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Shoalin Temple RPG

RPG Links

Create a Character
Time Chamber
Space Port
Message Board
World of Lumina RPG
Shadow Temple RPG

Welcome to the Shoalin Temple RPG. Here you will be able to create a character and help the strong and powerful Wu-Bear save the world from evil. In the Time Chamber you will be able to train and gain levels. If your character is hurt then go to the Healing link and I will heal your character. Once a month a tournament is held. This tournament is held in order to claim a "champion of the world". The winner of the tournament recieves the Dragonballs. The Dragonballs are used to wish for anything he/she desires. If you just want to be alone and rest up then you can go to the new Dorms link I have just updated. Before you even start making your character, make sure you take a look at the rules before you join. If there is anything you want to ask me then you can either e-mail me or you can post a message by using the Message Board link.
