Project Solinari and Digital Aevum

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    June 9 - Long time no see, Moderate Update

    Much apology goes out to everyone seeing this in the search engines and thinking you've stumbled upon some massive RPG dojo. This is only a lil' page (hopefully, soon to be site) I made to test my HTML know-how, not something professional like RPGFan or RPGurus , no, none of that. Though if I can get enough support from people, I will at least attempt to make something worthwhile of this site. Any ideas? Come on people, this stuff should be right up your alley. Just drop me a line at the webmaster address (even if you know the least amount of markup, you can still wander about proclaiming your sorry ass a master at web services, pathetic) and I'll take any ideas you may have. As for now, I advise you all check out the site I work for (inactive site) Digital Aevum and our affiliate, run by former DA owner mskills, Project Solinari for all your gaming news.

    Till I get more support, I'll just go back to gaming. Perhaps if I can figure out a palpable template for a reviews section, I'll put up every game review I ever wrote (that's a lotta reviews) here, and create a personal database and something for all you fiends out there to digest. Goodbye and hope to hear from ya'll?

    May 23, 2001 - The beginning

    How are things?! Welcome to Xeno3998's HomePage on the i-net. This is the only site I'm ever going to continue with so check back here a lot and you will not see what updates where?!?!? That's a bit of mcturbot for ya, my Epinions idol, best epinioner ever he is.
    Xeno3998 - Game Reviewer
    About Me

    Hi?! My name is Xeno3998, I'm a game reviewer, movie critic and generally a weird person. In many ways, I'm a bohemian - one that differentiates vastly from the flock of simple-minded sheeple that make up our economy today. I don't fall under the typical stereotypes one would place on a gamer - I am not a nerd, I am not a man nor am I educated. I am unemployed, free of Ontario's education system shackles and plan to never (did I say that right?) NEVER become what I loathe deepest - the empty-headed stay at home mother(s) that make up a large portion of the Epinions community. Go there if you are not a member, because for me to explain the intricacies and political scandals rampant at Epinions would be a tiresome task. Go there - NOW, join, if you do and are successful I can promise you it will be the best decision you ever make.

    To progress on the original topic of this table row, I am 18, live in the Toronto, Ontario, Canada and enjoy video games - more specifically, RPGs, action/adventure and racing games with a distinct passion. I have a boyfriend - Adam, who I love more than anything (besides my videogames) and hope to 50/\/\3|}4`/ /\/\4|<3 53/\/5V4|_ |_0\/3 7|0 |-||/\/\ I didn't say anything - eavesdropper, mind you're own fucking business...

    Some of my favorite games are:

  • Xenogears (hence the name, Xeno3998, also references Xenobia from Lunar SSS)
  • Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
  • Ogre Battle 64
  • Valkyrie Profile
  • Lunar The Silver Star Story
  • Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, soon-to-be X
  • Front Mission III
  • Medal of Honor
  • Tony Hawks Pro Skater
  • Cannon Spike
  • Match of the Millenium - Capcom Vs. SNK
  • Any Resident Evil game besides maybe Survivor

    More of this profile page information coming soon.

  • Project Solinari and Digital Aevum



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