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p@t Members Napa Valley Guild Members Updated on 01.17.2003

Akira, Warlock
Akira Hailing from the lands of the East called the Asuka plains is a healer mage named Akira the Warlock. He combines great skills of magery, meditation and evaluating intellect to weave his powerful spells of pure energy. Akira delights in fighting monsters and fellow Sosarians alike and has a keen interest in the fields of medicine and anatomy & can be found often healing the wounded in the field of battle. He is currently a Grandmaster Healer(anatomy), Scribbler, Stoic and Scholar & resides with Lord Oda Nobunaga in the p@t villa. GM Stoic GM Scholar GM Scribe GM Anatomy

Aldur, The Outcast
Aldur Once a high ranking noble in Lord British's court (hence the purple clothes and hair), Aldur was cast out from Britain for using the dark arts of Necromancy in his Biocreations. Aldur the Outcast found refuge at the p@t village after being scorned from the high society of Britain. Being a Grandmaster mage, stoic & scholar helped Aldur pour over ancient tomes in his search to reach the highest levels of magery, dark magery, albeit. It is rumored that the Plague spawn that roams the polluted swamps is the result of an experiment gone terribly wrong in Aldur's laboratories. He often retreats to the solace of the Star room to ponder new incantations and has a thing for dabbling with locked chests. Many an explosion turned his once beautiful purple beard ice white! Anger not this man of nobility, lest he lay the heavy steel of his magical Halberd on your skull, for beneath those wizardly robes lies the heart of a warrior! Aldur is a 7x GM and has GM's tactics, fencing, anatomy and healing on top of his magery skills! GM Tactics GM Fencing GM Anatomy GM Healing GM Mage GM Stoic GM Scholar

Bushido Blade, Bladecrafter
Bushido Blade Bushido Blade is a katana crafter in training from the Clan Murasaki. He works and lives with Lady Murasaki and Lord Oda Nobunaga in the p@t villa. As a current understudy of all the great Grandmaster Blacksmiths of p@t, Bushido longs for the day when he is able to place his mark on his finely crafted blades. His favorite item to make is the katana and as a GM miner he will gladly accept gifts of ingots (especially valorite) or runic hammers. You can find him often working at the forge and mining in the general areas around the village. See him if you need armor and weapon repairs as he will gladly do it. GM Miner

Lord Elric Redslayer, Defender of
Lord Elric Redslayer Glorious Lord Elric Redslayer is a Grandmaster Warrior sworn to hunt down and destroy all evil PK's. His favorite attacks are the Deadly Poisoned kryss and Para blows from his Tribal spear, followed by a blistering explosion and energy bolt combination that usually destroys his enemy. Once a member of the Corps of Chaos, he is now more devoted to his guild and protecting of Lady Selphie. He assists in training all new warriors as he is an Elder Fencer & 6x Grandmaster in Tactics, Anatomy, Healing, Magery, Eval and Meditation. He has captured the power of the Daemon Bone Helm and now seeks the holy blue spear of vanquishing. He delights in sparring w/ Raziel, Aldur and Kunoichi daily to keep his combat skills honed and is considering a return to the ranks of Chaos fighters. Elder Fencer GM Tactics GM Anatomy GM Healing GM Mage GM Scholar GM Stoic

Heidi O'cea, Green Goblin
Heidi O'cea Have you ever been beaten out at an IDOC by an unseen foe? Did that chest you were going to pick up mysteriously disappear? Ever experienced a drive by Poison field? Ha ha ha...if you answered yes to any of those questions, Heidi could've been in the area. This nuclear green haired siren delights on causing mischief and mayhem. Her partner in crime is her good pal Vidala who sports a mane of Halloween orange hair! Being that IDOCs are currently on hold, Heidi is retooling herself with some GM skills like Anatomy, Hiding, Magery, Meditation, Eval & Wrestling in preparation for future PvP battles. She particularly enjoys using her "Stunna!" ability after unleashing a nasty explosion / poison / ebolt combo coupled with a purple GBoom p@t thrown at her unsuspecting target! She has no qualms about running away when things aren't going her way as well. GM Mage GM Stoic GM Scholar GM Anatomy GM Wrestling

