fire (wall of flame, fireball, and so on) or use magical items that duplicate fire-related spell effects.

In addition, Fathomers suffer a –25% penalty when attempting to learn on-elemental spells, such as Magic Missiles.

Fathomers also suffer a –2 penalty when making saving throws against fire-related spells, such as fireball.

Finally, Fathomers receive a –2 penalty to all proficiency checks that do not involve water in some way.  Thus, a Fathomer attempting to use Direction Sense while within a wooded area would suffer this –2 penalty.

Wealth Options:  Standard 1d4+1x10gp for Wizards.

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