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"On Her Feet"

Author: Lieutenant Elias McQueen
Date: 29 January, 2384
Location: Engineering

"Okay Lieutenant power up the second ODN power coupling to the plasma flow junction." Ensign Johnson said as he was standing at the main control panel for the ships warp drive systems.

McQueen was using his interphasic spanner coupler and then pressed a few buttons next to the power relay. Then a hum followed by the warp core lighting up and humming a little louder every second. Cheers ran out through the engine room.

"All right sir we did it, and only in 4 hours." Johnson said smiling at his boss.

McQueen tapped his comm. badge and tried not to smile all too much.

"Captain it's done warp power is restored and so are the pulse phaser cannons, shields too, in a day we'll have the torpedo locking systems repaired."

[Ryan here, outstanding work, I'll inform Captain Devore and I suggest you get yourself cleaned up and rested that's an order.]

"Very well sir."

"Johnson you've got engineering while I clean up I'll be back in three hours, and then you can take 6 off."

Elias went to the community sonic shower and cleaned up and then went to his quarters and changed into one of his clean uniforms. He then went into the mess hall and order some coffee and sandwich and went to work reading a PADD.

"Hey didn't the Captain tell you to rest?" McQueen looked up and saw Commander Heim the XO.

"Sir I'm resting, drinking my coffee and eating, and reading a letter from home." McQueen replied.

"Sorry Lieutenant, my mistake." Heim said taking a seat

"Where's home?" He asked politely

"It's from my Uncle he lives on the Moon with my mother. She's not in to good of health." Elias said in a friendly tone,

"Well don't worry Lieutenant we'll be home before you know it." McQueen stood up and smiled and said. "Excuse me sir I'm finished here and I'm going to go and catch some sack time." With that McQueen took off.