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Earth spells

1.sandblast:this summons a cone of sand. this takes 7 magic points. this does 10 points damage. this has an area effect of 12 feet.

2.thorn wall: this forms a wall of thorn-covered vines. this takes 11 magic points. it does 6 points per round for all who try to pass through it.

3.mud hut: this allows the user to form a mud hut. this last for one day. this is temporary shelter. this cost 12 magic points.

4.binding vines: this allows the user to animate vines. this will hold a monster for 2 rounds per level of the user. this cost 14 magic points. bridge: this will form a earth bridge. this will cross a 200 feet gorge. this is last 5 rounds per level of the user. it will hound 8 tons in weight. this takes 16 magic points to cast. guardian: this will summon a giant made of the earth. this will be as strong as the user is casting this. he will protect the user until death. this takes 20 magic points to cast. he will do 4 points in fist damage per level of the user who cast it. it will have 5 hit points per level of the user who cast this. wall: this will form a solid wall of earth. this will be between the user and the enemy. this last 6 rounds per level of the user. this takes 22 magic points to cast. this will take 260 points damage in structural damage. blend: this allows the user to blend in with his surrounding. so he can hide from the enemy. this last 7 rounds per level of the user. this cost 25 magic points.

9.diamond strike: this allows the user to summon a shower of diamonds. this does 100 points damage. this cost 40 magic points.

10.dust devil: this forms a tornado of sand. this has a area effect of 20 feet. this does 80 points damage .this cost 40 magic points to cast.

11.tornado:this forms a tornado. this has an area effect of 50 feet. this does 150 points damage. this takes 65 magic points to cast.

12.earthshake:this cause the earth to shake for 8 rounds per level of the user. this does 170 points damage to all within a 65 feet radius. this cost 90 magic points.

13.clearpath:this allows the user to clear a path. this is through too rough to pass through. this takes 30 magic points.

14.cover tracks: this allows the user to remove. all the foot prints left by him and his party. this cover them over so they can’t be followed. this takes 20 magic points.

15.earthly vengeance: this will open up the earth. this is with in a 10 feet radius. this will swallow and trap the victim. this cost 70 magic points. bound: this will bound any flying creature to the earth. this last 4 rounds per level of the user. this cost 40 magic points.

17.sandstorm:this will form a sand storm. that has an area effect of 30 feet. this will do 120 points damage to the victim. this cost 60 magic points.

18.tyleenas fury: this will summon a earth blast. this will cover a 20 feet radius. this does 200 points damage to the victim. this cost 100 magic points.

19.lava blast: this will cast a stream of hot lava. this does 60 points damage to the victim. this cost 40 magic points.

20.produce darpas: this will allow the user to pull 10000 drapes from the ground.this is once per week real time.this cost 90 magic points.

21.tunnel:this will allow the user to form a tunnel through solid earth.this cost 50 magic points.

22.fortress:this will allow the user to form a fortress form the earth.this is will take 40000 points in structural damage.this cost 120 magic points.

23.forage:this will allow the user to pull edible herbs,berries and what not from the earth.this will feed 12 people.this cost 25 magic points.

24.produce grain:this allows the user to instantly have a grain field.this field will make 200 sacks of grain.this cost 50 magic points.

25.lava storm:this will allow the user to form a blast of lava.that does 170 points damage to the user.this cost 100 magic points.

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