Fed Wide News

Current Hit List


So I'm just getting back into the swing of things after a long first semester of college. I have my first returning match to the EWA against Tommy Purr and Sam Hain in a Triangle Match, and I must admit, I'm rusty as fuck. I'm taking a refreshing approach to the character of Cyril, keeping his monlogues just as dark as ever while having his attitude during the plot sections be more humor-filled. Maybe not laugh out loud funny, but it'll surely pull a man-giggle or two out of ya.


I got home from New York, and the city didn't beat me up too badly. I came home with 5 new video games, a gameboy advance SP, clothes, cds, etc. and all that shit. In fed news, EWA closed for all of five days, yet I had already joined SFT and AWA, so I don't know what to do over EWA. I think they'll be fine without me for a while. These results need to come for SFT, damn you, damn you. If you are in eCHo, and you can read this- FUCKING RP.

In New York City. Be Back Tuesday.


Finally free time. I've quit EWR, and I have joined the SFT as a new character, whose intro you can find at the bottom of the page. In more important news (much more)- The Church of Pain, a stable of great roleplayers, has joined eCHo. Two have sent in apps and have been accepted, and a third will be applying soon. Let's give them a warm and brutal welcome, eh?


Going insane. Too many parties. Must survive. See Matrix: Reloaded. Too many rps in too many feds. Beware the teen street team. Goodnight. New RP at bottom.


Being out of high school rocks. Parties, friends, free time- oh it's so awesome. All I have to do is go through baccalaurette tomorrow and then graduation on friday and its official. I'm sick, but rping still continues. With a win over the absent Nuclear Cape in EWA this week, I have returned to active status there as Jack. My streak as Cyril in EWR continues now accumulating a 3/0/0 one on one record there. I did place second in a battle royal, but oh well. If we play our cards right Cataclysmia will own the Tag Titles, Extreme Title and the World Title in EWR by the end of the month. Plus, I may be in the Fatal 4-Way for the TV title in the EWA against John Steele, Rachel Pitt and Rico Vega should I beat Dejay J next Saturday (which I don't think I'll have a problem doing). eCHo is officially open with the final card having been posted and RPing begins now! Get at it!


Ah, this is what free time feels like, oh- how I have forgotten! X-men 2 is cool, as was my play which I am officially done with now. Barring a few exams, I am done with school having only one more day of classes left. I'll be finished with everything this Thursday. eCHo has its first card up, and I may very well be in my first World Title match in the EWR soon. Should I win that, that would mean I have been a World Champion in three different federations- OSBWL, eCHo and EWR. That'd be pretty fucking cool if I do say so myself. Plus, with eCHo's first match, I may win the World Title there, meaning that would be my fourth World Title total- muawhahaha. Enough of that- my match with Jaycee went as planned, with me winning- so that's always good for me. Thanks for the match J, it was fun and you did good work- just ask Core. Well, we finally got Wynkun Eize to sign on with the latest reincarnation of eCHo, which is a great leap for us in getting quality roleplayers, and I have got a couple of others considering it, one of which would make the majority of eCHo crap their pants in a mix of fear and glee. This week in EWR, I face Bill "Raggity Saggity" Burns, and should I win, that would boost my record to 3/1/0, my one loss being the Battle Royal that I didn't win (I placed second alongside Scott "The Legacy" Gibson). Thanks to all of those working to make eCHo better, and to Chris Angel for working his ass off on those EWA results. I'm out like a fat kid in dodgeball.


Well I'm down to a day and a half left at school and my three play production nights start tomorrow night and run through sat night. Thurs at midnight, I will be seeing X-men 2, huzzah! Friday night I will be at my English/Drama teacher/director's house for a cast party. Trust me, it is weird spending the night at a teacher's house, but he's cool as all hell so it's all good. I am personally pushing to open eCHo sooner, so if you have joined or are interested, be getting your shit together cause Mr. Acheston/Stryfe here is ready to go by as soon as next friday! I urge all echo members who frequent this site to get a name on the forums as this will be a great source for feedback/opinions/wants from you guys. PS- my EWR results come out tomorrow against Jaycee. Good luck to ya, J, and I hope we get another shot when we both get more time this summer at one another. Happy hunting to ya. Also, the NGW link will be removed soon as they have closed down. Thanks to everyone who has joined eCHo for showing support!


