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As you can see, the site is undergoing a major re-construction at the moment which should be finished in about a few months. And just to let you know, the FFK Forums is still up and running, so you can go there or here to check up on continued updates.

Update 7- 1/3/04: Well, obviously the targeted release date is now in 2004, which marks about a year or so since the original site was taken down. But fear not, for I come bearing good news- FFKnights will soon be moving to a paid hosting service complete with more space, no ads, and a domain name as well. This should allow for greater flexibility and freedom on my part, with the construction finally reaching its final stages.

UPDATE: I'm now accepting suggestions on what you FF fans think/want to see on the new site besides the basic gaming coverage. Send your ideas to my e-mail address, which is below, with the subject header "Suggestion" or "New Ideas".

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