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The Citadel of my Ramblings

I currently play several characters in the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) known as Everquest. EQ (Evercrack as it is known by the uninitiated) is a fabulously fun, incredibly time consuming game, and were it not for the fact that those who are near and dear to me in real life play as well (my brother, Tim, aka Odysel, got me involved in the first place), I might be a bit concerned that I spend so much time playing it. But then again, it is inexpensive, fun, and allows me to do other things as I multitask, such as writing for an electronic newspaper. Though I've been saddled with the Sports section of said paper, I still enjoy that immensely, and at least it is a way to exercise my creativity and chase the muse of writing whilst getting a decent bit of (mostly local) exposure. But anyway...back to my EQ characters. I play 8 of them, though some I rarely log into unless I am in the mood to just tool around a bit.

My Everquest Characters on Morell-Thule

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This page is currently under construction, so please bear with the barely coherent state it is currently in. In the near future, this page will act as a resource for the characters which I play, as well as a place for those who simply wish to read some of my writing, post their vital measurments for my perusal, or simply drop down to their cyber-knees to worship. If you have any questions, you can contact me at
