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"Cat Jokes"

Author: Lieutenant Commander Nige Tyran
Date: March 13, 2384
Location: Starfleet HQ, Earth

"Hey mate, ever thought about getting that cat a wig?" shouted an officer from across the corridor.

"Or getting it a little coat?" shouted another

"Maybe you could dress it up in a little Starfleet uniform." said the first one

"Ensign Cat reporting for duty sir!" mocked the second officer.

Nige ignored the two and walked with all the dignity he could up the corridor of Starfleet headquarters on the way to his temporary quarters, with Torasu, on a harness walking along behind him like a dog. Dinara suggested it as she thought it may look 'cute'. Nige hated it however, but he just couldn't say no to Dinara. He stepped into the nearest turbo lift and told the computer where he wanted to go. Just as the doors were shutting a young woman dived in.

"Level three" she ordered. Nige stood there in silence while the young ensign kept glancing at his cat. A few times she motioned as though she was going to say something but then didn't. Nige rolled his eyes back in his head and said with a sigh

"Just say it"

"Why is your cat bald?"

Nige was starting to feel as if he was going to have to explain to every Starfleet officer on Earth! He and Torasu had certainly become the topic of conversation since they arrived on Earth.

"I shot it" Nige replied sharply.

The young Ensign gave Nige an odd look and said no more. The doors slid open to reveal another busy corridor. Nige stepped wearily out, prepared for another volley of abuse and mocking. He headed forward, duffle bag over shoulder, other belongings in a bag in his left hand, and cat harness in his right. He gave Torasu a quick tug and he followed. Torasu, for a cat, behaved remarkably like a dog and realised that he was meant to follow. Another young Ensign headed towards Nige looking at his cat. She looked up and opened her mouth to speak.

"If its about the cat, don't bother" said Nige cutting her off abruptly

"No, actually, I was bringing you a message from Admiral Pike, but now that you mention it, why did you have it shaven?"

"I didn't have it shaven" responded Nige in frustration. "It was a friends idea of a joke after I shot it"

"I see...." said the Ensign. "May I touch it?"

"If you must" replied Nige shifting his wait onto one leg showing he was annoyed. The Ensign bent down and reached out a hand and stroked Torasu's stubbly forehead.

"What's its name?" asked the Ensign

"Torasu is his real name, but myself and some friends have come to know it as Chimp"


Nige sighed

"I was dreaming and...."

"No need to carry on" smiled the Ensign. "You're pretty weird Commander. You are Tyran Nige aren't you?"

"I am"

"Whoa! And you're the tactical genius Admiral Pike was talking about?"

"I wouldn't say Genius" replied Nige modestly.

"Hey nice cat" said an officer walking past.

Nige glared at the Bolian as he walked past while the Ensign stood by and laughed.

"What was that message Ensign?" asked Nige turning his attention back to the young woman

"Ohh of course, Admiral Pike wants to see you as soon as possible."

"Understood Ensign" said Nige continuing to his quarters.

Nige eventually found his way to his quarters, although not without a few more comments about his shaven cat. Nige was actually considering getting him a wig at this point. He'd about had enough. Although he was starting to see the funny side of a command officer walking down the hallways of Starfleet command with a bald cat on a harness. He quickly placed his bags in the room and replicated 'Chimp' some food. He left his quarters thinking *Next time, Dinaras taking the cat*