Lady Janus Bladesbane, Enchanted Crafter
Lady Janus Bladesbane [Elder Smith] Dark Lady Janus Bladesbane is a 7x GM: Grandmaster Alchemist, Mage, Miner, Elder Smith, Stoic, Tailor and Tinker of p@t. She has working hard to become a many times over Grandmaster in all the skills of the craft world. Lady Janus delights in finding new veins of colored ore and collecting stones of color as she is a GM Miner. She usually is near her cabin working on her skills or out studying various works of other GM Smiths. She is able to craft all types of GM fine leather or metal armors and weapons. You can also find her often repairing armor & weapons at the Britain north forge. Her favorite metal is valorite & she will do anything to get her hands on it. She and Lady Selphie are assembling a great collection of personally made katana's by all of the famous Smiths of Napa Valley. Don't miss your chance to get onto their wall of Fame! Elder Smith GM Alchemist GM Mage GM Stoic GM Miner GM Tailor GM Tinker

Jasmine, Lumberjane of
Jasmine Jasmine is a fearsome Grandmaster Lumberjane who delights in crippling her opponents with a mighty Vanquishing Large Battle Axe Concussion blow. A lonesome soul by nature, Jasmine has fled to the woods of Sosaria to hide from her father, Lord Mea Inu, and her sister, Lady Lidia. She is the evil twin sister of Lady Lidia and only enjoys the fellow company of Laka and other Lumberjackers while looking for monsters or [Order] warriors to fight against. She especially despises mages and will attack them on sight, as she doesn't trust anyone who cannot wield a sword. Jasmine recently has recently retired from the forces of Chaos in order to spend more time with her guildmates. She's always looking for a few good heads that need to be chopped off! She often uses a precasted Flamestrike combined with massive hits from her devastating large battle axe to vanquish her foes! GM LJacker GM Tactics GM Swords GM Anatomy GM Hiding

Kunoichi, Kage no Gundan
Kunoichi Do you know what a kage is?...have you ever felt the shiver of a dark shadow pass through you? The think...or could it have been one of the deadly ninja, assassins, passing you by? Count your lucky stars that you were not the victim as you wouldn't have been alive to feel the wind. Such is Kunoichi, one of the shadows. She hails from Clan Murasaki, from the Yamato plains of Japan. After the Great Dark Wars, she wandered for many years searching for her clan in vain until one night, a fellow samurai from the same house, Yagyuu sensed her in the shadows on the lowest floor of Shame. He begged her to rejoin him in his new guild and offered her a place of safety where she could complete her training in the dark arts of ninjitsu. Kunoichi will gladly take any bounty and track her prey down & slay them painfully first with her razor sharp DP kryss and then skewer them upon her tribal spear. She is a 7x Grandmaster Fencer, Healer (Anat & Healing), Mage, Scholar, Warrior and Stoic. WATCH YOUR BACK! GM Tactics GM Fencer GM Anatomy GM Healing GM Mage GM Scholar GM Stoic

Laka, Killa Boy
Laka Laka, Great warrior son of Lani, is a mighty Grandmaster Lumberjack who weilds a great battle axe in the name of Justice. He wanders the woods and dungeons of Felucca and Trammel to slay all evil creatures in his path. Laka is quickly angered by murderers and will immediately seek their heads whenever possible. Never ask him to spar while he has his axe brandished, or ye will see the world of black in two hits! Such is the power of the Axe. He can sometimes be seen in the shadows of the woods with Jasmine practicing his deadly concussion blow attacks. Be careful in taunting one of them as the other is always nearby, especially Jasmine, as she delights in striking from the hidden shadows. GM LJacker GM Tactics GM Swords GM Anatomy

Lani, Alii Wahine
Lani Lani, proud mother of Laka, is a Grandmaster Archer Tamer who fights besides Laka in his battles. Her arrows rain death from afar while her mare punishes all those who oppose her mighty child. Get too close to her and she will use her skills of magery to ebolt you as well. She is the matron of p@t Tower in Trammel and spends most of her time tending to her administrative duties there. She occasionally will join in on a hunt or dungeon crawl to lend her skill in slaying the foul beasts that hide in the shadows...she enjoys collecting magic bows and "Slayer" bows and will pay well for fine unused items! GM Tactics GM Swords GM Archer GM Anatomy

