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The Black Chocobo Guild Adoption Center!

The Black Chocobo Guild Adoption Center

Have you ever wished you were a digidestined so that you could have your very own Digimon? Did you ever wish that Final Fantasy was real so you could get a chocobo? Well now you can get pretty darn close to here!

Click the banner above to go back to our guild!

In the coding there are parts that are in caps lock. In these places you are to put your own infomation. For example where it says "ENTER YOUR DIGIMON'S FAVOURITE FOOD" ((OR CHOCOBO'S)) you would put something like "Sandwiches" Easy enough right?


  1. Do not change the coding other than the words in caps lock. If the coding for your adoptable is too much for your Neopets shop then you can erase some of the coding, like the stats. But please always keep the last line ((The "Abopt your own at The Black Chocobo Guild Aboption Center!")) in the code, please.
  2. Please give them respect. Do not put them on sites that are not suitable to childern.
  3. Make sure that they all link back to this site.
  4. Have fun!

Adopt A Digi!

Here you can adopt a little Digimon of your own. We have lots so there's a good chance the one you're looking for is here! The Digimon are in order from A-Z so it would be easier to find that Digimon you're after. Remember to feed it and give your Digi lots of love! ^_^




Adopt A Little Chocobo!

That's right now you can own your every own chocobo! Yay!! ^_^ I, TsunamiBlade, have finally made a little Techno Chocobo ((guild's mascot)) to adopt!! ^_^ Remember to take good care of them!

Little Chocobo Adoptables

Adopt A Secret of Mana Elemental!

We now have all the Elementals from Secret of Mana.((The second one in Japan)) Enjoy! ^_^
Secret of Mana Elementals

Adopt A Cutie!

Random cuties for your sites! We will be adding more when we find more so keep checking back!
Cuties Adoptables

Adopt A Digi Character!

Now you can abopt most of the characters from all the Digimon seasons!
Digi Characters

Adopt A Digi Mini!

You can also adopt a mini verson of the Digimon Characters!
Digi Minis

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All Digimon Gifs I got from Lelola. I can't remember where I first got the chocobo gifs but you can find them at Anime Animations.The Techno Chocobo is copyrighted to TsunamiBlade for the idea and the design of the little technic things the chocobo is wearing. The orignal black chocobo gif is copyrighted to the person who made them ((which I don't know who that is right now ^.^')) The Elementals I got from Galleria. All the Cuties are from different sites which I can't remember what they are, sorry.