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"Planning A Surprise"

Author: Ensign Dinara Jin
Date: March 13, 2384
Location: Earth

Dinara was in her quarters unpacking a few of her things when the doorbell rang. She invited the visitor in who gave her the message to report to Admiral Pikes office in one hour. The Ensign left and Dinara finished what she was doing. She decided to pop round at Niges quarters before heading to Admiral Pikes office, but Nige wasn't there although she found Torasu settling in with some bits of food stuck to his face. She rubbed them off and decided to take a walk through the Starfleet gardens before heading to Admiral Pikes office.

Dinara walked up to the door and rang the chime. Pike immediately invited her in.

"Welcome to Earth ensign" he said politely as he motioned for Dinara to take a seat.

"Thank you very much Admiral. It's a pleasure to be here." Even though she said this, she wasn't really happy to be here as it was most likely that she and Nige would be assigned to different ships.

"So you're the person Nige is so infatuated with?" Pike after all had never met Dinara before.

"I guess so" she said smiling incessantly.

"He spoke a lot about you when I was aboard the Knight. He thinks a great deal of you you know"

"I know"

"That's why I'm assigning you as Chief Counsellor aboard the USS Ronin."

"That's where Nige is assigned right?"


"Does he know I'm assigned?"

"Not yet. I thought I'd tell you first to se how you wanted to handle it."

"You mean make it a surprise?"

"If you want" Pike grinned

*Hmmm.... I can have some fun with this* thought Dinara

"Ok, I'll keep it quiet for now and have some fun."

"I thought you might. Just promise you wont be too hard on Nige."

"I promise" she replied in a mischievous tone.

"Alright then. Report to Captain Evans immediately in case he lets something slip."

"Thank you Admiral."

"Dismissed Ensign"

Dinara got up and left Pikes office.

"Computer, locate Captain Evans"

Dinara didn't have a clue where this was so got the computer to automatically set the coordinates when she reached the transporter room.

"Energise" she said as she stepped onto the pad.

Moments later she was standing looking out on a beautiful river and green countryside. She turned around to see the small town behind her. *You'd have thought the computer would have taken me to the correct co-ordinates* she thought.

"Ensign Jin to Captain Evans"

[Evans here, go ahead Ensign]

*That voice, I've heard it before somewhere....*

"Captain, I am meant to report to you for assignment to the Ronin."

[Ensign, could it not have waited until the crew was actually due to report for duty.]

"I was ordered to report to you now by Admiral Pike."

[Alright then.... where are you Ensign?]

"Somewhere in Milford Haven"

[Any idea where?]

"By a river"

[I know where you are. I'll be there in five minutes. Enjoy the view in the mean time, Ryan out]

Dinara found a bench and sat down and looked out over the river. It truly was a nice place. Moments later, Captain Evans approached. *No wonder I thought his voice was familiar. He was the man Nige asked for information on DS9*

"Ensign Jin?" he asked

"Yes Captain. Its a pleasure to meet you."

"Have I seen you somewhere before?" he enquired

"Yes sir, you no doubt saw me on DS9 before the war with the Bariens."

"That's probably it. You were with another Bajoran right?"

"Yes, and he's the reason I was told to report early."

"He was?"

"Yes. You see, he has also been assigned to the USS Ronin as Chief Tactical Officer. He also knows Admiral Pike very well and so the Admiral got me assigned to the same ship as him."

Ryan just stared into Dinaras eyes. "Go on" he said snapping back to reality.

"Well me and him, are sort of a couple" The face on Ryans face changed suddenly as if he was trying to hide some sort of affection. "And he doesn't know I've been assigned yet. I was hoping to keep it a surprise. If that's alright with you Captain."

"Sure, No problem."

"Thank you Captain" said Dinara giving Ryan a hug. "Thank you so much"

"It's nothing Ensign. Would you like something to eat? We were just about to have something" Ryan asked

"Id love to." replied Dinara as Ryan showed her the way to his house.