(Friday: June 1, 2001)
I have updated the Game Guru Times. Thats about it, this is just a quick update before school. Catch you guys and gals later. Fare Well...

(Wednesday: May 30, 2001)
Oh my goodness, what is this? An update? Yes Zelda Online webviewers, my server had a tremendous crash rendering me unable to update this fool site. Oh well, I am back now so be prepared for those updates once again. The new Gameboy Zelda's have finally been released!!! In case you are wondering, yes, I will be making sections on both The Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages so keep returning!!! Well, it appears that I am late for school, so I will talk to you all later! Fare Well...

(Sunday: March 25, 2001)
Greetings Zelda Online webviewers!!! I have updated the Game Guru Times as well as added many new affiliates. Also a big thanks goes out to Moiph from The Zelda Realm for making our button to give to our affiliates. If you would like to affiliate with us EMAIL ME!!! Also send me all of your Fan Art so that I can put it in the Fanart section. Again send it as an attatchment. Well, that is about it for now. Fare Well...

(Tuesday: March 20, 2001)
Hello everyone!!! Man it sure has been a while. I have added some stuff to the Game Guru Times!!! I have to help someone with another site, but I will keep this site in top priority!!! Reminder: send me your Fan Art so that I can make the Fan Art section!!! send it as attachments also because my email at IGN.com will not read embedded files. Well I have to get going to I will talk to you guys later!!! Fare thee well...as they say...

(Sunday: March 4, 2001)
Hey guys and girls and welcome once again!!! 'Tis I Kilmara. I am here to say that Zelda Online will start to prosper yet even more due to the fact that we are getting a huge team of staff, so expect ALOT of change!!! Well that is about all for this moment!!! Fare well...

(Thursday: Feb. 22, 2001)
YAY NO SCHOOL!!! Oh oops I am just excited i guess :) Welcome once again to Zelda Online!!!We now have a somewhat large, and evergrowing, news section. We like to call it The Game Guru Times. And since you will only find it here on Zelda Online, you should take some time to read the articles, they are pretty interresting, if I say so myself:) Well, I must be off. Fare Well...

(Saturday: Feb. 17, 2001)
Hello and welcome once again to Zelda Online!!! We have a big treat for all of you gameshark fans out there, MAJORA"S MASK CODES!!! These were submitted to me by our new staff member whose name will not be revealed yet. In addition to this, he has given me many MANY more screenshots for Majora's Mask. His help is greatly appreciated!!! Fare thee well...as they say.

(Tuesday: Feb 13, 2001)
Hello Zelda Online webviewers, this is Kilmara. I have added a guestbook which i would be delighted for you all to sign!!! We are also getting another staff member who was tired of being oppressed at Generation Zelda, so he came to work with us. He will be doing all kinds of stuff, which Darkmist and I both are looking forward to. Well that is about all for now. Browse the site, I have made alot of updates by the way!!!:) Fare thee well...as they say!

(Saturday: Feb 04, 2001)
Hello zelda fans, This is Darkmist
and We have added Majora's Mask Screenshots, and Story.
There is currently two pages of
screenshots and will be more later. Check
back often, and goodbye.

(Saturday: Feb 03, 2001)
Hello everyone!!! This is Kilmara
and I am here to announce
that the Zelda I
section is finally
complete!!! Stay tuned
for further updates!!!
Fare Well.....

(Sunday: Jan 14, 2001)
Hey!!! haven't posted updates
in a while, we have been
really busy...But, there
have been so many updates
that I do not know where
to start listing them!!!

(Sunday: Dec 17, 2000)
Walkthroughs for Link to the Past
and Majora's Mask
have been added.
Story for Zelda I was also added.
Songs have been added.

(Thursday: Dec 14, 2000)
Story and Screenshots for
Zelda 2 have been added

(Sunday: Dec 10, 2000)
Screenshots from Zelda 1
have been added

(Saturday: Dec 9, 2000)
Items for Zelda 1 have been added

(Friday: Dec 8, 2000)
Kilmara's Birthday!!! 16 at last!!!