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"New Assignment"

Author: Lieutenant Commander Nige Tyran
Date: March 13, 2384
Location: Starfleet HQ

After ringing the chime and being invited in, Nige stepped into Admiral Pikes office.

"Nige its good to see you again" Pike said grabbing Nige by the hand and shaking it

"It's good to see you too sir"

"I'm still trying to get used to you in that red uniform though. Its weird to say the least. So how are things on the Knight?"

"Ohh you know, same as usual. Tumock is his usual stuck up self. Benson still can't handle his alcohol, nothing out of the ordinary."

"I'm sorry to hear about your cat." said Pike with a smile.

"Yeah well, its partly my fault for leaving it with Haakon in the first place. But as I've been reassigned for something supposedly important, I guess I won't be able to get revenge on her now."

"Unfortunately not Nige. Sit down."

Nige pulled up a chair and sat down in front of Pike.

"Have you heard of the USS Ronin?"

"Yes sir, I have even been aboard. It was during the Zebra sector battle. Benson and I went over to help make some repairs."

"Ahh good, so you know some of the crew then."

"Only Commander Heim really."

"Ohhh. That will be a problem. You see, The Ronin, was sent, by Q, to another galaxy. I wont bore you with the details right now, you can read the reports at your leisure, but suffice it to say that Commander Heim lost it and ended up trying to kill the Captain and some of the crew."

"Ohh my"

"Yes, he's quite dangerous. So he has had to have been replaced."

"And that's my new assignment?"

"Unfortunately not. Commander Kira is the Ronins new first officer."

"So what is my position?" asked Nige slightly disappointed, but happy for his friend and about the fact that he would see him again. He had only been a first officer for two days while on duty. He wasn't to pleased about giving it up so soon.

"You are to be the new tactical officer. I realise it is a step down in your career, but the Ronin is about to be sent on a very high risk mission."

"To do what?"

"Well firstly, Commander Heim is to be brought to Arlan IV penal colony. From there, the Ronin will head to Valaria, a new species to the federation to pick up some experimental technology which is then to be transported to Deep Space twenty one for installation aboard the USS Nova."

"That all seems very routine, why do you need a 'tactical genius' for it?"

"This new technology could change the way we fight wars. The Borg could potentially no longer be a threat If this works out as planned."

"What is this new technology?" asked Nige, his curiosity perked.

"I cannot tell you here. Everyone on the Ronin is on a need to know basis only and unfortunately so are you."

"Even this new technology doesn't explain why I am needed."

"This technology, in the wrong hands could prove disastrous. Somehow the Cardassians and the Romulans have found out about this and have shown an interest in obtaining it. I wouldn't be surprised if a few other species have found out about it too."

"So what you're saying is we're likely to get into a fight."

"Correct. You have orders now to safeguard the technology by any means possible, even if it means violating treaties or destroying Cardassian or Romulan ships."

"This technology is really important then?"

"You have no idea. Right, I'm late for a briefing. All other information you need will be transferred to your quarters. See yourself out Lieutenant, I mean Commander." said Pike correcting himself. "Ohh by the way, I'll stop round later. I want to see this cat." he said leaving the room.

Nige sat there, slightly in shock from the orders he had just received. *What could be this important? How am I going to keep the Captain from just throwing me in the brig should I need to destroy a ship? Lets just hope that doesn't happen*