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Member Application
[Which do you wish to Apply for]
[ Name of Character ]
[ Recommendation ]
[ Current Screen Name ]
[ New Character Or Old ]
[ meaning if you are going to make a new character or just snt. ]
[Upon finishing this application send what is below to Ian Pestilence ]

`·.¸·º`----´º·-¬ The Application

][ Knowledge ][
1. How long have you RP'd online?
Ans :
2. Are you active?(how many hours online a week?)
Ans :
3. What would you say is the best forum; currently?
Ans :
4. In your mind what is consitered moding?
Ans :
][ Skill ][
1. Enter a Forest. RP :
2. Attack with a sword.
RP :
3. Attack with a modern weapon.
RP :
4. Dodge an attack.
RP :
5. Do an attack like you should in an AA.
RP :

[ Again send to: Ian Pestilence ]