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Title banner: Credits and Disclaimers Page for the Hogwarts Tower of Time


Citing Me

Someone once e-mailed me to ask about how to cite me on a paper she was writing. I couldn't answer back in time, unfortunately, but hopefully the following information will help anyone with the same question in the future.

First, make sure you know how to cite websites.

Now my info:
Name: TLG
Title of page: See heading and title bar of page you want to cite. Pick whichever you like best.
Title of website: Hogwarts Tower of Time - Realm of the Miscellaneous. (You can leave out the last part if you want. It's a subtitle.)
Publisher/Organization: This is a personal website, so you can skip this. If your teacher is very picky, use Angelfire. hosts my website for free.
URL of page:

Linking to Me

Can I link to you?

If you want to, I'd love that!
Some websites have long lists of Harry Potter fan sites, others only list a few. I think the best lists contain more than just super sites (hint, hint).

If you want to, you can use some of my small buttons:

My website url is

Must I link to you?

If you take anything from my website (that includes quoting me or borrowing information), then yes. It doesn't have to be a big flashy link that intrudes on your page, but do have it accessible to your readers. Some of the stuff on my website I find while researching in a library or on the web. Please credit me when my findings and/or commentary are useful to you! I will, in turn, do the same for others. Thank you! :-)


I do not own or claim to own Harry Potter.

I do not make or attempt to make a profit off this website. This website is a fan site created by a fan, not a person directly connected to the making, editing, publishing, or marketing of the Harry Potter books or the Harry Potter movies. No copyright infringement is intended.

The author of the Harry Potter books is JK Rowling. The publishers of the Harry Potter book series include (but are not limited to) Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books. The movie rights for Harry Potter are owned by AOL-Time Warner (Warner Brothers).

If you would like to see the official site, please click here to go to the Warner Brothers Official Harry Potter Website or here to go to the Official Scholastic Harry Potter Website.

The Webmistress of HTOT.

Today is
This page was last updated October 1, 2005.