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Author: Lieutenant JG Benosk
Date: 19 February, 2384
Location: USS Ronin

"Captain! take a look at this" said Benosk dropping back from the group. "I think this is an escape pod!!" Captain Evans and the rest of the group dropped back too.

"It is indeed Captain" answered Fenris.

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?!?"

"Only four people will fit onboard. Two would have to stay behind."

"Getting four off, would be better than none. Lieutenant McMillan, take our friends and get out of here!"

"Captain!" she protested. "What about you and Benosk??"

"Yeah, what about me??" added Benosk.

"We will have to stay and fight and hope that we dont get killed before Lieutenant McMillan can get us off."

"Captain, I can't leave you here!"

"You will Lieutenant, thats an order!" The two Vulcans had already taken their unconscious cargo aboard and were waiting. McMillan looked at the pod and then back at Ryan and Benosk.

"Trish, I want you to take command of the Ronin when you get back. With the help of Fenris and Tre'val, the three of you should know everything there is to get us off this ship"

"Excuse me Captain?? Command the Ronin?? Commander Heim will never stand down."

"He will Lieutenant." Ryan took off two of his pips and placed them on McMillans collar. "Commander McMillan, I hereby order you to relieve Commander Heim of his duty and get us back safely"

"Commander huh?"

"It's only temporary Lieutenant so that Heim will give up command."

"Of course Captain, err.. Lieutenant" she said with a smile. "I'll do you proud" she said stepping into the shuttle. The shuttle launched throught the containment field and they were gone.

"So, only a Lieutenant now...." said Benosk

"I still outrank you mate" said Ryan with a smile. "Lets see if we can find someway of getting the shields on this ship down and the weapons off line."