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Wolf's Dbz RpG
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Wolf's Dbz RpG
.:.:: DBZ Charater Of The Week ::.:.

.:.:: New Members.:.

.:.:: LaSt UpDaTeD ::.:.
.:. Tuesday May 21, 2001.:.
4:40pm, eastren time

.:.:: ImPoRtAnT eVeNtS ::.:.

.:.:: UnExPeCtEd EvEnTs ::.:.
Forgivnes, ok, i will try to redo this damn rpg. but, i dont want to. i will think about it. after i leave, all the "new" owners deside to make it better, and screw up all the old members. so i will try to make it better. lata

"Wolf" - Saterday May 26, 2001 Redo
Hey guys, i am doing a redo. i will make a new main page, the name will not be given out. all will remain the same, (( layout, attacks, skill, ect.. )) i will work on my rpg for 1 hour a day, to fix all that has been undone. i will restart the rpg, and make it so much easyer to use. well, i am out. later ya'll

"Wolf" - Saterday April 11, 2001 Look at this shit.
Yea, i know that I "Wolf" had given up owner ship and stupid shit like that, but, i am going to remain a updater, and "owner" of this rpg, its just that if you have any questions, ask me, any complaints, ask the rpg owner. (( i am the site master )). thanks for listing to my shit.

Vegeta - Saterday April 11, 2001 A bit more news.....
There might be a small problem with the "newbie tournement" since it is a holiday weekend, i think i will move it to monday, (( 5.13.01 )) at 8:30 pm. that is all the things that i have to say for now.

Vegeta - Tuesday April 8, 2001 Long Live "Joe"
Ok, some of you may be wondering whats going on with the rpg, well, right now i have to say nothing, becuase nobody is doing any thing. So, if you would like to actually do something, please do something, right now, we have a few members training, but i do belive that we need more! so join. One more note, i will be starting a information page on weekends, because i dont like to do updates then, so if i get caught behind, im sorry, i will release the date at a later time. Oh, yesum, about joining, if you recrute members, i will give you 50 Kredits more, for every one that you recruite, well, thats it for now, i will keep you up on the "Newbie Tournement"

Vegeta - Saterday April 5, 2001 The "Newbie Tournement"
About the newbie tournement, it will be held on SATERDAY, MAY 12, 2001 IN THE CHAT ROOM AT 8:30 PM EASTERN TIME!!! while in the chat room, i will explain the rules. To see who you are matched up agenst plz look at the Tenkaichi Budoukai page

Vegeta - Saterday April 5, 2001 Keeping it up
We are hitting the big time, we have had some memembers, now i need more. i figure to help every one out, we will have a "newbie Tournement" just to help out every one it stats, and pl, and hp and other stuff like that, you even get a few good prizes.

Up and running
Wolfs DBZ RpG is up and running, i am exepting members now, so what are you waiting for!? go JOIN!

Wolf - Tuesday May 30, 2001 Starting Tomorrow
All right, Wolfs Dbz RpG will be open tomorrow, on Wensday, May 2, 2001. I am exepting members now, and i welcome any one. as members join, i will slowly be adding more members to my availible charecters list. we will make the best rpg ever. all is good and all is well, peace

Vegeta - Monday April 30, 2001 We are flying
I got the message boards working. Well, maybe i didnt do it, but, they are working, finaly. well, um, i guess that is it for now, i will probley be back before i get off line.

Vegeta - Sunday April 29, 2001 Still trying!
Hey, i am still working on the fine arts of this rpg, and boy, will i be damned, this is probley the worst rpg that i have been working on, only beacuse this is hard to redo all the html for this over and over again, and the message boards are down, i dont know why, but, if they dont work, i will find another person to use from.

Character Class
Dragon Balls
Tenkaichi Budoukai
Chat Room
Message Board