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My story begins some 35 years ago. From the day I was born I was never permitted to know my real family. I was was separated from the family I was born to and life took me on a rollercoaster ride of twists and turns of trouble a strife. I was born mortal like my dear brother Talon but as I've found fate has a cruel sense of humor. Not only was I torn weeping the tears of a new born babe from my mother's arms I was soon to find that my captor was mighty and fierce DemonVampire. She held me safe far away from my family. When many years had passed and I had become a "man" in the demon's eyes she turned me into what she was to be her prote`ge` for her to train in the all but lost ways of her world. Many years after when I found her on the shore just before daybreak she explained in quick breaths how I came to be her student but without a chance for further explaination the sun rose ripping her from my life forever. With none left to turn to I sought out my blood family those I had lost all those years ago. It was only in recent days that I finally discovered what it was that I lost on that day of my birth. While I'm eternally grateful to the Demoness for her lessons in life and and love and the ancient magics that would of died with her, as well as the warrior's heart and mind she instiled but I am all the more thankful to at long last know my real brother and our new family the HF Hells Fallen

I Hold The Honored Position of King and Vow to Loyaly Serve The Family of The HF Hells Fallen

Birthplace: England


Living Relatives: NONE

Eye Color: Blue ( when provoked turn Crimson)

Hair Color: Brown with Black Bandana Tied in Hair

Height: 6 Foot Even

Weight: 210 lbs

Family Crest: Tattoo of Two Hammers and a Lion in the Background

Weapons: Primary: Dark Magic Secondary: Skilled in Assorted Weapontry and Fighting Technics

Specific Powers: Ablity to probe into other creatures' minds and souls and determine specific details and weaknesses.The Ability To Produce The Element Fire.

Race (Breed of Vampire): Tremere, DemonVampire