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"Kobyashi Maru"

Author: Captain Ryan Evans
Date: 19 February, 2384
Location: USS Ronin

"McQueen, what is the current position and status of the Leviathan?" Ryan asked.

"They are about a lightyear away under heavy fire from what look to be Z'terul ships sir. From the looks of things, they seem to be getting the worst of it."

"McMillan, get us there now!"

"Of course Captain, course laid in"


The Ronin sped off to help the Leviathan. On the Ronins view screen, the Z'terul were all over the ship, it was clear that something had to be done quickly.

"How far till weapons range?"

"At least another forty seconds sir" said McMillan.

Ryan watched the screen, waiting, it was all he could do. Suddenly, the Leviathan quickly lurched towards the approaching brood forcing many crewmembers down on to the deck or against wall. The inertial dampeners were reinforced but so much as to protect them from this type of manoeuvre. In a matter of seconds the ship stopped, and the deflector array illuminated brightly as a halogen lamp. The intense beam that was generated fired towards the Overlords measured about 75 meters across. Suddenly the beam shifted to the right as the Leviathan's port nacelle produced a little thrust that began to rotate the akira class starship on her y-axis. M'lisks and Overlords began to vaporize as the intense beam came within 10 meters of them. Inside the ship, systems began to blow throwing crewmembers up and over there stations.

"Very clever" stated McQueen. "He's roasting them!"

"Yes, but he's not out of the woods by a long way called McCloud. That shorted out most of their systems and life support is offline, Captain, there is another wave of Zeratul heading for the Leviathan.

"How long Lieutenant?"

"About another twenty seconds."

"Lieutenant, that manoeuvre from the Leviathan cleared a large circle around the ship. I want you to keep that circle open and give them as much space as possible."


"Fly within the circle and keep circling the ship, anything that passes in front of you, shoot out of the sky."

"Captain, won't that leave us a sitting duck to the rest of those things?"

"I don't think so Lieutenant, if you fly fast enough, we should be able to avoid the majority of the fire."

"Aye sir."

"Right now, we can't fight off those reinforcements on our own, so lets concentrate on keeping the Leviathan safe."

"Five seconds Captain, four.... three.... two.... one.... initiating attack pattern now."

The Ronin sped into action and began circling the Leviathan. As Ryan had guessed, the Zeratul weren't able to hit the Ronin. A few got lucky, but those few shots were hardly anything to worry about.

"Fenris, open a channel to the Leviathan."

"Sir, I'm still not fully accustomed to this computer system, but I believe that their comm channels are either offline, or they are being blocked."

"Confirmed" said Sular. "Their comm channels are being blocked by something onboard."

"Dammit! I need a way to talk to Devore!"

"It just isn't possible Captain. For all we know, Devore could be dead!" answered McQueen

"I sure as hell hope not. Without him, we're lost out here"

"Captain! More reinforcements are arriving!" shouted McCloud

"How many?"

"At least five hundred!"

"Ohh for chri..."

"McMillan, what do you think our chances are of expanding the circle?"

"Not too good Captain, I recommend keeping it small otherwise a few of those things may slip through the net."

"Any other ways to take some of this heat off?"

"There is the Aldrin sir..." McMillan suggested

"Forget it, I'm not sending anyone out in that!" As Ryan spoke, a console blew out and the lights flickered "What was that?"

"It seems that they have built up at one point and are firing at us as we pass that point."

"How many?"

"Two-hundred at that point Captain."

"I guess that's our circle plan gone."

"No, next time we pass, we can tractor one of the remaining mines into the group."

"McQueen, do we have any mines left?"

"Only one Captain"

"Well then, we'll have to get this right first time. Sular, deploy the mine, Fenris, engage tractor beam."

"Mine deployed"

"Tractor beam engaged."

"McMillan, Fenris, the timing is crucial here, release this mine at the wrong time and we miss completely."


The Ronin came up on the large gathering again and as it passed released te mine into the cluster. It detonated in the centre taking out all the Zeratul.

"Bull's-eye Captain" reported McMillan.

"Captain, they're filling the hole. Another three hundred and fifty Zeratul taking their place."


"Kobayashi Maru" said Fenris quietly from the back of the bridge.

"Kobayashi Maru" Ryan said solemnly in agreement.