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Vegittos DragonBallZRpg

11/1/00-This Rpg is now open and taking members so e mail Vegitto and join as your favorite character while they are still here.

Welcome to Vegitto's DragonBallZ Rpg,please look around and read all the pages before joining.If you have any questions then E mail Vegitto and he will get back with you.

This Rpg is a type I like to call a Spin Off DragonBall-DragonBallGTRpg.If you are currently in a DragonBallZRpg then E Mail Vegita your character's name,status,and what Rpg you came from.Once I look at this I will add you to the Character's page and you are free to explore the planets.Note:If your character has Made Up Transformations then you must send them to me and I will choose weather or not they are fair enough to keep or modify them to an extent were they are fair.Once I do so then you may Transform at will,but you DO NOT come into this rpg and have the same attacks or items as you did in your other rpg.If you would like to make up a move then use the dragonballs or buy a kit for it.

E mail Vegitto
