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Infinity Plus One

Infinity Plus One
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Murasame Software
About Murasame

The Super-Class of 2003
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Page by Devin Goodman

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In case you hadn't noticed, this site is now dead, and my webcomic is now up and running. So GO THERE RIGHT NOW! ^_^
And please have fun

Rant, rant, rant, that's all I ever do...
July 08, 2003(!?)
Jesus, it's only been one goddamn day?

H'okay... sorry for the somewhat forcible swear words... but... jeez! (Wow, I can keep typing underneath one of those Windows Messenger popups... cool). I'd just like to point out further proof of the basic concept of relativity. I used to think that $40 was excessive for a game, a lot of PSOne games being $30. Then I thought $40 was good as opposed to $50 for other PS2 games. Then $50 seemed tame compared to $100 for a copy of Paint Shop Pro (only good if you're real poor and have no good 'net connection. Get GIMP, it's free and almost as good as the almighty PS). Anyway, then PSP seemed cheap compared to about $500 for a copy of PhotoShop. That's a lot to ask for a single program, especially one that has a bug in it that I found within the first week (nothing major, thank God). Then, a friend of mine showed me a Windows-speech-thing, for visually impaired people. Very annoying program, as it reads anything under the mouse, but it's a godsend for those who can't see too well. Anyway, this software ran her about $700, give or take. Guess how PhotoShop looks now. Still damn expensive, but less drastically so... ^_^ Anyway, I'm checking out Maya, 'cause this is something I'd like to get into, and now photoshop looks real cheap. $2000 for the standard software. Two thousand. That's just about how much my computer, monitor, DVD player, stereo, VCR, TV, and PS2 cost me. (I'd like to point out that everything after DVD player likes to screw with me. Money well spent...) And the super-professional level software is... $7000 f---ing dollars. Which makes this $30 copy of Neverwinter nights feel extra special. At least there appears to be a free deal for Maya for non-commercial use... SCORE! 'Cause we all know that I couldn't sell anything if I tried, as I have nobody to sell to. ^_^ Whoo... good thing I got that out here, the people on the boards wouldn't be top happy with me. ^_^ Unless I post it to Gaia, in which case it'd be buried by the time it got 1 reply. ^_^ 'Kay, see ya.

Yep. Just like that. I love to leave ya hangin'. ^_^

July 07, 2003
Bored bored bored...

Yep, another update to the dead site. Sad state of affairs, it is. Fact is, I'm bored and I have nothing to do. I was thinking about whipping up an HTML dealy and burning it to a CD-R (sw33t, little 200MB CDs that're about 3 inches, damn that's cool! ^_^ ), for the express purpose of teaching my Dad how to use the CD burner on his computer. Yep, he isn't too computer-friendly, yep, I am that computer-friendly (not saying too much), and yep, my work and sleep schedule is that different from his. I'll be going to sleep about the time he gets up. ^_^
If you didn't recognize the title of this rant from MacHall, you should go there. I love that strip, and I really wish I could do stuff like that while I'm working... It's number 113. Would link it, but I'm not sure what all I'd have to put in the link to make their script work, and I'm not sure how they feel about direct linking. (I, FYI, don't mind so long as it's a direct link to an HTML page, and not just a pic or file. These Angelfire guys need their precious banner ads... Never ceases to amaze me how they'll put a popup on my site when I selected a banner ad, not a popup. Oh, well, if I did select a popup, I hear it'd just give you two. The one good thing about AOL 8: popup blocker! ^_^ 'Kay, I've just dumped what's on my mind for the moment, guess I'll quit now. Hmmm, since I've almost buried it, scroll down in order to see the Brimstone Test Type 00. (Fanfare!) See ya whenever Keenspace decides to give me hosting (or at least tell me to screw off, these guys take a while for everything). ^_^
--Devin / Shadow

"You should make me like Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho!"
"Then wouldn't that defeat the purpose of basing it off of you?"

--A real conversation Sam and I had yesterday

June 23, 2003
I love it when a plan comes together...

Yeah, yeah, I know, the site's dead. But I needed to post a pic for the Keenspace registration, so I put it here. I've since made a better one, and now I'll let everyone else see it, too. Hopefully, the Keenspace guys see this one and not the old one... Anyway, enjoy, and feel free to tell me what looks good and what doesn't. Also, I'm sorry for any broken links. It's been so long that I honestly don't remember what works and what doesn't...

- Devin (Shadow to the people here from the Venis Board, I suppose)

Get that mouse off me!  ^_^
Heh, that brings a smile to my face. I'm almost proud enough to stop bashing myself on the boards...

June 16, 2003
I'm still here, I just haven't been... here.

