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Full Name: Alastor Valtura

Quote: There's a shadow just behind me, shrouding every step I take, making every promise empty, pointing every finger at me. Waiting like a stalking butler who upon the finger rests. Murder now the path of "must we" just before the son has come.

Gender: Male

Description: A very antisocial individual,Alastor stands at 6'4, 228 lbs. with spiked dirty blonde hair and blueish silver eyes. A Heretic/Fire Mage with a Necromancer transfiguration, Alastor possesses a Beladonnian masamune strapped to his back and numerous daggers of elemental abilities concealed in his belt of daggers. Alastor wears a crimson cloak over his iron clad retracting blade armor with Lucrician alloy boots.

Location: Wherever I May Roam...

Loyalties: Although no specific loyalty has been confirmed, rumors relate to some form of an alliance to Acareric

Necromancic Transfiguration Form