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The Hogwarts Tower of Time

Harry Potter
~ Websites ~

Official Sites

The Scholastic Harry Potter Website

The Warner Bros. Harry Potter Website

Organizations and the Like

The Daily Prophet / Defense Against The Dark Arts

PotterWar! (Support The WB Victims!)

Muggles For Harry Potter

Fan Sites

Hagrid's Hut


Harry Potter's Realm of Wizardry

The Marauder's Retreat

Role Playing and/or Fan Fiction Sites

The Virtual World of Harry Potter

Hermione's World

The Sugar Quill

Reference Sites and the Like

The Unofficial Harry Potter Fan Club

Encyclopaedia Potterica Name & Word Origins

The Spell Book

The Harry Potter Lexicon

What's In a Name? -- The Guide to Harry Potter Name Etymology

Buttons, Art, and the Like

Harry Potter Personalities

Harry Potter Devotions

The Hogwarts Tower of Time
Want your website to be featured in this page?

I only have a few "restrictions."
Most are obvious, but just in case:

1. Must actually be a website based on the
Harry Potter books, somehow.
2. Kid friendly sites.
The highest rating I'll accept is PG-13.
3. It should have quality pages. I will not add in
rantings or pages that looks like they were
copied and pasted from message boards.

There, now that's not too hard, is it?
Now send in your sites!

Owl me at

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Last update:
June 14, 2003