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"If I Could Turn Back Time"

Author: Captain Ryan Evans
Date: April 8, 2384
Location: Captain's Quarters

Eight years ago...

"Happy New Years Everyone!" shouted someone amongst the large crowd. A large cheer went up as the computer announced the time.

The crew of the Britain cheered loudly and raised their glasses to toast. The Britain had always been a great ship for a party. The Captain, Captain Kerry James was always one for parties. She was Tolok's predecessor and the whole crew would be sorry to see her go. She was well liked.

"Happy New Years Jess" said Ryan turning to the then Chief Science Officer, Jessica Owens.

"Happy New Years Ryan" she said kissing him passionately. A large cheer went up from the crowd again as the two continued to kiss.

"Let's make this our best year ever" said Ryan

"Yes Let's"

"Jess" said Ryan getting down on one knee "Will you marry me?" he asked pulling out a box with a stunning ring inside.

Jess stood there, shocked by what had just transpired. She looked down into Ryan's eyes. "Of course!" she's said.

Ryan took the ring and slid it onto her finger; they kissed again to another cheer from the crowd.

"Three cheers for Ryan and Jess!" shouted Commander White, the ships first officer. "Hip hip.. hurray!"

"Hip hip... hurray! Hip Hip Hurray!" shouted the rest of the assembled crew.

"Fancy a drink?" Ryan asked over the noise.

"Of course." replied Jess

"A Black hole?"

"Obviously" she said with a smile.

Ryan smiled back and walked off to the bar to order the drinks.

"Congratulations" said Dakul shaking Ryans hand. "It couldn't have happened to a better person"

"Thanks Eran. Listen, theres a little custom in Earth marriages called having a best man. I'd like to ask you to be my best man."

"Of course I will" said Dakul slightly unsure of himself. "I'll have to do some research on it."

"Don't worry, it's a breeze... There's nothing to worry about."

"Hey, Ryan, congratulations" said the Captain walking up. "I'm really happy for you."

"Thank you Captain." said Ryan "I just hope she doesn't change her mind" said Ryan looking at her laughing with her friends on the other side of the room. "I care for her too much..."

Present Day...

Ryan rolled over on his bed. *If only I'd have know it then... If only I'd have heard it in her voice... Maybe this would never have happened.

Eight Years ago...

The party was pretty much over. The time was around 03:30 hours and most of the crew were no longer in a fit state to continue the festivities and had returned to their quarters. Jess, being one of these, had been taken home by Ryan and left to sleep. Ryan however, not being one to easily become drunk, and NEVER one to miss the end of a party, headed back to ten forward to rejoin the remainder of the crew.

Ryan entered ten forward and the numbers had certainly dwindled. A group of engineers and security officers were passed out on the table. A pair of ensigns were kissing in a corner, and about twenty others were left chatting, including Dakul, James White, Kerry and Ben Smith the Chief Engineer. Ryan ordered another drink and went over and joined them.

"Here he is" said Ben. "Mr. love" he said with a slur in his voice.

"Yeah, that would be me" said Ryan smugly.

"When's the big day?" he asked loosing his balance slightly

"Not for a while yet, we haven't made any definite arrangements."

"Ohh I see... Well... she's one hell of a wom.. a hell of a... woman" at that point he collapsed.

"I think I had better take him home" said Dakul.

"I'll give you a hand added Commander White." The two picked up the unconscious engineer and carried him off to his quarters.

"Well Ryan, looks like it's just me and you" said Kerry as all the others that had been here when Ryan entered a couple of minutes before had all left too.

"It would seem so."

"Ryan, are you sure marriage is the right way to go? I mean, don't take this the wrong way, but you've only been going out for two months."

"Captain, when two people feel this way about each other, what's the point in waiting."

"I see your point." She got up to walk home, but slipped and fell into Ryans arms.

"Are you alright Captain? Do you need me to help you home?"

"No, no Lieutenant... I'll be just fine." she said looking into Ryans eyes.

What happened next, Ryan couldn't resist. *Why am I doing this? I can't! I'm engaged to be married!* However, their lips continued to move closer and closer together until eventually they were kissing.

"I shouldn't be doing this" said Ryan pushing her off. "I'm engaged to be married"

"Jess need never know. It's just the two of us here."


At that point, Kerry once more forced herself into his arms and kissed him again. As she kissed him.. something fell at Ryans feet. He looked down and noticed it was Jess's engagement ring. he looked quickly toward the door to see her figure running off down the corridor.

"Ohh shit!"

Ryan dropped the Captain and ran after her.

Present day...

*Man! I can't believe I did that! What was I thinking? No wonder she hates me...! There must be something I can do to make it up to her...*

Ryan rolled over again and stared into the face of Torasu

"Bloody Cat!" he said picking it up and chucking him outside the door.

He sat back down and sneezed.

*I've got to speak to her. I never had the chance before. She left the day after and I haven't spoken to her since. I've got to fix things... set the record straight...!*

Ryan got out of bed again and headed for the airlock.