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Mystery or Curse?

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»Writing History
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 Looking for a break from training your horse or your job as a waitress? Maybe you just need a little chance to unwind, possibly a weekend with your best friends or significant other. Or maybe you just want to spend a few hours away from home with a bunch of friends, shopping downtown, maybe having a little latte at a local restaurant. But if you're like me, you'll take it the grand way. Just check into the Ponderosa hotel, drop off your baggage, and head down to main street to check out the sites. There's a mall with a cinema and food court. 

Writing History, the local hardcore 21-and up bar, has live music and if jam-packed with sweat & suspense 5 days a week (closed Mondays & Wednesdays). Often staying open 'til the early hours of the morning, Writing History is a popular and populous place to be.

There is a mystery in Ponderosa. Suddenly, the end of beautiful Main Street turns to a hard, dirt road, and the town of Ponderosa comes to an abrupt stop.   

The land towards the left is mostly barren, while towards the right

 dozens of old historical buildings rest over the land, ready to collapse at any given moment, yet they never do. An old barn rests peacefully, standing strong through the harshness of time. But past all of these is an old bowl.

Where Ponderosa's Historic Main Street Turns to Dirt.

»Ponderosa - Mystery or Curse?