Kevin: "It might not forgive her past, but it makes me want to TRUST her. I hope that YOU can trust her too."
Lana: "But Kevin, I... I..."

Lana: "No, you're right, Kevin. Our trust in each others is all we have! I'm sorry, Samus. It's just that... I miss my father! Let's take the Fireflake and leave. Kid Icarus needs us at home." (That's some mighty moodswings, girl...)

Text: "That night on the ship, when almost the entire N-team sleeps..."
Fireflake: 'DUKE! Good Duke, listen, hear the thoughts of the FIREFLAKE.'
(A talking, atomic snowflake. What'll they think of next?)

Fireflake: 'I do not live like humans do, but I have a consciousness. I was aware when the pirates captured Samus and she tore herself free...'

Fireflake: 'Stumbling, halfway unconscious, fleeing her tormentors she bounced into my resting place. She saved me and brought me here, to safety.'

Fireflake: 'I know this. But humans cannot hear me. Only you, Duke, can recieve and understand my thoughts! Because of this Samus innocence will forever be... our SECRET.'

Man that stings!