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Clearing Things Up"

Author: Captain Ryan Evans
Date: April 8, 2384
Location: Commander Owens's Quarters

Jess was in her quarters working on a report on the Gemini Device that was to be submitted to command. The chime of the door startled her a bit as she wasn't expecting any company.

"Who is it?" she asked but there came no reply. Just another chime.

"Who's there?" still no reply, but the chime rang again, and again.

Jess got up and headed to the door and found Ryan pressing the chime to her door. He looked up and barged straight past her and into her quarters.

"Just who the hell do you think you are barging in here like this?" she demanded.

"I think we need to talk" said Ryan pulling her to a chair.

"There really is nothing to say, I think you made your intentions quite clear that night."

"Had you ever bothered to speak to me about this instead of running off, then you may have found out that it was all a complete misunderstanding!"

"I'm not interested in your excuses Ryan"

"Excuses, I'm not making excuses. Honestly and truthfully, have you ever known me to lie about anything?"

"Well no..."

"I can say, honestly that I am not lying to you now... at all. I wouldn't do that to you. It's not fair to hurt peoples feelings like that"

"That night, my feelings didn't seem too high on your priority list."

"Look" said Ryan grabbing Jess's hand. Realising what he was doing, he pulled away, stood up and started pacing. "Let me explain to you what happened. After I took you home, I came back and the room was as good as empty. Ben collapsed, so Eran and John took him home, leaving me and Kerry. We decided to turn in for the night and I offered to take her home but she stumbled and fell into my arms. At that point we kissed... I was drunk and didn't try to stop it, initially, but as soon as I realised what I was doing, I pushed her away. She tried to kiss me again at which point you happened to come back."

"How do I know you're telling me the truth Ryan. I mean... This was eight years ago. Four years ago, Kerry was killed in combat. It's your word against mine."

"Jess, I loved you so much back then... That hasn't changed. I couldn't lie to you then, and I can't do it to you now."

"I want to believe you, I really do... but... I dunno... It's hard for me Ryan. Leaving like that, and not seeing you in eight years. Then you turn up like this out of the blue... It's just all a bit overwhelming for me."

"I can understand that, I'm not expecting anything like we had before. All I want is for you to know the real story. Now that you know it, if you choose not to believe me still, then that is up to you."

"But at least now you know"

"Look, Ryan, I'm going to need some time to think this all through."

"Can we maybe meet tomorrow at some point and talk some more?"

"Of course, name the time and place."

"13:00 hours, at the Rising Sun?"

"I'll be there" Ryan walked towards the door. "See you tomorrow then"

