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Ark Priest Class



Status: Greater Power
Sphere of Influence
: Healing
: Female
: Neutral Good
: Twin Paradises
: Seraphim

Description: Ark is the top of the Divine Sibling Trinity. Ark is the oldest and wisest of the three. Ark represents compassion, love, mercy, and tolerance. She teaches that all living things are worthy of respect and love and that the deliberate execution of life is the worst crime conceivable. Ark is said to appear as a lovely maiden (human or halfling) bathed in powder blue light. Her seneschals are the Seraphim, a race of beautiful angels that can spread compassion and thaw even the coldest of hearts with their gentle songs.


Priest Alignment: Any good (LG, NG, CG)
Flock Alignment
: Any good or neutral
Minimum Ability Scores
: WIS – 10, INT – 10
Races Allowed
: Human, Halfling
Nonweapon Proficiencies Required
: Healing
Nonweapon Proficiencies Recommended
: Herbalism, Reading/Writing, and Religion
NW Crossover:  General, Priest
: Guidance to the flock (advise, council, etc). Performance of marriages. Last rites. Curing the sick and wounded. Teaching the flock (or anyone interested) the arts of healing, medicine, and sanitation. Missions to sickness infested lands to help in the healing process.
Weapons Permitted
: Lasso, Man-Catcher, Net, and Quarterstaff
Armors Permitted
: All non-metal armors are allowed. No shields permitted.
Combat Abilities
: Poor
Other Limitations
: Priests must wear a symbol indicating their calling whenever they appear in public. They may not ever deliberately take sentient life.
Major Access Spheres
: All, Creation, Divination, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, and Summoning
Minor Access Spheres
: Animal, Charm, Guardian, Plant, Sun, Weather
Granted Powers
: Receives a +2 bonus to saving throws against poisons and diseases. Can Lay on Hands once a day, for 2 hp per level. Can use Soothing Word three times a day, effecting up to 2 HD per level of creatures. Can Turn Undead. Upon reaching 3rd level, can diagnose poisons or diseases afflicting a patient with an INT check.
: At 7th level the priest receives three 3rd level priests, six 1st level priests, and 30 level 0 normal men and women with the healing proficiency. Priests pay for half their stronghold at level 7. The stronghold must act as a hospital for the nearest community, and may turn away no patient who has suffered a life-threatening injury or illness.
: Arch or Open Palm
: Sky blue
Central Temple
: Immerfort
:  Medician
: As mentioned before, they are not allowed to intentionally take sentient life. (Sentient refers to any life-form that can think for itself, make decisions using rational thought, and is self-aware.) They are forbidden to enact violence upon any living thing unless in self-defense, the defense of others, or some other form of preservation (i.e., hunting or fishing). They cannot turn away any sick or wounded being who asks for their help, even if said being does not have the money to pay for the services. The virtues of Ark are Compassion, Mercy, Tolerance and Innocence.

- Animal Friendship, Bless, Combine, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Evil, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Detect Snares and Pits, Endure Cold/Heat, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Invisibility to Animals, Invisibility to Undead, Light, Locate Animals and Plants, Pass without Trace, Protection from Evil, Purify Food and Drink, Remove Fear, Sanctuary, Ring of Hands, Sacred Guardian
2nd - Aid, Augury, Barkskin, Charm Person or Mammal, Detect Charm, Enthrall, Find Traps, Goodberry, Hold Person, Know Alignment, Messenger, Obscurement, Resist Fire/Cold, Silence 15' Radius, Slow Poison, Snake Charm, Speak with Animals, Trip, Warp Wood, Withdraw, Wyvern Watch, Sanctify
3rd - Call Lightning, Continual Light, Create Food & Drink, Cure Blindness or Deafness, Cure Disease, Dispel Magic, Feign Death, Glyph of Warding, Hold Animal, Locate Object, Magical Vestment, Negative Plane Protection, Plant Growth, Remove Curse, Remove Paralysis, Snare, Speak with Dead, Spike Growth, Starshine, Summon Insects, Tree, Line of Protection, Slow Rot
4th - Abjure, Call Woodland Beings, Cure Serious Wounds, Detect Lie, Divination, Neutralize Poison, Protection from Evil 10' radius, Reflecting Pool, Spell Immunity, Tongues, Focus, Fortify
5th - Atonement, Commune, Cure Critical Wounds, Dispel Evil, Magic Font, Raise Dead, True Seeing, Blessed Abundance
6th - Aerial Servant, Conjure Animals, Find the Path, Forbiddance, Heal, Speak with Monsters, Word of Recall
7th - Regenerate, Reincarnate, Restoration, Resurrection, Exaction, Gate, Succor, Breath of Life

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