Wow, my account's still active. I'm genuinely surprised that it hasn't been deleted. As you may have gathered, I've stopped updating the site. Infinity Plus One is dead. If I had any traffic, I'm sure they'd be crushed. ^_^ Okay, so, getting down to business, I'm going to (eventually) cancel this account, since there's no real reason to take up space on the Lycos Servers, which have been so good to me. I'm either gonna start a fresh account at Angelfire, or start paying for a domain name. I'm planning out a little webcomic, so maybe I'll check out Keenspace, I hear they're accepting submissions or something. Anyway, it'll be posted at the board on Venis Productions, so check there. My username is Shadow, so just look for something I've posted, I think they have a search tool. Anyway, see ya!


October 8, 2002
Toiling away, and french class!

Still plugging away at this site. I've updated the links page a little, and I've almost finished off the pages that aren't done yet! In just a short while, people will finally have access to the "Link to Me" page, assuming that anyone cares. ^_^
Also, I'm thinking about expanding my site with a basic french tutorial, since the program my french class is using is worthless. Good news for my teacher, it's gonna be free! I'm probably just going to cover a little sentence structure and syntax, real basic stuff, 'cuase I'm not fluent enough to teach anything else. ^_^
And finally, I'm considering upgrading to the pay version of Angelfire, but I'm not sure if it'll be worth it, so I'd like some feedback, since I'm not going to pay for something that nobody ever sees. Until next time, peace!

September 6, 2002
Yet more laziness, and good news!

I've got great news for both of my remaining fans (Be sure to tell the other thee former fans)! I've decided to start up work on this site again soon! Also, I'll actually write an article or two by the time I've gotten around to the boring stuff. For the time being, have patience, and remember, some donations would be great! See ya next time!

August 1, 2002
Another testament to my laziness

A sad, sad, day for all four or five of my fans. Infinity Plus One, at least for the time being is hereby abandoned due to lack of time, resources, and any responses from anybody about this site (aside from one poorly worded e-mail saying, "ur site sucks"). Until I decide to start work on the site again, feel free to check out the stuff that I've already done. Until I get time enough to start updating again, see ya.

June 18, 2002
Some quick notes, and a testament to my laziness

My fan base is increasing! Now I have four or five devoted fans! ^_^ As you can see, I've started titling my updates. Anyway...
Sorry to get everyone's hopes up, but I have not dropped off the face of the Earth. I've been moving (thank God), and haven't had time to do anything. I've gotten a few minor updates in, so sit tight while I try thinking up a new article or something. Also, happy late birthday to my mom, happy late Father's Day to my dad, and I updated the credits page, so quit whining, Sean! ^_^ Until I do some real work on this site, see ya!

May 2, 2002
I can hear all of my devoted fans (yes, both of them) screaming. Yes, I know there hasn't been a real update in almost two months, and yes, I know that the page looks a little different. Well, screw the both of you, I like it this way. Hope the rest of you enjoy the new color scheme, and until I put something of real importance up, have fun reading the first two articles! ^_^ Until the next update, peace!

April 11, 2002
Ah, jeez! It's really been a month since my last update!? Wow! Well, Infinity Plus One is on temporary hiatus (nah, really?), as I'm still trying to get all my crap together, not to mention getting used to the bike I had to buy to replace the one that was stolen from me (damn college kids). So, enjoy what I've done, gripe about what I haven't, and wait, 'cause it'll take a while. (I seem to have forgotten what I've been doing on this site lately...) ^_^

The continuing adventures of the Denver-based staff of Murasame Software:
Sean: I'm getting a pop. You guys want anything?
Devin: What do you got?
Sean: Coke, Sprite, and water.
Sam: Sprite.
Devin: Coke.
Sam: Please.
Devin: Thank you.
We thought it was funny as hell at the time. I t was cool, though, 'cause it was all rapid-fire, like one person was saying it. Anyway, see ya post-hiatus!

March 09, 2002
Finally! I finally uploaded everything I've done for IPO to date. Imagine uploading almost one megabyte of files... one at a time... without an actual FTP program... on a 14 kbs modem. Right now, I feel like lying down and sleeping for the rest of the weekend, but duty calls, so I must make pizza tonight. ^_^ Such is the fate of those who don't have real jobs. (Um, wait, does this count as a real job? Why the heck don't I get paid for this?) Anyway, some of the stuff's up and running, but there's still some holes that need to be filled, such as the Programs page, the Link to Me page, and the Articles section. So, until then, see ya!

March 01, 2002
Aaaah, my precious updates! Since I did this page on my home PC, and I wan't online, I didn't copy any of my old updates onto it. Nobody ever read 'em, anyway. ^_^ At the moment, I'm just finishing this page up, so I'm not sure what else I'll get done, but expect to at least see the reformatted Murasame pages up by next time. Also, I'm thinking of putting a backround image in, but I'm not sure. Until next update, see ya!