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"Mission Briefing"

Author: Lieutenant JG Benosk
Date: 13 February, 2384
Location: USS Leviathan

Benosk was now sitting in the briefing room of the Leviathan. Similar to when he was in the earlier briefing, the Ronins crew sat on one side and the Leviathans on the other. The Ronins crew was comprised of Captain Evans, Commander Heim, Benosk and Ensign McMillan. On the Leviathans side were most of the Leviathans Senior crew. Captain Devore sat at the head of the table.

"As you may or may not yet know," began Devore," It has recently come to our attention that the Proletarians have deceived us and are planning to enslave us." There were numerous murmurs throughout the room. "Of course, we are not going to let this happen, so we need ideas on how to proceed."

"Can the refractive shielding help in any way?" spoke up McMillan

"Only to a limited extent" replied Commander Barker. "You see, as soon as the Proletarians get with in a certain range, they're sensors will be able to pick us up."

"We could try fighting them off" added Phanan

"I think that may be a bit to risky" Ryan said "Think about it, if we manage to destroy the ship, there will be many more where that came from. Also, you have no idea what they look like, believe me in physical combat, we wouldn't stand a hope in hell!!"

"Plus their telepathic powers could easily put down any resistance we may show" added Heim.

"Everyone seems to be forgetting that as soon as the Proletarians get within range, all telepathic crew members will suffer the same effects as Commander Heim did" said Ensign Katts.

"However, in the previous encounter, the Ronin landed on their home planet! One ship isn't going to pose such a great threat is it?" enquired Ensign Murphy

"I think its safe to say that if he Proletarians have such a high mental ability, that one Proletarian could easily reek havoc with an entire ship of telepaths" replied Ensign Katts

"Well, the Proletarian ship is now only two hours away. I suggest that we fight this one off and the make a run for it." Said Devore

"Captain, they will be able to tell we're planning something" added Ryan.

"Maybe so, but I think I may have a way around it" interrupted Benosk. "The Ronin, could cloak and wait a little way off and we could essentially use the Leviathan as bait."

"But wouldn't they be able to read the thoughts of the Ronins crew?" asked Devore

"Not if we could apply some sort of dampening field that would block off the thoughts of the Ronins crew."

"I see where he's going with this Captain" added Barker. "I think I can set up the dampening field however, I would need to be aboard the Ronin to do so."

"Do what you need to do Commander. Hopefully, we'll be able to hold off this one attack. Everybody Dismissed."