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Ametrine Grave Swinger

This is a Roleplaying site that gives information about a character in the game shadowbane

Name: Ametrine Ebony Grave Swinger
Age: 17
Gender: female
Race: Centuar
Hight: 5'5"
Weight: 875lbs
Profession: Priestess
Religious status: A Child of the All Father

World of Origin: Mourning
World: Aerynth
Isle: Tyrranth Major
City: Kingdom of Kry'Havak 599 x 453

Born to a black centuar family that ran a small church in a port city at the sourthern coast of Ice Isle, Ametrine grew up amongst healers.
Her father, the priest and owner of the church, ran the bank and held the religous ceremonies of the town. Her mother made money as
a seamstress. and her elder brother became a prelate. Her youngest sister was practicing archery and hunting. Her uncle, also a priest
was the secondary town healer Because of the gravemarker like staff she combats with Ametrine adopted the last name Grave Swinger
and make her original last name Ebony her middle

Ametrine left the small port city at the age of 15 to practice and train her healing and buffing spells. She returned to show her family how much
she had learned to find that the port city was in ruins. Although since the turning no one has met true death, Ametrine has yet to find any of the
members of her family or the friends she had once back in the port city. She often wonders where they have gone and fears their capture by
Irekei. She now travels the large green island helping maintain her city and guild and offering the blessings of the All Father to those in need.

Images and screenshots of Ametrine

Portrait drawing of Amitrine
Ametrine casting a heal spell
Ametrine casting a buff spell
Ametrine in combat mode
Ametrine figting a spider
Ametrine with a bunch of spells on her (one of my favorites!)
