MAYAHEINE (The Shield Maiden), Demi Power, female, LG
Attributes: Protection, Justice, Valor
Domains: Good, Guardian, Law, Protection, War
Symbol: Open hand
Typical Worshippers: Those in need or protection
Raiment: White robes with gold trim
Preferred Weapon: Bastard sword, longbow, mace
Holy Days: 1st of Wealsun, Goodrhys

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The cult of Mayaheine (MY-ah-heen) is one of the strongest in lands beleaguered by evil, for Mayaheine is a Demi Power of protection and survival . Mayaheine rose from mortal ranks as an epic hero, a Paladin of Pelor, during the Uttermost War. She does not originate from Wearth and has traveled, with Pelor’s aid, from some unknown alternate world in the Prime Material. Wearth folk see this act as potential salvation and revere her for coming to aid them during the Uttermost War.

Mayaheine is portrayed as a striking tall (6’ 4" ) woman of some 30 years of age, tanned of skin, with blue eyes and auburn-gold hair. She wears silvered plate mail and hefts a magical bastard sword. She is a fine warrior, but above all, she is a protector. Tales of her always involve her seeking out protective magical item and giving them to others in need, and fighting to defend beleaguered communities. Mayaheine strives to defend the poor and downtrodden. She is a defender-on-the-ramparts figure, armed with a deadly longbow said to fire almost to the horizon. Her magical shield is said to be capable of melding into stone and protecting city walls from fire, frost, and magical assault.

Protect those who need it. For good to survive it is necessary to defend the weak and innocent. Bravery, strength of mind, and perseverance in times of hardship or danger are virtues, and adherence to the concepts of justice, fairness, and righteousness are essential. Obedience to Pelor the Sun Father is as important as devotion to the Shield Maiden. Just as Mayaheine traveled a long way to aid our world, it may be necessary for the faithful to travel far to uphold her word.

Services to Mayaheine include hymn singing with the congregation linking arms, consecration of weapons, armor, and shields, and collection of alms for the needy. Her clerics are few though she has a strong following among Paladins and monks.

Clerics of Mayaheine train themselves and others in self-defense. They help build town walls and other protective constructions; many take roles as community leaders, their devotion to justice and good making them excellent judges. They travel to prove their bravery, right wrongs, and to destroy strongholds of evil. This faith sponsors many paladins of other faiths as well. They are always respectful of clerics of Pelor, for their religion wouldn't exist on Wearth if it weren't for him.