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The Nameless Wonder



The Characters

The Beatles
John Lennon~
Christin Lennon
Paul McCartney~
George Harrison
Ringo Starr

David Bowie
Ziggy Stardust

The Newsies
Racetrack Higgins
Spot Conlon
Mush Meyers
Kid Blink

Pets and Others
Zetta Stiles
Loving Flame
Bohemian Rhapsody
Verstecktes Motiv

~ denotes one of the original 3
Slashout indicates a retired character

Yay! It's The Nameless Wonder, the
happily psychotic (and might I add, really
active!) co-co-owner of Pines County!
NW started playing at Whispering Pines
about 2 1/2 years ago, starting off with
only three characters. Now, her "creations"
account for about half the population,
and are known for creating chaotic situations,
such as forever screwing up time
and space with her introduction of
The Beatles to the game.
She's also destroyed any real reality
with WPR's first and only magic
character, Jareth, stolen off of the
80's cult movie Labyrinth. There was
also, very briefly, a Ziggy Stardust
running around the ranch, until she
grew out of the David Bowie phase. ;)
Now the phase is Newsies.
Newsies are everywhere, working
as grooms at Pine Wood Farm, at
the McCartney and even the Lennon
homes. Watch out especially for
Spot Conlon, NW's personal
favorite character. He's the
king of New York, and doesn't like
when people mess with him.

So if there's ever trouble afoot, whether it's John's stormy relationship with Adrienne, Verstecktes Motiv deciding he really wants that Swedish Fish in the barn aisle, or the neverending antics of the scores of Newsies, you can be sure she's behind it!
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AIM: InABadMoodAllDay

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