Lawai'a, Ho'okele Wahine
Lawai'a Lawai'a, brother of Lani and uncle of Laka, is a peaceful Grandmaster Fisherman. He has sailed all the seas of Sosaria and fished up much of the mysterious wealth from its depths. Do not be fooled by this fisherman's simple ways, for he is also a Grandmaster Warrior. He taught Rinoa all of his knowledge of the seas in hopes that she will continue in his craft. Quiet by nature, he is rarely seen on land, but one may catch him passing by on the open ocean. Lawai'a can fish up MIB's, nets, Krakens, and all kinds of loot from the well as the new Serpent scales. Leave a message for him at the p@t Tower if you desire such goods. GM Tactics GM Swords GM Anatomy GM Parry GM Fisher

Lady Lidia, Shepherdess
Lady Lidia Glorious Lady Lidia is the good twin sister of Jasmine. She was raised in the beautiful arts of music & magic and has attained the status of Grandmaster Bard, Mage, Peacemaker, and Stoic. She can be found slaying great evil creatures by turning them on each other and using her magic to raise the dead and heal the wounded. Her favorite hunting grounds is the Ice Cave and t2a Ice fields where she hopes the magic of the Staff can help her heal her sister. She continues her endless search for Jasmine in hopes of saving her twin sister from becoming a permanent murderer. Recently she has expanded her search for Jasmine to the Cave of the Dragon (Destard) where she turns the foul beasts on each other and can be found raising the fallen warriors who test their courage there. Alas, she still searches in vain for her sister. Lord Mea Inu and now Lord Oda Nobunaga help her in her quest. GM Mage GM Stoic GM Bard GM Peacemaker

Lord Mea Inu, Elder Kahuna
Lord Mea Inu Glorious Lord, Mea Inu is the guild's first Grandmaster Bard. He is the mentor and father to both Lidia and Jasmine. While Lidia followed in his musical & magical path, Jasmine became corrupted and took to the evil warrior's way. Lord Mea Inu is the current guild elder and resides at the p@t Tower in Trammel. He often wanders its dungeons and woods loudly playing his beating drums in his hopeless search for his daughter Jasmine. He also can be found with Lidia hunting for the Staff at the Ice Cave. The "Roof of Lights" was completed with all of his hard work in gathering the Ice Staffs. Lord Mea Inu is a 7x Grandmaster Mage, Scholar, Spell Resister, & Stoic and is also a GM Wrestler, Provoker and Musician. He is elusive by nature and may grant a special favor of training if the requestor brings him a "Rope of the Kraken" as a gift. GM Mage GM Resist GM Scholar GM Stoic GM Bard GM Provocation GM Wrestling

Lady Megami Hyakujuu, Grand Wyrmtamer
Lady Megami Lady Megami Hyakujuu is one of the Grandmaster Ranger/Tamers of p@t. She enjoys the company of all creatures of the woods & always rides her pure white Unicorn when travelling the world. Take heed when speaking to her as she will be quick to summon her White Wyrm to munch your bones into dust! She belongs to the fellowship of tamers with Lady lizza, Lady Murasaki, Lady Shin Wyrmbreaker and Lord Oda Nobunaga. GM Ranger GM Tamer GM Stoic

Lady Murasaki, Temptress of
Lady Murasaki The cold wind blows across the Yamato plains as Glorious Lady Murasaki, astride her Mare, surveys the land. As a fellow Bard/Tamer/Mage with Lord Oda Nobunaga, Lady Shin Wyrmbreaker, Lady Chelsea, Lady Rena, and Lord Dookie, she utilizes the power of the White Wyrm. Lady Murasaki joins p@t as the sister of Lord Oda Nobunaga & under his guidance. Murasaki, which means purple in Japanese, is a fellow member of royalty from the warring clan-house of Oda and is a Grandmaster Bard, Mage, Ranger and Stoic. She joins her family and clan mates; Ryu Hime and Yagyuu Juubei as the Clan of Oda reunites under the p@t banner. GM Bard GM Ranger GM Mage GM Stoic