I posted a new rp at the bottom of the page.

4/26 pt. 2

I'm happy. Why am I happy? One of my old allies is coming back. I finished my two roleplays for this Thursday Night Aftershock in EWR today. The play I have been working my ass off for is this coming weekend. I have 4 and 1/2 more school days. Why shouldn't I be happy? Chances are, this will be a big source for news in eCHo, so if you frequent that site, or this one, please- get a fucking ID on the boards. Please. Thank you, that is all.


I havent' updated in a while, so here goes. I won my first singles match against Scott Gibson in the EWR, and am in the midst of planning my next match in the EWA, my return to WWCWF and the return of the fed eCHo. In eCHo, I will be Cyril Acheston, and I will play the role of Vice-President of the fed, which is what the owner/prez tells me anyway. I have recently posted my first rolplay against Jaycee, the former World Champion in EWR, for our match this coming thursday. It should be a good one, as my roleplay was, for sure. I changed my character's name more or less, started a stable with Core and pretty much showed the fed my average works, with the rp clocking in at a great quality in 3750 words. Not too shabby. For all of you who say length isn't everything, I say you say that just because you can't do more than 500 words. Shame on you for not respecting most likely your elder, me being 17, and those better than you. Ah well, so starts the career in EWR. EWA is having it's Gold Rush tonight, and I have a feeling many of you guys will be pretty shocked at the results, but who knows. Oh, yeah- updated top 5 under the news section. Ah booyaka.

4/21 pt. 2

Forums are up!

In other news, I lost my debut match in the EWR. It was a battle royale of like 10 to 15 people and I rped once, and the person who won rped like 2 or 3 times. Oh, how I wish it was summer and I had more time. Oh well, enjoy the boards.


How come in every damned federation I join, the results start coming late? Us roleplayers work our asses off on these rps and I have been in feds where less people put out results on time, so don't give me your bullshit. I never have late promos, so you should never have any problems getting the results out the door. I used to defend you guys, but c'mon, once is fine. Every week is bullshit. What the fuck, guys? When I was co-prez of a fed, we had the shit out on time because we appreciated out roleplayers... ugh... I may be stepping on toes, and I don't give a damn. I have play practice, prom, finals, essays, and I still manage to roleplay for two feds during my last two weeks of school. If you can't cut it, then find someone who can.

4/20 (appropriate? I think so!)

Okay, okay, okay. So I am in no less than three federations at the moment. Big deal, I still may go back to eCHo at some point. I have multiple characters... Cyril Acheston, Jack Deckett and Myriad Faustus. Each have their own persona, yet all rely on heavily religion-based material to move forward in development. I have been roleplaying off and on for years, and so far this year I have only lost... 3 times I do believe. Tied once with someone named Rachel Pitt, but she is quite possibly in the top 3 roleplayers in skill that I have ever seen. My losses were as follows... in EWA- Christian Roberts. I'm gonna call bullshit on that one since 5 other people besides myself believe I should have won. Chalk that one up to a staff member who has his head up his ass. In eCHo, I lost to Wynkun Eize... big deal, I beat him twice. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *points at Eize*. My other loss was to a person named Maximus... but I didn't rp for it, so who gives a shit. Chances are if you are reading this, then I have beaten you. Possibly more than once. Here I will be posting some of my views on e-fedding. Happy hunting.

My current rp in EWA: Click.

Email: dcn8503@aol.com

MSN Messanger: Same as above email

AIM: The Almighty Pod



Music News
Film News
Maddox is a bad mofo.
Jaycee's Site (handler from EWR and RGW)
Whirlwind's Site (handler from WWCWF)