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Haben Sie alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Oliver!

What can you give the reclusive, kinky, hermit-type who has everything, for his birthday? Hrm...this took some thought! But eventually I decided to make you your very own birthday present page. And I couldn't be there to give it to you personally so you will just have to tell me what you think when I get back. I could have translated it into German but then I realised how truly awful my German has become and how scary the translations are when you use a site like Babel Fish to do it for I think its safest in English. Enjoy!:)

Birthday Cake

Its your birthday and healthy diet or not, I decided you need a cake. So I searched everywhere for a good picture and couldn't find a good one I liked, with all the right ingredients. Then I found these...These are marzipan coated in chocolate, with a pecan nut on the top. Yum! (If you like marzipan of course..I'm not keen..Ah well all the more for you!) so these will have to do for your cake, and the great thing is you can appreciate them and not put on a pound! :)

Lots of Cats

What else do you! So here I have collected together all sorts of cats. Fluffy ones, smooth ones, ones that carry their own little mirrors so they can check they /still/ look good, and the kind that will have been neglecting their medical duties aboard the Valour and probably need a spanking. ;) I found this good quote about the Cat on Red Dwarf the other day and it reminded me of you...(apart from the suits) - "All Cat ever requires is adequate napping and preening time, a shiny thing or two, and adequate materials to create endless outrageous suits, and he is happy. Conversely, a creased suit, and food deprivation devastate him." And finally, here is an addy you must visit to truly appreciate what I shall be doing in Thailand...yes.. Cat on the beach! -

Just what /is/ that box under the nacelles?

Speculation has been rife about this for ages and I can finally reveal what is in the box under the nacelles..Yes! Next to the rather swish and secret drive, and admin's secret stash of Nutella, is the most feared weapon on the Valour...indeed on the whole of Starbase 94. It could only be Oskar's paddle!! Think of it...if we ever lost the Valour in deep space by accident, with crew stranded on an unknown planet, they could quite rightly say they were up sh** creek without a paddle!(*groans* Yes..I /know/ that was terrible.) Ah well..Happy Birthday Oliver and I'll see you when I get back from Thailand!(which should be quite soon if you obeyed my instructions not to peek at this before your birthday. I'll be back around the 26th although probably too jetlagged to connect til the 27th April.) *hugs and kisses* Cat :)