Raizel, Slayer Bowcrafter of
Raizel Raizel is the resident Grandmaster Bowcrafter and instructor on the art of Archery & Anatomy for warriors. On the side he loves to cook and can often be found mixing tribal paint from special blue berries. Being a Grandmaster Bowcrafter, he can make all types of bows & convert Juka bows into usable Slayer ones. Raizel also has Grandmastered Magery. He is fond of riding his pet llama Speedy thru the woods picking various wild herbs and hunting game to prepare meals for the guild. Raizel operates one vendor out of the p@t villa that sells bows, xbows, heavy xbows, orcish bows, arrows, bolts, and tribal paint. He is also happy to accept any orders for birthday or wedding cakes, so leave a message in the p@t L shaped 2 story for him! GM Tactics GM Archer GM Anatomy GM Mage GM Bowcrafter

Lady Rinoa, Revenue Director of
Lady Rinoa Lady Rinoa is one of two of the guild's Hunters of Treasure. She is a Grandmaster fisherwoman who was taught by Lawai'a. While a mage at heart, she enjoys the quiet of the open ocean & the darkness of the dungeons to the hustle and bustle of city life. Her favorite things are weapons of Vanquishing, armors of Invulnerability, and rare items. You can find her killing Krakens and picking the abundance of chests throughout the dungeons of Sosaria. She has completed the trilogy of magery study and has attained the rank of GM mage, stoic, and scholar through the study of the arcane and skill of cartography. She currently is able to read the language of the ancients who wrote level 5 maps as a GM Cartographer & enjoys any treasure hunt as she can pick chests 1 thru 5 with her GM Lockpicking skills.
GM Mage GM Scholar GM Stoic GM Cartographer GM Lockpicker GM Hiding GM Fisher

Rocki Roads, NaMeLz
Rocki Roads As if one disarm thief was bad enough, now p@t is graced with the skills of Vidala's pal, Rocki... Already a GM wrestler from her WWE days, Rocki has GM'd anatomy and is quite a stunning beauty. She is working hard to complete her training in arms lore, but finds it quite boring and would rather be out tormenting warriors by disarm stealing their weapons or stun stealing regs from mages. She has a fascination for flowers, square tool kits and arrow shafts and can be seen in Moonglow and Papua trying to filch a few while the store owners are not looking...Draw those purse strings tight, or Rocki might help herself to some of your shiny gold! GM Wrestling GM Anatomy

Lady Selphie, Mistress of
Lady Selphie Evil Lady Selphie is the Guildmistress of p@t as well as the owner of the many vendors at the p@t UO Fortress. While not a warrior, this wise woman is a 7x Grandmaster Alchemist, Carpenter, Mage, Miner, Smith, Tailor, and Tinker. She aspires to be Napa Valley's best craftswoman! See her to order the new special craftables and finely crafted GM Lady marked goods. She can usually be found mining in the caves of Covetous mountains and tending to her multiple vendors. Selphie's favorite pastime is to wander the world searching for beautiful rares to buy. If you would like to get on her good side, sell her something rare at a fair price! She especially loves potted plants to decorate her house with, or any of those cute mini monster statues!
GM Alchemist GM Carpenter GM Mage GM Miner GM Smith GM Tailor GM Tinker

Lord Sharpedge, Ma'alea Kane
Lord Sharpedge Sinister Lord Sharpedge is the Guild Grandmaster Blacksmith who produces fine weapons and armor for all. He is a tireless man who toils by the forge for hours on end and is quick to put the blade to any who crosses his path. Lord Sharpedge lately has fancied the arts of alchemy, poisoning, and carpentry and delights in getting gifts of regs and wood. Since becoming a GM alchemist, he loves to mix barrels of Deadly poison & is always in need of nightshade. He can be found working in Trammel at the p@t Tower.
GM Alchemist GM Smith

Lady Shin Wyrmbreaker, Enchantress of
Lady Shin Wyrmbreaker Glorious Lady, Shin Wyrmbreaker is a distant cousin to Lady Lidia and Jasmine who has recently joined the guild. She is a fellow Grandmaster Archer, Warrior, Ranger, Mage and Stoic & continues in training her taming skills. Shinhaku, her pet Unicorn keeps her company as she wanders the world looking for animals to befriend and charm. Lady Shin has also met the great White Wyrm and has asked it to join her in her travels around Sosaria. She currently lives with Lady Selphie and assists her in day to day chores while working her way into p@t. She can be found training her pets against Elder gazers or Daemons throught the world. She enjoys the company of her fellow tamer friend, Lady Chelsea. They occasionally tempt the wild efreet into giving up a nice piece of Daemon bone armor. Wouldn't a helm would be nice! Her recent companion has been Lord Oda Nobunaga, a fellow tamer that joined the guild.
GM Ranger GM Tactics GM Archer GM Mage GM Stoic

