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There are a few diffrent choices for you to consider if you are intrested in finding a place to stay with Ponderosa. And if you can't find what you want here you can check at the ranch for info on living there. Just find the one you want and move in. Then post at the next Attendance which place you are living in and I'll figure out the numbers from there. If there are any questions ask in the lodge or e-mail me.


Ponderosa Hotel

Located in downtown Ponderosa, this hotel is easy to find and to get to. There are rooms of all shapes and sizes. You can stay for a night, or for a few weeks. The hotel also has a roomy lounge with breakfast and lunch served. Pets are allowed.

Current Residents Include-
No One - Room #101
No One - Room #102
No One - Room #103

Streamway Apartments

This large apartment building can make a great home and fit a lot of people's needs. The apartments vary is size, starting with the basic apartment, small living area with kitchen and dining room connected, a small bathroom, and a small bedroom. Streamway also offers other apartments though, with more rooms and bigger spaces. The apartment building rests on a huge lot of land and gardens are lawns are kept nice giving it a plesant look.

Current Residents Include-
No One - Apartment #1
No One - Apartment #2
No One - Apartment #3

House For Sale

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No residents

House For Sale

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