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"Karissa Bentara"

Author: Captain Ryan Evans
Date: April 10, 2384
Location: DS11

Ryan awoke in what appeared to be standard Starfleet living quarters, although he had no idea how he had got there. He rolled his head and was overcome with a terrible headache, remembering what he had done the previous day, he moaned and closed his eyes again.

"Good morning Captain" came a voice he knew all to well.

He opened his eyes again to see Dinara walking up to him with a small cup of something black.

"What is this?" he asked as she handed it to him

"It's anti-intoxicant. It should clear your head up a bit."

Ryan shakily took the cup and gulped it down. It tasted terrible, but his head immediately began to clear up.

"Thank you. What am I doing here? Where is here?"

"Your on Deep Space 11 still Captain. I managed to get you temporary accommodations here. The first officer was ever so helpful."

"And why am I here?"

"The Ronin was sent to investigate an unknown ship heading towards us at high warp. You were to drunk to do anything about it, so Kira had to assume command. Tyran asked me to stay behind and make sure you were alright."

"So right now, my ship is out there somewhere without me?" he asked walking towards the window.

"Afraid so Captain."

Ryan sighed and sat down on the bed again.

"So when are they due back?"

"I honestly don't know sir. They left at about 22:00 hours yesterday. They should have reached the ship by now I would have thought, but who knows what they may be doing."

"Great, so in the mean time, I'm stuck on this damned station with nothing to do!"

"Well your partly to blame for that" said Dinara in the nicest way possible.

"I guess I am."

"I suppose I could make myself useful and help with the research on the Gemini Device."

"Ah. The Ronin didn't actually unload it before they left, it's still on board."


"Captain... take some time off... wander the station, do some shopping. That's what I intend to do. Speaking of which, I'd better be going now. I have a lot to do before they get back. If you need anything, just call me"

"I'll do that." With that Dinara left the room.

Ryan got undressed and stepped into the shower. Feeling a lot more refreshed, he got changed back into his uniform and left for the commerce area. He resisted he urge to go into any more bars, and continued browsing a few of the shops. However, browsing was all he did... Ryan wasn't a man of many possessions and there wasn't really anything he needed or wanted. He was about to head to the holodeck when somebody stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Captain Evans... may I join you?"

"Join me? Join me where?" he asked turning to see a young woman standing behind him.

"In the holodeck..."

"The holo.. How the hell..? How did you know that I was going there?"

"My apologies Captain, sometimes I get a bit carried away. My name is Karissa Lyanna Bentara. I'm telepathic, so I sort of picked up on your thoughts."

"OK, well don't pick up on any more then." Ryan moved off.

"Captain, wait up."

"Leave me alone, I'm not in the mood right now."

"Lieutenant Commander Karissa Lyanna Bentara reporting for duties aboard USS Ronin as ordered."

Ryan turned around again.

"You're a part of my crew?"

"Yes sir, your new counsellor."

"There must be some mistake; I already have a perfectly capable counsellor." "Well Starfleet must have seen fit to give you two. And lets face it, you can never have too many counsellors."

"Ohohoho.. that's where your wrong. Counsellors are the bane of my existence, no offence."

"None taken, many people feel that way. Now I'll ask again Captain, may I join you?"

"If you must, but stay out of my head! It's not the tidiest of places at the moment."

"OK Captain."