Lord Slave Zero, Lore Keeper of
Lord Slave Zero Evil Lord Slave Zero is Lady Selphie's personal advisor and assassin. He is a Grandmaster Mage, Spell Resister, Scholar, Scribe, and Wrestler as well as a Master Poisoner. Slave stocks the many vendors at the Fortress and can be found there scribing scrolls, making rune books, and grinding potions. See him for GM runebooks, all levels of scrolls, all types of potions and poisons, rares, magical weapons and armor, ID wands, and spellbooks. He often frequents the Skara Brae bank to deposit all of his profits. On nights when the blood moon is full, he conducts the secret ceremony of the Daemon at the evil shrine on Fire Isle and is soon rumoured to be joining in the Factions Wars to test his battle readiness.
GM Mage GM Resist GM Scholar GM Stoic GM Scribe GM Wrestling

Tuco, So Ono
Tuco Ever felt the sting of Deadly Poison? "Come and stand next to me" whispers a voice from beneath a healer's robes. In Nox! You've just been DP'd by Tuco! Being a 7x Grandmaster Poisoner, Mage, Rogue, Stoic, Scribe, Scholar, and Wrestler makes for a pretty deadly Nox Mage. Tuco is the resident Assasin trainer and instructs Lord Slave Zero on the finer points of Kunoichi takes notes in the shadows! He is able to make GM marked runebooks and his poisoned blades are the finest in the land. Tuco features a vendor at the p@t villa that sells all types and levels of magical weapons, including Vanquishings! Come see our fine wares, but don't get too close to him! GM Mage GM Scholar GM Stoic GM Scribe GM Wrestling GM Hiding GM Poisoner

Lord Valaris, Slayer of the Abyss
Lord Valaris Glorious Lord Valaris is an old friend of Lady Selphie's from the United Blacksmiths of Britannia. He helped Selphie greatly on her quest to reach the status of Grandmaster Smith with advice and suggestions. p@t is honored to have such a famous Blacksmith warrior join their guild. Besides being a great blacksmith, Lord Valaris is also a potent warrior who prefers to use magical armor and devastating swords of power. He is a Grandmaster Healer, Swordsman, & Warrior and has become Lady Selphie's protector and advisor to the newer ranks of p@t. He often is at the p@t village helping to train Yagyuu Juubei in his progression in the arts of war. See him if you need fine GM armors or weapons. GM Smith GM Tactics GM Swords GM Anatomy

Yagyuu Juubei, Warlord of the East
Yagyuu Juubei Yagyuu Juubei is a fellow samurai from the clan of Ryu Hime and the House of Oda. He had disappeared when that clan was broken up in the Great Dark Wars & recently resurfaced at the doors of the p@t Tower looking for his former clanmate. As time wandering the world of Sosaria deminished his skills, he is once again training dilligently to master the arts of war and death. The katana is his favorite weapon as all "Kensai", Japanese swordmasters, prefer to use and has already Grandmastered the arts of war, anatomy, healing, macing, swordsmanship and the shield again. He enjoys going to Shame where he slays many an Earth Elemental. GM Tactics GM Swords GM Macer GM Anatomy GM Healing

Zeus, Son of Zeus
Zeus Zeus is the mortal son of the God Zeus himself. One day in his father's palace, he was playing around with one of his father's godly devices and knocked himself out with one of them. When he awoke, he found himself trapped in a strange land filled with strange people and creatures. He soon honed his magical abilities to be strong enough to live in this strange new land after realizing he was on his own. Zeus wandered around this land for many years searching in vain for any of his family. He had remembered an old story that his half brother Valaris lived in Trammel. In time he found Valaris while prospecting for ore in the Covetous Mountains. Valaris was working as a Grandmaster smith at the p@t village and as Dread Lady Selphie's Protector. Zeus had finally found his home and was accepted in by Lady Selphie and his half brother Valaris. Zeus is a GM Miner and is an aspiring Hunter of Treasure & can be found mining rare ores and stones such as Verite and Valorite all over Britannia. GM Miner

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