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"Mysterious Disappearance"

Author: Lieutenant Commander Tyran
Date: March 15, 2385
Location: SB78 / USS Ronin / SS Drake

Tyran stood looking out one of the large bay windows on the commerce section of Starbase 78. It was now two and a half months since he had returned from the past with Benton and Kira. As soon as Starfleet had found out about this in Pike's reports, Temporal Investigations had been all over the three of them, including Pike and the rest of the crew. He glanced around outside at all the ships, ships that wouldnt be here if it wasn't for Kira, Benton or himself. He sighed as he left the window. His last interview with Temporal Investigations was an hour earlier and he was now a free man once more, however Kira had a few more days of it. Tyran felt sorry for him, he did a great thing for this galaxy, and now he had to go through months of debriefing.

Once back aboard ship he first went to his quarters. He had not been allowed contact with the crew during the investigation, so the first thing he wanted to do was see Dinara. As he opened the door, Torasu ran to his legs, meowing contently. He bent down and stroked his black fur as he walked in and threw his bags down on a nearby chair.

"Dinara? Dinara are you hear?" he called

Dinara came out of the bedroom and rushed to Tyran giving him a large hug. "I'm so glad you're back." she said as she sank deeper into his arms.

"Me too" he whispered as they moved toward the bedroom.


On the bridge, a skeleton crew was manning the ship, what with most of the senior crew having being involved with the tempral investigations and the rest of the crew of ship. A small light started blinking on the ops console.

"Sir," began Talsmin. "I have a distress call coming in."

"Let's here it." replied Jerico. Lieutenant Jerico was the new chief engineer that had come aboard last month.

[To any Federation ship, this is the cargo vessel S.S. Drake, we under attack... request.. ssistance.... .. ...]

"Thats all there is." said Talsmin as the message faded into static.

"Have you got a fix on the co-ordinates?"

"Yes, I have the Drake on long range sensors now. She's fifteen lightyears away."

"Computer, locate highest ranking officer onboard ship."

< Highest Ranking officer currently aboard is Lieutenant Commander Tyran Nige. >

"Bridge to Commander Tyran, we've recieved a distress call, report to the bridge immediately."

[Understood, on my way]

"Helm set a course for the Drake, and engage at Maximum transwarp. A.J. signal SB78 that we're responding to the distress call.


Tyran entered the bridge and relieved Jerico of command. He sat down and looked about. Jerico, himself and AJ were the only senior officers on the bridge.

"Whats going on Lieutenant?" he asked.

"We recieved this distress call a couple of minutes ago" he nodded to Talsmin to play the message again.

[To any Federation ship, this is the cargo vessel S.S. Drake, we under attack... request.. ssistance.... .. ...]

"Do we know who attacked them?" asked Tyran

"No sir, there were no other ships on long range sensors when we recieved the call."

"Well then I guess we'll have to figure things out when we get there." said Tyran as he relaxed into his chair.

Twenty minuted passed by quickly and the freighter loomed into view on the main view screen. "It doesn't look to damaged, sir." said Talsmin as he ran some preliminary scans. Some phaser burns, but nothing much beyond that, it looks like they fought off whoever attacked them."

"Chief, try hailing them."

"No response sir"

"Right, Mr. Jerico, you're with me, Chief, have Dr. Hancock meet us in transporter room two."


As the three beamed aboard the freighter, the first thing they noticed was pitch blackness.

"Computer lights" called Tyran, but there was still nothing. The three turned on their wrist beacons and headed for the door.

"Main power must be offline" suggested Jerico as the doors failed to open. "Looks like their hurt more than we thought sir."

Tyran gave Jerico a hand to pull open the door "Mr. Jerico, head down to engineering, see if you can get power online. Will, you're with me."

Tyran and doctor Hancock made their way to the bridge, they'd not spotted a single crew member on the way to the bridge and there wasn't any one on the bridge either. There were no signs of a fight inside either. The lights suddenly flashed back on and all the consoles began springing to life.

[Jerico to Tyran, I've got main power back online.]

"Well done. Is there anything out of the ordinary down there?"

[No sir]

"Make your way to the bridge then."

[Aye sir]

"Will take a look at the sensor logs, see what they say. I'll check the Captains last log entries." As Will went to work on the sensor logs, Tyran sat down in the command chair and pulled up the logs of the Captain, they began to play:

March 7. We ran into a small meteor shower last night, nothing to be concerned about. Some of the children were a bit scared with the meteors banging on the hull, but it soon passed, the night was uneventful, as was most of today. THe only thing otu of the ordinary was that odd glitch on the sensors now and again. Mayhew said it had been fixed but it showed up again at least three times today. If this continued tomorrow, I'm going to stop the ship and run an extensive sensor sweep. End log.

"Computer, play previous log."

March 6, It's been two days since we set out from Acriteria Colony. We had a complete systems overhaul there, but since we left we keep getting this odd glitch in our sensors. No one can figure out what it is, it doesn't even match any kind of disturbance that cloaked ships are known to make. I just prey that it doesn't show up tomorrow. End log

"Computer, play previous log."

< Log entry not found >

"Seems someones been tampering with the ships logs, have you had any luck with the sensors doctor?"

"No sir, it seems that who ever was fiddling with the crew logs fiddled the sensor logs too. Theres nothing here."

Tyran was now at a loss. Whoever had attacked, had left no trace what so ever of who they were. "Tyran to Ronin."

[Go ahead Commander]

"Chief I want you to run a full multi-spectral analysis on this region of space. I want to know if you find anything to indicate that another ship was here within the last day."

[Aye sir]

"Have security send some teams over as well. Let's search the ship from bow to stern to see if we can find anything else. Put a tractor on her too, we'll take her back to Starbase 78."

[Aye sir, Talsmin out.]

Tyran got up and walked off the bridge followed by Hancock. Things just weren't adding up here. When they returned to SB 78, he would get Lieutenant Wang to work on the logs of the Drake... see if he could come up with something that they'd missed